EDAX International, Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 25, 2012 - EDAX International, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1981, 53 (8), pp 939A–939A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00231a725. Publication Date: July 1981. ACS Legacy ...
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Energy Dispersive X-Ray Systems "by EDAX. Points in Our Favor:

Ease Recent surveys show that energy dispersive x-ray analysis is one of the fastest growing industrial analytical techniques. The reason is straightforward —it's elemental; It's simultaneous for 90 elements; and cost per sample is downright miserly.

Easy Step-By-Step Analysis Decision making for energy dispersive analysis is easy with the EDAX PV9100. The Dynamic Function Keys, shown above, operate under complete control of our system software. Each key, twelve in all, is dynamically labeled providing choices for the next function in the analytical process; make your choice, depress a key, and the next series is relabeled for your next choice.The system software takes you by the hand and literally walks you through the analysis. The flicker free color display can be easily positioned and expanded or contracted via your use of a special set of monitor control keys. And that's not all.

— virtually no waiting for a usable spectra to appear. Other options allow you to employ energy or wave length dispersive techniques, electron energy loss techniques, use pinpoint 3-axis stage control, employ line-scanning and area mapping. In addition, we offer more than 100 different detector assemblies to fit almost any SEM, STEM, TEM or micro-probe around.

In-depth support. Since 1969, we have been pioneers in the practical application of energy dispersive x-ray analysis. And our commitment shows. We offer more application laboratories throughout the world than anyone; we publish both our own and customer reports in the EDAX EDITor® four times a year; we hold regular seminars and training sessions throughout the world; and no one can match our service support.

The overall system. The EDAX PV9100 is an easy-to-use system for practical multi-element analysis. It offers you a wide range of programs for qualitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative analysis on samples ranging from bulk to thin sections. Thanks to our ECON detector you can go as low as carbon, which includes the critical elements of oxygen and nitrogen. Guesswork and complex manipulations of data for these elements are eliminated.

For a complete description of the EDAX PV9100 system, write or call us at EDAX International, Inc., P.O. Box 135, Prairie View, IL 60069. Telephone: (312) 634-0600. Telex: 72-6407.

Moreover, you get almost instant peak identifi cation thanks to our patented Dynastatic Display*

EDAX •U.S. Patent Pending ""Registered Trademark of EDAX International CIRCLE 181 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 53, NO. 8, JULY 1981 • 939 A