capsulating, and as a caulking and sealing compound. Dept. IEC,. Emerson ir Cuming, Inc., Canton,. Mass. 405. Micro Mica Powders. Muscovite mica is us...
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/EC Presents the latest EDITORIAL INFORMA TION on

CHEMICALS & MATERIALS Process Equipment Instruments

KA-101 Active Alumina New desiccant for industrial gas drying applications β\π EXTENSIVE development pro­ gram resulted in a brand new ab­ sorbent. Major crystalline phase of KA-101 is ^-alumina, a very stable structure which maintains its identity over a wide tempera­ ture range. T h e processing tech­ niques used produce a different alu­ mina structure from that of indus­ trial grade aluminas prepared by other methods and result in a new industrial product. KA-101 active alumina is made in ball form. T h e ball size is readily controlled and high strength balls in many different size ranges are commercially pro­ duced. In the drying of many industrial gases, contaminants in the desiccants can cause undesirable reac­ tions. This shortens the life of the desiccant. Because KA-101 is made from pure alumina hydrate, impur­ ities such as iron, silica, and chlo­ rides are extremely low. This high degree of purity means that the des­ iccant will remain uncontaminated over a longer period of time. High absorptive capacity and physical strength are the outstand­ ing features of Kaiser's KA-101. T h e hard ball-shaped desiccant possesses a high resistance to attri­ tion to minimize dust formation and good crushing strength to min­ imize breakage. T h e desiccant finds wide application in the chem­ ical, petroleum, petrochemical, syn­ thetic rubber, natural gas, and liq­ uefied petroleum gas industries. In the organic chemicals field, the desiccant is used for drying

Spherical dessicanl has good impact strength and offers minimum dust formation

ethylene, propylene, butylène, and acetylene. Among the inorganic gases are air, ammonia, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Miscellaneous applications include breathers, air conditioning, packaging, and instrumentation. It is also an effective catalyst carrier for a wide variety of chemical processes.

Physical Properties of KA-101 Form Surface area, sq. meters/g. Pore volume, cc./g. Porosity, % Pore diameter, A. Static sorption, % at 60% R. H. Bulk density, packed lb./cu. ft. True density, g./cc. Skeletal density, g./cc.

Ball 360

0.S7 65 64 20 45 3.3


KA-101 will give long service life in most applications. Only where extreme poisoning or fouling conditions exist does the capacity decrease at an accelerated rate. In one installation, drying air at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, the absorptive capacity of the charge was 72% of the equilibrium water capacity after 4000 cycles. Reactivation temperatures from 300° to 600° F., common in commercial practice, are used to reactivated KA-101 without damaging the material. Dept. IEC, Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp., 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland 12, Calif. 401

(Continued VOL. 53, NO. 12

on page 92 A) ·


89 A



Dow Corning FS 1280 and FS 1281 are grease-like compounds composed of a fluorosilicone fluid thickened with a finely divided sil­ ica filler. They feature: . . . Insolubility in most oils . . . Serviceable temperatures from _ 8 0 ° to + 4 0 0 ° F. . . . Little or no attack on most rubber seals . . . Good lubricity They were developed specifically for use as fuel-, oil-, and solventresistant valve lubricants for appli­ cations involving extremes of heat or cold. They are also expected to find application as a sealing mate­ rial and as a lubricant for low speed bearings. Dept. IEC, Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich. 402

Diallyl Phthalafe Monomer DAP monomer in polyester resin systems offers advantages of high de­ flection temperature, low shrinkage,

extended storage stability, and low odor. It is a liquid, polymerizable monomer primarily used as a crosslinking agent in a wide range of polyester formulations. T h e mon­ omer and the resins are used in molding, laminating, impregnat­ ing, coating, casting, and a variety of other techniques, such as fila­ ment winding. Amounts of DAP monomer in systems range from 10 to 75% of resin total weight de­ pending on the application. Dept. IEC, Dapon Dept., FMC Corp., 161 East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 403

Heat-Reactive Hydrocarbon Resin For the first time in its long his­ tory, PICCO has deviated from its strictly synthetic thermoplastic resin production to provide a reac­ tive resin product. Piccodiene 2215 is a highly aromatic polymer with unsaturated double bonds

WHEN YOU MUST TRANSFER HEAT think of B E S L E R Typical airborne unit

BESLER designs and manu­ factures all types of heat transfer equipment. From light airborne units to large fixed test facilities. •

Gas to liquid

• Liquid to liquid •

Gas to gas Typical large installation Also, Besler Is Internationally known for Its high temperature, high pressure boilers.


