
with ore extradants, we recommend this branched 8-carbon acid for investigation. Its soaps make interesting gelling agents, too. C=C—CN. Methacr...
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Eastman presents some new chemicals


I c

ο II -c—c

-ο—οΙ c

2-Ethylisohexanoic Acid Form S. G. 20/20°C Boiling Point, 738mm. Acid, %

liquid 0.9036 216-223.7°C 97.9

For those who are developing better paint driers, vinyl stabilizers, or plasticizers or who are in­ trigued with ore extradants, we recommend this branched 8-carbon acid for investigation. Its soaps make interesting gelling agents, too.

for "scientific fiddling"

I c

2-Ethylisohexyl Acetate Form S. G. 20°/20°C Boiling Range, 760mm.

liquid 0.865-0.870 186-195°C

Here's a new ester solvent with a very low evapo­ ration rate and very low water solubility—a valu­ able combination of properties for multi-color lacquer and emulsion formulations, for instance.



Methacrylonitrile Form S. G. 2 0 / 4 ° C Boiling Point

HO— li

liquid 0.8001 90.3°C

The possibilities here are limited only by the imagination—a vinyl linkage and a cyanide radical on a short molecule.

From metal chelating to insecticide manufacture anyone interested in quinone compounds will find this one easy to work with—decidedly more stable than most and less irritating to skin and eyes.


Crotonic Acid Form Crystallization Point Purity

2,5-Dihydroxybenzoquinone Form solid Melting Point 216°C (Decomposed) Quality Technical grade

crystalline solid not less than 65°C not less than 97%

If you're working with alkyds, take a good look at this highly reactive unsaturated acid. Reports are that it makes excellent fast-drying resins. Insect­ icide chemists have also shown considerable interest.


I I I c—c—c—c—c I I c c 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol Form Melting Point Boiling Range, 4mm. Purity, Min.

solid 49-51°C 109-111°C 95%

Here's one for chemists delving into synthetic lubricants and lube additives. The unusual con­ figuration of this 8-carbon glycol yields esters with some very unique physical properties.

Several of these chemicals will be available on a commercial scale shortly. We've samples and

Eastman CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, INC. KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Company

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more data. Your requests for t h e m are welcome. Call or write t o Sales Development Department, Chemicals Division, Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee