221 Park Ave., Hicksville, NY 11801 · (516) 935-8774. U.S. Pat. #422669. CIRCLE 274 ON READER SERVICE CARD. 224 A ·. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL ...
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ELECTRO-ANALYTICAL APPARATUS ELECTRO-ANALYZER, Cat. 1000. For simultaneous or individual deter­ mination of copper, lead, zinc, nickel, antimony, cadmium by electro-deposi­ t i o n . For 115/230v, 50/60 Hz. . . w i t h o u t electrodes $2100.00 ULTRA-SPEED ELECTROA N A L Y Z E R , Cat. 1250. For high speed determinations of copper and lead by electro-deposition. Deposits 1 gram of copper in 8 minutes. Single position instrument. For 115v, 5 0 / 60 Hz. . .without electrodes $ 2 2 2 0 . 0 0 D Y N A - C A T H , Magnetic Mercury Cathode, Cat. 1510. For rapid separ­ ation of metals. For example, analysis of aluminum in zinc-base alloys. For 115v, 50/60 Hz. . .with platinum electrodes Request Quotation


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SAVANT INSTRUMENTS, INC. 221 Park Ave., Hicksville, NY 11801 · (516) 935-8774. CIRCLE 274 ON READER SERVICE CARD 224 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 54, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1982

acs U.S. Pat. #422669