Eberbach & SON COMPANY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - Eberbach & SON COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1948, 20 (10), pp 41A–41A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60022a744. Publication Date: October 1948...
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41 A




Save steps, time, breakage, labor costs with "Labconco" laboratory carts Put more of your work on wheels and you'll get more done in your laboratory, keep it more orderly, save on breakage and labor. And whether you need utility or highly specialized carts, you'll find a "Labconco" cart just made to do the job. "Labconco" carts are lightening labor tasks for Proctor & Gamble, Dow Chemical Co., Armour & Co., the Uni-

versity of California, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, and many, many others. Find out today which "Labconco" carts are best suited to save labor in your laboratory. You'll like "Labconco" quality and our direct-fromthe-manufacturer prices.

Pictures, prices, full details in bulletin E. SEND FOR YOUR COPY


Typical of the "Labconco" line is #1820 Glassware Cart. Entire frame welded in one piece with gleaming cadmium finish. Two lead coated and removable wire baskets.


ùveMtaaU LABORATORY SHAKERS Designed to answer your laboratory shaking needs, the new Eberbach Shakers are built with three different types of carriers—for general purpose and flask shaking. These carriers are interchangeable upon any of four power units which have different speed characteristics. You can select the carrier to handle your containers and the power unit to give the speed or speeds best suited to the material you are mixing. Smooth and silent in operation, these shakers are mounted on 8 non-creeping suction cup feet. Power units are finished in neat instrument black wrinkle. Carriers are made of anodized aluminum, the flask holders being nickel-plated bronze. Eberbach shakers range from $105.00 to $205.00 depending upon the selection of power unit and carrier. Ask your laboratory apparatus dealer for Bulletin 100-D on Eberbach Shakers. He will gladly supply it.

Shown above is the 250 ml. flask carrier. It will fit any of the 4 power units which have speeds of: (1 ) Variable speed (2) Two speed — 280 or 180 excursions per minute (3) 280 per min. (4) 160 per min.

Eberbach ANN



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