EXPOSITION disposable; pipets: hand operated, variable volume; pipet tips. \* Λ n j i π ,/-\s*40c*
611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303. Techtron Model 65 flameless carbon rod atomizer with Model AA-6DAB and Model 1250 atomic absorption spectrophotome ters; Cary Model 118 UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer; Model 101 chromatog raphy data system; Model 8500 LC; Model 8000 AutoSampler for GC; Model 2740 GC; Model A-25 recorder; lab instrument/auto mation system; GC and LC basic books, ac cessories, and supplies; Model EM-390 NMR spectrometer system for observation of protons; Auger spectrometer; VGA-100 gas analyzer; mobile leak detector and vac uum components; MAT/US: MAT GC/MS system with chemical ionization source and automatic data processing system. Voland Corp. 27 Centre Ave., New Rochelle, N.Y. 10802. Electronic top-loading, high-capacity ultra precision, analytical balances; weighing systems, precision check weigher, gas bal ance, thermal analyzers: DTA and TGA. VWR Scientific P.O. Box 3200, San Francisco, Calif. 94119. J. T. Baker, Bronwill, Van-Lab, B&L spec trophotometers, YSI DO meter. Wang Laboratories, Inc. 836 North St., Tewksbury, Mass. 01876. System 2200C and 2200S computers; Sys tem 2200 line of small computers, Model 600 display programmable calculator, pe ripheral equipment for calculators and computers.
Waring Products Div.
Willey Corp.
Route 44, New Hartford, Conn. 06057. Commercial Blendors, ice crushers and as sociated accessories attachments.
Box 670, 720 E. Fee Ave., Melbourne, Fla. 32901. 318S IR spectrophotometer with diffuse reflectance capability; examples of its applications in analytical chemistry, solar energy, and remote sensing of the environment; capability of oscilloscope display of spectra, extensive software manipulation and data analysis.
Waters A s s o c , Inc. Maple St., Milford, Mass. 01757. Liquid chromatographs, LC column packing mate rials and accessories. Wescan Instruments, Inc. 3018 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara, Calif. 95050. Automatic viscosity timer, mem brane osmometer, vapor-phase osmometer, cloud point analyzer, temperature control ler, digital thermometer, conductivity meter, and flow cells. Westinghouse Electric Co. Westinghouse Bldg. RM1837, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Hollow cathode lamps, electrodeless discharge lamps (EDL's), hydro gen continuum lamps, electrodeless exciter systems (EDL exciter systems), deuterium arc lamps. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. Books in analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy and related areas. Wilks Scientific Corp. 140 Water St., Box 441, S. Norwalk, Conn. 06856. Complete range of IR accessories in cluding long-path gas cells for use with most all commercially available IR spectro photometers; complete range of IR analyz ers for laboratory and field use including the new Miran-101 specific vapor analyzer; IR monitoring systems for continuous anal ysis of ambient air and process streams in cluding a hydrogénation monitor.
Wilmad Glass Co. Rt. 40 & Oak Rd., Buena, N.J. 08310. NMR, EPR, IR, sample tubes, cells and accessories, recording charts, deuterated solvents, microliter syringes. C. N . W o o d M f g . C o . Newtown Industrial Commons, Rt. 332, P.O. Box 310, Newtown, Pa. 18940. Light scattering monophotometer, light scattering duophotometer, differential refractometer, ratio digital readout, analog readout. Zeebac, Inc. 141 Fourth Ave., Berea, Ohio 44017. Emission spectrographic instruments and supplies including electronic readout and hold for microphotometers, graphite electrodes, sample prep, equipment, Kel-Melt sample remelt furnace, Swisher grinder, magnets, double pin cutters, vials, holders, photoplates, films, photo processor, AtmoJet, etc. C a r l Zeiss, I n c . 444 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10018. P M 6 low-priced spectrophotometer for routine and clinical use; P M 6 precision spectrophotometer for UV and visible with Doppel monochromators; M P M 01 universal microscope photometer, can be used as scanning microscope photometer.
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