tions: A Textbook in Quantitative. Analysis. C. T. Kenner and R. E. O'Brien, xx. + 395 pages. ... Ed. James S. Fritz and George H. Schenk, Jr. xii + 6...
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New Books Analytical Separations and Determina­ tions: A Textbook in Quantitative Analysis. C. T. K e n n e r a n d R. E. O'Brien, xx + 3 9 5 pages. Macm i l l a n Co., 8 6 6 T h i r d Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 1 0 0 2 2 . 1 9 7 1 . $ 9 . 9 5 Laboratory Directions for Analytical Sep­ arations and Determinations. C. T. Kenner. vii + 2 1 6 pages. Macm i l l a n Co., 8 6 6 T h i r d Ave., New York, N. Y. 1 0 0 2 2 . 1971. Paperbound. $3.95

T h e textbook is designed for a onesemester course in q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis for chemistry majora as well as nonmajors. It will be a p p r o p r i a t e for com­ bined classes or classes enrolling p r c p r o fessional students as well as students majoring in t h e life sciences. T h e c h a p ­ ters fall into four categories: (1) t h e first five chapters cover introductory material and t h e fundamental calcula­ tions involved in all types of analysis; (2) chapters 6 to 11 discuss the basic theory and practice of precipitation, neutralization, and oxidation-reduction m e t h o d s : (3) a third set of chapters deals with separations and simple elec­ trochemical and photometric instru­ m e n t a t i o n : and (4) the last two c h a p ­ ters examine the reliability of analytical results and the techniques required for

q u a n t i t a t i v e l a b o r a t o r y work. Ap­ pendices include a review of inorganic nomenclature, a discussion of the use of logarithms, a simple solubility table, a review of literature, and all the neces­ sary tables. T h i s text is p a r t of a co­ ordinated package which includes text, laboratory manual, and teacher's manuals.

Quantitative Analytical Chemistry, 2nd Ed. J a m e s S. Fritz a n d George H. Schenk, Jr. xii + 6 6 0 pages. Allyn & B a c o n , Inc., 4 7 0 A t l a n t i c Ave., Boston, Mass. 1969. $11.50

T h e second edition of this text is pri­ marily the same as the first. T h e au­ thors have tried to expand some of the material which they feel was covered too briefly in (heir first edition. T h e y have also added material on significant newer methods of separation and analy­ sis. T h e a u t h o r s have also increased the number and variety of problems at the ends of the chapters. T h e basic c h a p t e r on colorimetric and spectrophotometric methods has been com­ pletely rewritten with greater emphasis on modern methods and equipment. Two new chapter.* also have been added. A chapter on potentiometric measurements with ion-selective elec­

trodes points u p t h e developments in this area. T h e other new chapter treats the elementary theory of visible and u v spectra, florescence methods, and de­ duction of t h e s t r u c t u r e of organic com­ pounds from ir spectra. ' T h e material in this book is sufficient for a one-year course in qualitative analytical chem­ istry, particularly if some supple­ m e n t a r y reading is assigned from chem­ ical journals or books. Experimental Chemistry. Lawrence J . Sacks, xiv + 2 3 2 pages. M a c m i l l a n Co., 8 6 6 T h i r d Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10022. Paperbound. 1971. $5.50

This lab m a n u a l is based on the con­ viction t h a t ehemislry is an experi­ mental science, and t h a t laboratory work in general chemistry is i m p o r t a n t and deserves the best possible presenta­ tion in order that it can be an effective introduction to experimental work. Lab work is the essence of chemistry ; therefore, the a u t h o r of this m a n u a l wanted to present a book thai would be of value now and t h a t the student would w a n t to keep for future reference. This manual is divided into six sections: I. Identification of substances b y physi­ cal p r o p e r t i e s : I I . Solutions: H I . Acids (Cutiliiittctl ou liage SiïA)

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