4053 Harlan Street Emeryville, Oakland 8, Calif.

Circle No. 65 on Readers' Service Card 92 A


which possesses light color, excel­ lent solubility, and is profitably used in the preparation of fast-dry­ ing varnishes, enamels, concrete curing compounds, printing inks, and adhesives. T h e material is also furnished in a special rubber grade which is exceptionally stable to oxi­ dation and high temperatures. In rubber processing, the product raises heat resistance, improves processing, and promotes retention of high tensile strength and resist­ ance to abrasion. Resin product is available as a solid resin, flaked in multiwalled bags, or as a solu­ tion in mineral spirits. Dept. IEC, Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical Corp., Clairton, Pa. 404

General Purpose Silicon Rubber Eccosil 4850 is a flexible R T V silicone rubber with exceptional electrical and high temperature properties. Ease of use coupled with a temperature capability of 600° F. for extended periods makes it an unusually versatile product. This is 100% solids material. No

solvents are present. Suggested ap­ plications are in potting and en­ capsulating, and as a caulking and sealing compound. Dept. IEC, Emerson ir Cuming, Inc., Canton, Mass. 405



Micro Mica


Muscovite mica is used in the manufacture of Scintilux micro mica powders. T h e mica is charac­ terized by its lustrous green appear­ ance and soft texture which renders it particularly suitable for grind­ ing. T h e fluid energy micronization process is used to prepare the mica. Suggested uses include rein­ forcing agent, sealing agent, and suspending agent in paints. Dept. IEC, Mica Products & Insulation Co. (Pty.), Ltd., P.O. Box 70, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. 406




special formulation of Hypalon makes the dependable SIGMAMOTOR Pump applicable for metering sul­ phuric acid or other strong oxidizing agents. Liquid is forced through Hypalon tubing by wave-like action of steel fingers. Never contacts metal. Model T6SH opens to pcrmil change of tubing easily — quickly.

Asbestos-Polyester Insulation A new asbestos-polyester electri­ cal laminate developed by JohnsManville is far stronger both elec­ trically and mechanically than any NEMA Grade A or AA laminate made. Called Quinterrabord No. 880, it is recommended for applica­ tions to 50 kv. at temperatures in







Circle No. 44 on Readers' Service Card






99.5-0/0 PURE

the 155° to 180°C. range. It will re­ tain its high dialectric strength over long periods when exposed to high temperatures and humidities. It is easy to fabricate and has the strength to support equipment weights without yielding. It has high chemical and fire resistance, and twice the arc resistance of glass polyester laminates. Dept. IEC, Johns-Manville, 22 East 40th St., New York 16, Ν. Y. 407 (Continued

on page 94 A)

Illustration shows plant recently installed in Spain and consists of 256 18f000 ampere cells producing 2,100 cu. meters per hour.

Knowles Electrolytic plant produces hydrogen of a constant high s t a n d a r d of purity, together with oxygen 9 9 . 8 % p u r e . T h e p l a n t is uniquely simple and safe and requires no highly skilled labour. P l a n t s of all sizes u p to a single installation absorbing 25,000 k W are in operation in all p a r t s of t h e world.





AIR PRODUCTS, INC., P. O . Box No. 538, Allentown, Pa. Circle No. 22 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 53, NO. 12 ·


H O 43 93 A

Silicone Rubber Base KW-1920 combines low tempera­ t u r e flexibility at —120° F. w i t h good resistance to oils a n d other fluids. T h e new base can b e com­ p o u n d e d i n t o silicone r u b b e r stocks for m a k i n g seals, d i a p h r a g m s , gas­ kets, a n d o t h e r parts. Silicone r u b ­ ber c o m p o u n d s m a d e from KW1920 base feature: • Useful t e m p e r a t u r e r a n g e of — 120° to + 4 5 0 ° F. • V o l u m e swell in fluids equiva­ lent to t h a t of d i m e t h y l silicone compounds • P r e c o n d i t i o n i n g for easy proc­ essing • L o w shrinkage Dept. IEC, Silicones Div., Union Carbide Corp., 270 Park Ave., Neiv York 17, Ν. Υ. 408

A d d i t i o n a l N e w Chemicals and Materials TFE-Fluorocarbon Fiber is now being produced for specialized filtration needs. Teflon filter felts have excep­ tional heat and chemical resistance. Dept. IEC, American Felt Co., 2 Glenville Rd., Glenville, Conn. 410 TFE-Fluorocarbon Fiber has been de­ veloped as braided packing for pumps and valves. Material is less sensitive to operational and frictional heat and more receptive to gland adjustment. Dept. IEC, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. 411 Polyethylene Formulation for extru­ sion-coating applications has been an­ nounced. Applications requiring low coefficient of friction arc favored. Processability features are said to be outstanding. Dept. IEC, Eastman Chemical ucts, Inc., Kingsport, Term.

