EDISON - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

EDISON. Anal. Chem. , 1995, 67 (3), pp 115A–115A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00099a729. Publication Date: February 1995. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Che...
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10:45 (1103) Optimizing LIMS Automation and Human Interaction. L. L. McGinley, B. Tumbleson, J. N. Bower 11:05 (1104) An Intelligent Portable Barcode Terminal for a PC-Based LIMS. G. F. Gostecnik, M. P. Kelly 11:25 (1105) A Bridge to the Future: The Integration of Older Instruments into a LANBased Laboratory. B. Anthony, K. McGreevy, N. Raman 11:45 (1106) The Artificial Intelligence-Based LIMS System. P. E. Dessert, D. Lee, C. C. Wagner Microwave Sample Preparation Room 87-88 W. A. Straub, Presiding 8:30 8:50



(1127) Safety Considerations for the Use of Microwave Sample Preparation. W. Grooms (1128) Using an Advanced High-Pressure Digestion Vessel as a New Approach to Microwave Sample Preparation of Reactive Sample Types. B. Fidler, S. Littau (1129) Microwave Digestion of Large Organic and Difficult Inorganic Samples Using High Pressure with Adaptive Control. B. Moshiri, M. Moses, J. Poling (1130) Stopped Flow Automation of Closed-Vessel Microwave Digestion Techniques. J. Poling, B. Moshiri, M. Moses




(1131) Microwave Fusions for Sample Preparation in Spectrochemical Analysis. E. Reitznerova, R. M. Barnes, L. B. Jassie

Room 103 R. C. Hice, Presiding 1:30 1:35

Air, F i x e d G a s , a n d V O C S a m p l i n g and Analysis


Room 87-88 W. A. Straub, Presiding

2:45 3:35

10:25 (1132) Air Sampling and Analysis Using Tetraglyme. J. Troost 10:45 (1133) Portable High-Throughput LiquidAbsorption Air Sampler for Preconcentrating Aerosols and Vapors. A. Birenzvige, A. Akinyemi, S. Zaromb 11:05 (1134) Headspace Analysis of Juice Flavor Volatiles Using Solid-Phase Microextraction. A. Steffen, J. Pawliszyn 11:25 (1135) Water Trapping Capacity of Some Common Solid Adsorbents Used in Ambient Air Analysis of Organic Trace Gases. D. Helmig, L. Vierling 11:45 (1136) Automated Determination of Ammonia in Water and Volatile Bases in Tobacco with On-Line Distillation. S. C. Coverly

Introductory Remarks. R. C. Hice (1210) The Impact of Data Standardization on LIMS Design. J. Currie (1211) 2500 Samples a Day and Growing: A LIMS Success Story. J. Holley (1212) Laboratory Business Process Reengineering. R. Collins (1213) 5th Generation R&D: Laboratory Automation for Tomorrow. E. Lengyel

D a t a A c q u i s i t i o n — N M R , IR, D S C , SRMs, SFE, Electrochemistry Room 100 J. F. Coetzee, Presiding 1:30 1:50 2:10 2:30

Thursday Afternoon


Symposium: Toward 2 0 0 0 — P r e p a r i n g for t h e N e x t G e n e r a t i o n of L a b A u t o m a t i o n (Arranged by R. C. Mice)


(1221) Constructing and Using an Analytical Information Highway. C. A. Lyons, B. P. Johnson (1222) Using a Client-Server Architecture with Chromatography Workstations. C. Miller (1223) Studies of Interfacial Reactions Using 2 H Wide-Line NMR Techniques. L. Paleudis, M. Gangoda, R. K. Gilpin (1224) 1 H NMR Spectra and 1 H Spectrum Prediction in a Database: New Ways in Structure Elucidation. M. Grzonka (1225) Rapid High-Quality Atmospheric Emission Measurements with an FT-IR Spectrometer. T. J. Tague, Jr. (1226) The Limitations of Differential Scanning Calorimetry for Determining Chemical Purity. J. S. Walbridge, S. B. Cole

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Vol. 67, No. 3, February

1, 1995

115 A