Eastman raw materials for the Pharmaceutical industry - C&EN Global

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Eastman r a w materials f o r the Pharmaceutical industry

acetaldehyde acefanilide acetic acid acetic anhydride acetone benxoquinone ethyl acetate e t h y l alcohol Gsobutyl a c e t a t e i s o b u t y i alcohol isobutyraldehyde isopropyl acetate Ten ox® a n t i o x i d a n t s o x i d i z e d cellulose


For properties a n d shipping information on these M and other Eastman products, a

For information about these and other Eastman


c h e m i c a l products, call o u r nearest sales r e p r e s e n t a t i v e


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_ see Chemical Materials I ^ ^. or·* 1 C a t a l o g , page 357, o r À

vVeek B u y e r s G u i d e , page 85.

o r w r i t e t o E a s t m a n Chemical Products, I n c . , C h e m i c a l s D i v i s i o n , Kingsporf, T e n n e s s e e .

CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, INC. KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE subsidiary of EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY SALES OFFICES: Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee; Atlanta; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Framingham, Massachusetts; Greensboro, N . C ; Houston; New York City; St. Louis. W e s t Coast: W i i s o n m e y e r C©., San Francisco; Los Angeles; Portland; Salt Lake City; Seattle.