Stainless Alloy Wire


W o v e n NS-A286, a h i g h tempera­ ture stainless steel alloy, has p r o p ­ erties c o m p a r a b l e to the m o r e highly alloyed a n d exotic materials in the 600° to 1000° F. range. Ma­ terial is suggested for elevated tem­ p e r a t u r e applications. Parts m a d e from NS-A286 can be h a r d e n e d af­




Prod­ 412


α-palmitic and a-sulfostearic acids, have been announced. Known as Armosul 16 and Armosul 18, they are difunctional compounds having strongly acidic sulfonic acid group and a weakly acidic carboxylic acid group within the molecule. Dept. IEC, Armour Industrial cal Co., Chicago 90, III.

Chemi­ 413

Fluorosilicone Fluid, FS 1265 is sug­ gested as a lubricating fluid, base oil for greases, defoamer, compressor oil, hy­ draulic fluid for low temperature serv­ ice, and damping fluid. Dept. IEC, Dow Corning Corp., Mid­ land, Mich. 414


ter forming a n d fabricating. Ma­ terial allows for deeper forming of wire-cloth p a r t s t h a n was previously possible w i t h mesh woven of h a r d t e m p e r wire. T e n s i l e s t r e n g t h in­ creases u p to 7 3 % after treating. NS-A286 wire cloth can be m a d e with various meshes, wire sizes, a n d weaves. Dept. IEC, Reynolds Div., National-Standard Co., Niles, Mich.

409 94 A

Alcohol. A new chart shows at a glance all approved uses of each spe­ cially denatured alcohol formula and is based on alcohol regulations now in ef­ fect. Dept. IEC, Commercial Solvents Corp., 260 Madison Ave., New York Ιβ,Ν.Υ. 415 Catalog. A new quick-reference digest, Bulletin 100-E, covers 87 chemicals produced in commercial quantities, 14 market development products available in semicommercial quantities, and 7 product-development chemicals in re­ search and pilot-plant quantities. Both organic and inorganic chemicals arc included. Dept. IEC, Hooker Chem­ ical Corp., Niagara, Falls, Ν. Υ. 416


Water-Soluble Copolymer. A com­ prehensive 40-page data bulletin on Gantrez AN, a water-soluble poly elec­ trolyte, which is the interpolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhy­ dride. Outstanding characteristics are wide compatibility with other sub­ stances, effectiveness as a thickener in either aqueous or organic solvent sys­ tems, stability in both acid and alkaline solutions, formation of highly polar films with specific affinity for a wide variety of surfaces, and insolubilization by polyfunctional compounds. Dept. IEC, Commercial Development Dept., General Aniline & Film Corp., Ιβδ Hudson St., New York 14, N.Y. 417 Methylamines. A 64-page volume re­ views all available technical data with full discussion on shipping, handling, storage, and safety. Specification test methods for mono-, di-, and trimethyiamine are given in detail. Dept. IEC, Industrial Chemicals Dept., Commer­ cial Solvents Corp., 260 Madison Ave., New York Ιβ,Ν.Υ. 418 Organic




bulletins are offered—ICB-25(1) Revi­ sion and ICD-8 The first is a bibliog­ raphy covering preparation and prop­ erties of nickel carbonyl for the period 1890 to 1960. The second is a literature review on preparation, properties, and uses of nickel organic dithiophosphorous compounds. Dept. IEC, Industrial Chemicals Sect., The International Nickel Co., Inc., 67 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. 419 Polybutene. Characteristics, and present and potential uses of this versa­ tile petrochemical are reviewed in a comprehensive new 31-page brochure. Dept. IEC, California Chemical Co., Oronite Div., 200 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. 420 Toluene Diisocyanate. Data Sheet MS-108 gives specifications, physical properties, handling, packaging, and storage of Nacconate 80 which is 80% 2,4- and 20% 2,6- toluene diisocyanate. Dept. IEC, National Aniline Div., Allied Chemical, 40 Rector St., New York 6, Ν. Υ. 421 PolyOvinyl Acetate). Comprehensive manual on properties of Gelva covers homopolymer and copolymer resins, emulsions, solutions, and spray-dried powders. Dept. IEC, Shawinigan Res­ ins Corp., Dept. RH, Springfield, Mass. 422 M

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