Editorial. Active Division - Active Program - ACS Publications

A good example is theprogram set up for the forthcoming spring meeting at San Francisco. Generally programs for springmeetings tend to have fewer pape...
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April 1958, Part I, Vol. 30, No. 4 APPLIED JOURNALS, ACS Director o f Publications, C. B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Walfer J. Murphy Execufive Edifor, James M. Crowe Production Manager, Joseph H. Kuney ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Editor, Lawrence T. Halletl Managing Editor, Robert 0. Gibbr EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 6, D. C. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Teletype WA 23 Phone Republic 74300 Associate Editors: 0. Gladys Gordon, Stella Anderson, Ruth Cornene, Katherine 1. Biggs, George B. Krantz Assistonf Editors: Betty V. Kieffer, Arthur Poulot, Robert J. Riley, Robert J. Kelley, Hanns 1. Sperr, Ruth M. Howorth, Eugenia Keller, Sue M. Sollidoy Editorial Assistants: Malvino B. Prelss, Marjorie H. Swenson, Ruth Reynard, Gloria H. Wills Sfoff Artist: Melvin D. Buckner BRANCH EDITORIAL OFFICES CHICAGO 3, ILL. Room 926 36 South Wabash Ave. Teletype CG 725 Phone Sfote 2-5148 Associafe Editors: Howard J. Sanders, Chester Placek Assisfont Editor: Laurence J. Whife HOUSTON 2, TEX. 718 Melrose Bldg. Phone Fairfax 3-7107 Teletype HO 72 Associate Edifor: Bruce F. Greek Assisfonf Edifor: Earl V. Anderson NEW YORK 16, N. Y. 2 Park Ave. Phone Oregon 9-1646 Teletype NY 1-4726 Associate Editors: Williom a. Hull, Harry Sfenerson, David M. Kiefer, D. Gray Weaver, Walter S. Fedar, Morton Salkind Assisfunt Editor: Louis A. Agnello SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. 703 Mechanics’ Insfifute Bldg. 57 Port Sf. Phone Exbrook 2-2895 Teletype SF 549 Associofe Editor: Richard 0. Newhall Assisfont Editor: David E. Gushee EASTON, PA. 20th and Norfhampfon Str. Phone Easton 91 11 Teletype ESTN Pa 48 Associate Edifor: Charlctle C. Sayre Editorial Assistants: Joyce A. Richards, Elizabeth R. Rule, June A. Barron EUROPEAN OFFICE Bush House, Aldwych, London Phone Temple Bar 3605 Cable JIECHEM Associate Editor: Albert S. Hesfer

Active Division

-Active Program

Division of Analytical Chemistry is forging ahead rapidly. I t s progressive policies and active leaders and members are helping to make this division a leader in the ACS. A good example is the program set up for the forthcoming spring meeting a t San Francisco. Generally programs for spring meetings tend to have fewer papers than fall meetings. The San Fi~anciscoprogram, however, has a wide variety of papers on such timely topics as radiochemical analysis, electroanalytical techniques, and spectrochemical analysis. There will be 19 half-day sessions a t San Francisco, which compare with 14 a t the last spring meeting in Miami and 17 a t the last fall meeting in New York. Another area in which the division is growing in stature is the summer symposia which are sponsored by the division and ANALYTICAL CHENISTRY.Last summer the topic was “Nucleonics and Analytical Chemistry Ten Years After.” The 10 years after referred to the fact that the first summer symposium had been dedicated t o this topic a decade before. The topic planned for the 1958 summer symposium is “Analytical Chemistry in Fused Media.” The location wil I be Schenectady, N. Y. Hosts will be the General Electric Co., Union College, and the Eastern New York Section of ACS. Another example of progress in the division is its steady growth. Its membership has now passed the 2600 mark. An active recruiting program is in effect a t both national and local ACS meetings. By following a policy of planning programs one to two years in advance, the program committee can arrange well balanced symposia which give due consideration to new fields, old subjects that need updating, and topics of interest to specialized groups within the division. Those on gas chromatography, thermoanalytical titrimetry, and microchemistry are examples. hfany of the divisional members are also contributors to our annual review issues. The 1958 reviews, the largest since the reviews began, are illustrative of the diverse fields in which the analytical chemist plays a decisive role. I n the area of nucleonics, the review by W. Wayne Meinke lists over 1200 pertinent references. It seems evident that the profession of analytical chemistry is moving ahead rapidly. The Division of Analytical Chemistry is keeping pace with this growth.



Contributing Edifor: R. H. M’Sller Advisory Board: R. M. Archibald, W. H. Beamer, H. 0. Carsidy, W. D. Cooke, R. M. Fowler, Louis Gordon, J. 1. Hoffman, M. T. Kelley, E. E. Lelninger, W. M. MacNevin, V. W. Meloche, John Mlfchell, Jr., E. J. Rorenbaum, R. 0. Russell, A I Sfeyermark Advertising Management: REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. 430 Pork Ave., N e w York 22, N. Y. (For Branch Offices see page 100 A) VOL. 30, NO. 4, APRIL 1958