diameter smaller than that of the pipet. (Alternatively, .... The 1455 Calorimeter is easily converted to a Semimicro Bomb Calorimeter for deter- mini...
This operation, when air-sensitive compounds are involved usually is performed in a globe-box with an inert gas. The procedure described in this article offers a ...
May 1, 1996 - In Praise of Latex Gloves. Francisco J. Arnáiz. Journal of Chemical Education 2000 77 (10), 1354. Abstract | PDF | PDF w/ Links ...
Take a latex glove, turn it inside out, and remove the talcum powder. Cut off a finger of appropriate size at its base. 2. Make a small hole in the closed end of the ...
of securing ground-glass joints and stopcocks in reaction vessels under positive pressures of nitrogen and argon that obviates the need for springs. We have ...
tubing allows the connection of an injector (Pasteur pipet).An assembled apparatus is shown in thefigure. M. N. Quigley. Chevron Science Center. University of.
a weighed filter cru- cible and obtain the weight of the whole after drying. The weight of the osmium tetroxide used to prepare the stronger solution is.
the boiling point to make it certain that higher manganese oxides have been brought completely into solution. Dip the end of the condenser into 10.
The Gran plot analysis of an acid mixture: An undergraduate experiment to highlight this alternate method. Journal of Chemical Education. Boiani. 1986 63 (8), p ...
A new method for laser-enhanced ionization detection of mercury atoms in an inert gas atmosphere is described. The method, which is based on the avalanche ...
Laboratory operations in an inert atmosphere without a dry box. Raymond D. Kimbrough Jr. J. Chem. Educ. , 1967, 44 (2), p 113. DOI: 10.1021/ed044p113.