editorial - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

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Washington, D . C . 20036 1155 16th St., N . W . Phone 202-737-3337

Editorial style in the citing of literature references has followed a traditional pattern in most chemical engineering research literature.

Manager, Manuscript Reviewing, Katherine I . Biggs Manager, Manuscript Editing, R u t h R e y n a r d Layout and Production: Joseph Jacobs, Denis Gruschin PRODUCTION—EASTON, P A .

Associate Editor, Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant, J a n e M . Andrews ADVISORY B O A R D :

Ernest F . Johnson, W a r r e n C. Schreiner, T h o m a s K . Sherwood Associated Publications: INDUSTRIAL







David E. Gushee, Editor I&EC



H u g h M . Hulburt, Editor I & E C PRODUCT R E S E A R C H AND DEVELOPMENT ( q u a r t e r l y ) ,

Rodney N . H a d e r , Acting Editor

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS Director of Publications: Richard L . Kenyon Direct of Business Operations: Joseph H . Kuney Publication Manager, Journals:

David E. Gushee

Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications: R o d n e y N . Hader Assistant to the Director of Publications: William Q . Hull

SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: All communications related to handling of subscriptions, including notification of CHANGE OF ADDRESS, should be sent to Subscription Service Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Change of address notification should include both old and new addresses, with ZIP code numbers, and be accompanied by mailing iabel from a recent issue. Allow four weeks for change to become effective. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I&EC FUNDAMENTALS, 1967: Postage SUBSCRIPTION Canada & RATES PUAS Foreign Amtrican Cb«mical Society $1.00 Members $5.00 $0.50 Nonmembers



Nevertheless, as the Editor of the I & E C PROCESS DESIGN AND D E -

VELOPMENT quarterly pointed out in a recent editorial, our habits need to be reviewed occasionally and to be changed when clarity for the reader and ease of composition for the author can be improved. I & E C FUNDAMENTALS now joins its two sister quarterlies in adopting a new plan. Beginning this year, we shall follow a practice which is similar to that used by another ACS journal, Biochemistry, and by several other journals which publish primarily research papers. References will be indicated in the text by citing the surname of the first author and the year of the publication. Then an unnumbered, alphabetical list of all references will be included a t the end of the paper. In most instances, a reader will be able immediately to determine the source of reference material as he reads without turning to the end of the paper; the author who needs to insert or delete references in his manuscript as he prepares it will find it easier to avoid mistakes. Detailed instructions may be found inside the back cover of this issue, where a revised Guide for Authors appears. Authors of papers to be submitted henceforth should adopt the new style immediately; papers already submitted need not be rewritten. Although there will be some mixing of the two reference systems in the next few issues of this journal, the new style will gradually come into full use in a way which should minimize inconvenience for authors. We hope that the new style will be favored both by users and by contributors. Your criticism a n d suggestions will be welcomed as you develop working knowledge of the new system.


Single Copies: current, $3.00. Postage: Canada, $0.15; foreign, $0.20. Rates for back issues or volumes are available from Special Issues Sales Dept., 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed if received more than 60 days from date of mailing plus time normally required for postal delivery of journal and claim. No claims allowed because of failure to notify the Subscription Servie; Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missingfrom files." Published quarterly by the American Chemical Society, from 20th and Northampton Sts., Eastoo, Pa. 1S042. Second class postage paid at Easton, Pa. GUIDE FOR AUTHORS, published on inside back cover of each issue, gives copy requirements for manuscripts. Submit three copies to Manager, Manuscript Reviewing, I&EC, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. ©Copyright 1967 by the American Chemical Society. Reproduction forbidden without permission.



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