
AND EAST 238th STREET. NEW YORK 70, Ν. Î¥. Engineering, Research. Development. Design and Manufacture of Precision Optics. Electronic and Scientific ...
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Rapid, Quantitative separation of metals by DYNA-CATH mercury cathode Advanced design makes mercury cathode a practical analytical tool. Dyna-Cath does a fast, complete, job in separation of metals. A novel magnetic circuit causes the electro­ lyte and mercury to move in opposite direc­ tions, providing counter-current stirring. The ferromagnetic metals formed at t h e interface are drawn beneath t h e mercury surface, providing a continuously clean sur­ face and preventing re-solution of deposited metals. Ask for Bulletin 220-D. In determination of a l u m i n u m in steel—removes .5 g m of iron quantitatively in 10 m i n u t e s

Eberbach CORPORATION P. O. Box 1024

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card



For research and routine procedures the most precise instrument for all fluorometric methods of analysis is now available in two models: with transformer for line operation or battery power supply. Either model provides precise, reliable measure­ ments over a wide range of sensitivities. Ideal for extremely low concentrations in micro or macro volumes.

Line operated Photo-Electric

FLUOROMETER Technical data available

on request

Specify Bulletin No. 803AC


BRONX B L V D . A N D EAST 2 3 8 t h

NEW YORK 7 0 , Ν. Υ.

Engineering, Research. Development. Design and Manufacture of Precision Optics. Electronic and Scientific Instrume Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 2 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1 9 6 0


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