ECO ENGINEERING NEWS the big name in small pumps for the

6 Nov 2010 - ... pumps for the process industries. Chem. Eng. News , 1960, 38 (16), p 30. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v038n016.p030. Publication Date: April 18, ...
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the big name small pumps for the process industries

Pumping Notes "Doctor Takes Own Medicine"

Eco GEARCHEM Pump, made of zirconium metal supplied by Carborundum Metals Company, is used in highly corrosive sludge pick-up service at a Carborundum plant. The environment is HC1 (3N), H2S04 (3N), H,SO, (5N), methyl isobutyl ketone and 3 normal thio cyanic acid at ambient temperature. Gears, bearings and packing are du Pont Teflon.

Get Complete Corrosion Data On Zirconium and Titanium Are you sure that some of your most serious corrosive pumping problems, that stem from high temperatures, pressures and concentrations of reactants, cannot be solved readily with Eco Pumps made from one or the other of these atomic age metals ? A new 8-page Table which gives typical dynamic corrosion resistance values of zirconium and titanium, will help you find out. Write for your free copy.

Ask for Literature on These ECO Products for Handling Corrosive and Hazardous Fluids ALL-CHEM R: Rotary Pumps MINILAB® Rotary Pumps GEARCHEM* Gear Pumps CENTRI-CHEM K

Centrifugal Pumps PUMPMOBILE®

Mobile Pump Units GEAR-VAC® Valves CHEM-COCK®

Safety Drain Valves

Eco CENTRI-CHEM Pumps under storage tanksat Nestle-Le Mur.plant. Unique manifold arrangement permits pumping any desired product to various filling stations.

"Nothing Worked Until We Tried CENTRI-CHEM Pumps" Nestle-Le Mur—originators of the "permanent wave" and producers of many hair beautifying products and other toiletries—had an extremely difficult pumping problem; transferring solvents in which certain gums were dissolved.

Packings Torn to Shreds Pumps with conventional shaft packings were tried but, on intermittent operation, the gums solidified in the stuffing box when the pumps stopped and the packings were torn to shreds when the pump resumed operation. Pumps with conventional mechanical seals also gave extremely short service life—at most, a few weeks, before becoming gummed up and inoperative.

filter presses which clarify the bottled products prior to packaging.

Keep Plant Going Since both of these services are vital to continuous production lines, it is obvious what disruption to the entire plant's output would be caused by pump failure. Reason why Chief Engineer William Z. Nesin remarks, "life has been almost a pleasure since we installed our CENTRI-CHEM Pumps."

Tried Centri-Chem Pumps F i n a l l y t h e c o m p a n y t r i e d Eco CENTRI-CHEM Pumps and the problem was solved. The rotary seal of these centrifugal pumps refused to gum up and the pumps are giving considerably better than a year's service without repairs of any sort.

Close-up of one of the CENTRI-CHEM Pumps in product transfer service.

Standardized on Centri-Chem As a result, the company has standardized on Eco CENTRI-CHEM Pumps throughout the plant. They are used for two principal services: First, product transfer from storage tanks to aerosol can filling machine lines where hair sprays are packaged. In some cases, these filling machines are as far as 300 feet from the storage tanks. Second, feeding

Eco CENTRI-CHEM Pump feeding filter press.