Editorial. 1968 Reviews of Fundamental ... - ACS Publications

painstaking work that has gone into the preparation of these review articles. This year makes the last review on Analytical Distillation for reasons t...
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April 1968,Vol. 40, No. 5

Editor: HERBERT A. LAITINEN EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS Washington, D. C. 20036 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone: 202-737-3337 Teletype WA 23

1968 Reviews of Fundamental Developments in Analytical

Associate Editor: John K. Crum Assistant Editors: Josephine Pechan, Virginia E. Stewart Editorial Assistants: Eugenie C. Callaghan, Ana Sol de Gutierrez Contributing Editor: R. H. Miller Production Staff-Washington: Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Manager: B a d Guiley Art and Layout: Norman W. Favin, Herbert Kuttner Production Staff-Easton, Pa.: Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Assistant Editor: Elizabeth R. Rufe Advisory Board: C. V. Banks R. G. Bates W. J. Blaedel, S. Bruckemteh, A. E. Cam: eron. Lvman Crain. Henrv Freiser. Marcel Golay, -Joseph J o h n W Mhgerum R . . A. Osteryoung, .R: L. Pe’csok, C. N: Redley, D. H. Wilklns


AMERlCAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY PUBLlCATIONS Director of Publications, Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations, J w p h H. Kuney Publication Manager, Journals, David E. Gush= Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications, Rodney N . Hader Circulation Dewlopment Manager, Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the Director of Publications, William Q. Hull

represents the largest and most comprehensive collection of critical review articles yet published in AXALYTICAL CHEMISTRY’S annual series. The trend for increased coverage has continued since rthe inception of the reviews in 1949. By 1953 the extent of coverage was large enough to require division into two parts, to cover fundamental developments and applications in alternate years. Once again the scientific community is indebted to the authors for the painstaking work that has gone into the preparation of these review articles. This year makes the last review on Analytical Distillation for reasons that are very well explained by Frederick E. Williams in his review. Also this year, several of the reviews have been presented in a different fashioni.e., Nucleonics and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. The editors invite your comments on these changes. The Laboratory Guide t o Instruments, Equipment, and Research Chemicals which used to be issued as a portion of the April Review issue will appear again this year as a separate issue in July.



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