technology... and we're reaching new oeaks in digital imaging. EDAX is also a eader in the designand development of solid state detecting units for el...
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EDAX Come see the newest peaks in microanalysis and digital imaging. It's hard to believe your visit to PITCON would be complete without a stop at EDAX. Especially since we're introducing the EDAX 9800 ... a new cost-effective solution to your energy dispersive requirements. Want more? EDAX is a pioneer in energy dispersive analytical X-ray technology... and we're reaching new peaks in digital imaging. EDAX is also a leader in the design and development of solid state detecting units for elements down to and including boron. And, we offer worldwide sales and support services... on all columns. EDAX and you. Together reaching new peaks at PITCON. See us at Booth Nos. 5037-5041 and 6036-6040.

EDAX® EDAX INTERNATIONAL, INC., RO. Box 135 Prairie View, IL 60069 (312)634-0600 Telex 72-6407 CIRCLE 48 ON READER SERVICE CARD