EDITORIAL. Annual Reviews - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Annual Reviews. Walter J. Murphy. Anal. Chem. , 1948, 20 (8), pp 689–689. DOI: 10.1021/ac60020a001. Publication Date: August 1948. ACS Legacy Archiv...
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ANNUAL REVIEWS SALYTICAL C‘HhXISl’RI- in 1949 will pu\)lish


two coniprehensive reviews. The fundanient als of analysis will he covered in the first review t o he puhlished in the January issue, and applied analysis in the second reviev- t o be published in Fehruary. Emphasis will be placed in each review 011 a critical evaluation of the niost outstanding tlevelopnients in thc field of analytical chemistry and rather extensive hihliographies will be provided. JTe hope the relriennunihers d l heroine anniial feature5 of the puhlirat ion. \17e have requested each author in his initial review to rover all iniportant developnlents of the pazt four or five years; thereafter the review will he 011 an annual hasis. The subjects selected for the January i,ihue are. .ll)sorption dpectr O

Essential Oils and Aromatic,. Fertilizers Food Fuel and Gas Analysis Metallurgy, Ferrous Xetallurgy, Konferrous Petroleuni Pharmaceuticals and Satural DiuyRubber Kater i1-e were prompted to undertake this new venturts after noting the success of such annual review feature. as “Unit Operations,” and “C‘hemical Engineering Materials of Construction,” appearing in Industrinl cind Enyineering Chemistry. From time to time we sentl a questionnaire t o a representative sample ot reaclfrs of ,~XALTTICAL CHEMI~TRP, Industrial n ~ t Engineering Chemistry, and Chemicnl oizd Engzneerz r t g Sezcs ant1 always find a keen desire for review articleAs the scientific literature expands in volume, it lwconies increasingly difficult for those engaged in research to keep abreast of the developments reportetl in original manuscripts. We anticipate that the niiinher of such papers published will increase materially as we expand research facilities in this country ant1 research is resumed in the war devastated countricof Europe. Over the past decade or two we have seen a high degree of specialization develop in the field of analytical cheniistry. It is impossible for any one individual t o be expert in every branch of the science, yet the professional analyst must possess a working knowledge of all if he is t o utilize properly and t o the fullest extent poqsihle the advances made year t y year in this fastgron-ing field. We believe the time has arrived when it is necessary t o provide periodic reviews of the scientific literaturc on analytical chemistry as an essential supplement t o the publication of original research. We are grateful to the leading experts mho have accepted publication assignments for the first two months of 1949. They will perform an essential and outstanding service f o r their co-workers and deserve our heartfelt thanks.

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(‘hromatogiaphic S e p i ations Distillation Electroanalysis Electron 1Iicroscopy Emission Spectroscopy Extraction Fluorescence Indicatois Infrared Spectioscopy Inoi garlic Gravimetric Analysis Inorganic llicrocheiuistry Inorganic Volumetric Analysis Instrumentation Ion Exchange Light Xcroscopy LIais Spectroscopy Surleonics 0rg:iiiic Gral-imetric Analysis Oiganic 1Iicrochemistry

Oiganic Volumetric Analysis Polarography Raman Spectra in Analysib Statistics Applied to Analysis Ultraviolet Spectroscopy X-Ray Spectroscopy The suhjects selected t o appear in February are: Biochemistry CORtings 689
