Editorial. 1962 Reviews of Fundamental Developments in Analysis

reviews and fundamental reviews on an alternate year basis is still being followed. ... The editors hope and feel that this review issue will be helpf...
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1962 Reviews of Fundamental Developments in Analysis The 14th in Analytical Chemistry’s annual review series is our largest t o date. The policy of publishing applications reviews and fundamental reviews on an alterriate year basis is still being followed. Objective of this review is to present the significant developments in all major areas of fundamental research in analytical chemistry during the past two years. As the interests of analytical chemists have broadened, so has the scope of the reviem. This year. for example, n-e have a record-breaking total of 38 reviem prepared by 53 authors and coauthors. Developments in certain areas have led to some changes over 1960. The field of chromatography, for example, has expanded so rapidly that instead of having a general review on chromatography and one on gas chromatography, the 1962 review includes four articles: chromatography, gas chromatography, electrochroinatography, and ion exchange chromatography. The last one is in addition to the regular ion exchange revien-.. Similarly, emission spectrometry has been split into three reviews instead of one. These are : emission spectrometry. absorption flame, and emission flame photometry. A special review has been introduced this year which the editors feel should be of interest: Instrumentation and Some Analytical Applications of Magnetic Susceptibility. Others included in 1962 n.hich were not in the 1960 review are biochemical analysis, Raman spectrometry, and x-ray diffraction. Sonie of these topics, however, have appeared in earlier reviews. I n an effort to promote standardized nomenclature, the editors are using the broader term spectrometry rather than spectroscopy or spectrophotometry in the titles. The editors hope and feel that this review issue will be helpful to our more than 28,000 subscribers in gaining an over-all impression of the many significant developments in fundamental areas of analytical chemistry.
