Waters Associates Inc., Maple St.,. Milford, Mass. 01757. ... struments, Inc., Spinco Division, 1117. California Ave., Palo ... Varian Associates of P...
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News Seattle, J u n e 13-14; Denver, J u n e 15-16; Kansas City, J u n e 27-28; Minneapolis, J u n e 29-30. $100. ContactWaters Associates Inc., Maple St., Milford, Mass. 01757. 617-478-2000 A m i n o Acid A n a l y z e r Beckman plant in Palo Alto, Calif. J u n e 6-10. $300 (includes instructional materials, noon meals, and transportation while a t the training center). Contact: L. K. Redfield, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Spinco Division, 1117 California Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 X-ray Spectrometry S t a t e University of New York a t Albany. J u n e 6-17. First week: Basic Principles and Techniques, $400. Second week: Fundamentals a n d Practical Applications, $400. $750 for both. Contact: Henry Chessin, S t a t e University of New York at Albany, Dep a r t m e n t of Physics, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12222. 518-4578339 X-ray Powder Diffraction State University of New York a t Albany. J u n e 20-July 1. First week: Principles and Instrumentation, $400. Sec-

ond week: Practical Applications, $400. $750 for both. Contact: Henry Chessin, State University of New York a t Albany, Department of Physics, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12222. 518-457-8339

For Your Information V a r i a n A s s o c i a t e s of Palo Alto, Calif., announces the availability of a leasing plan for Varian analytical instruments. T h e wide variety of Varian equipment available under the leasing plan are nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers, mass spectrometers, gas and liquid chromatographs, spectrophotometers, spectropolarimeters, atomic absorption spectrophotometers, high-energy electromagnets, vacuum systems, and leak detection instruments. Lease terms range from one to seven years, and the rates depend upon the length of the lease. T h e plan is being made available through C. R. Goodlet, V. G.

Leasing Associates, 611 Hansen Way, M / S D-415, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 (415-493-1635). Postdoctoral traineeships in clinic a l c h e m i s t r y are available July 1, 1977. T h e program (ABCC-approved) is designed to train P h D biochemists or chemists t o become clinical chemists in a research-oriented hospital. Appointments are for one year only at an N I H stipend of $10,000. Preference will be given to those with prior experience in a hospital laboratory. Send curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to Alex Kaplan, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, SB-10, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195. A c h a r t of n u c l i d e s , which can be useful in planning neutron activation analyses, has been developed for a rapid finding of nuclides t h a t may be formed by neutron activation. T h e chart has been published as J A E R I - M 6785 by the Division of Technical Information, J a p a n Atomic Energy Research Institute, Toaki, Ibaraki 31911, J a p a n .

ELECTRO-ANALYTICAL APPARATUS ELECTRO-ANALYZER, Cat. 1000. For simultaneous or individual determination of copper, lead, zinc, nickel, antimony, cadmium by electro-deposition. For 115/230V, 50/60 Hz. . . without electrodes $1250.00 ULTRA-SPEED ELECTROANALYZER, Cat. 1250. For high speed determinations of copper and lead by electro-deposition. Deposits 1 gram of copper in 8 minutes. Single position instrument. For 115v, 50/ 60 Hz. . .without electrodes $1450.00 DYNA-CATH, Magnetic Mercury Cathode, Cat. 1510. For rapid separation of metals. For example, analysis of aluminum in zinc-base alloys. For 115v, 50/60 Hz. . .with platinum electrodes $2100.00



Visit our booth at Pittsburgh Conference CIRCLE 67 ON READER SERVICE CARD 208 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 49, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1977