Editorial. Clinical Chemistry-An Opportunity and Challenge for

Editorial. Clinical Chemistry-An Opportunity and Challenge for Analytical Chemists. Herbert A. Laitinen. Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42 (12), pp 1305–1305...
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October 1970, Vol. 42, No. 12 Editor:


EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS Washington, D.C. 20036 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone: 202-737-3337 Teletype: WA 23 M a n a g i n g Editor: John K. Crum Associate Editor: Virginia E. Stewart Assistant Editor: Alan J. Senzel Editorial Assistant: Sylvia Crawford PRODUCTION STAFF Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs P r o d u c t i o n Manager: Bacil Guiley Associate P r o d u c t i o n Manager: Charlotte C. Sayre A r t Director: Norman W. Favin NEW YORKOFFICE 733 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 212-867-3161 Associate Editor: Josephine M. Petruzzi PRODUCTION OFFICE,EASTON,PA. EDITORIAL Assistant Editor: Elizabeth R. Rufe

ADVISORYBOARD: Norman G. Anderson, Klaus Biemann, Lyman Craig, James S. Fritz John Funkhouser Marcel Golay Walt& E. Harris. JoseDh jordan. W. Wavn; Meinke, R. A. b t e r i o u n g R .L Pe&ok 6Smith: Edwin P. Przyb lowicz A. ' Samuel M. Tuthiz, Jamis D. Winefordner

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS Director of Publications, Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations, Joseph H. Kuney Group Manager, Journals, John K. Crum Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications, Rodney N. Hader Circulation Director, Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the DiLector of Publications, William Q . Hull REGIONAL EDITORIAL BUREAUS PHILADELPHIA Pa 19107 Philadelphia Natiohal 6 a n k Building Broad & Chestnut Streets CHICAGO, Ill. 60603 36 South Wabash Ave. S A N FRANCISCO, Calif. 94104 57 Post St. LOS ANGELES, Calif. 90005 422 South Weatern Ave. HOUSTON, Texas 77002 514 Main Bldg. 1212 Main St. FRANKFURT/MAIN West Germany 32 Grosse Bockenheimehrasse LONDON, W. C. 2, England 27 John Adam St. TOKYO. Jaoan Iikura CentialBuilding, 4th Floor 12 Iikura Kata-machi, Azabu Minato-ku, Tokyo

Clinical Chemistry-An Opportunity and Challenge for Analytical Chemists t a time when job opportunities have dwindled for people with advanced technical training, it is particularly important to note fields in which a critical manpower shortage exists. Such a field is


clinical chemistry. This month's Report for Analytical Chemists (page 32 A ) , by Professor William C. Purdy and Dr. Robert s. Melville, was originally written as a report to the Committee on Analytical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. Its content was of such importance that it deserved wider publication. It is pointed out that less than a year from now, on July 1, 1971, Title 20 of the Medicare Bill is due to take effect. This act specifies the qualifications for several grades of personnel in independent clinical laboratories to enable the laboratory to qualify for reimbursement under the supplementary medicare insurance part of the Health Insurance for the Aged program. From the statistics given, it seems apparent that the traditional sources of laboratory directors and supervisors (generally from medicine, pathology, or biochemistry) cannot hope to supply the demand in the years ahead even if the 1971 deadline is ignored. I n the short range, it appears that either the provisions of Title 20 will have to be rewritten or its enforcement must be postponed. Of these, the latter course seems wiser, as the former would remove a significant recognition of clinical personnel by federal statute. I n the long run, both the clinical laboratories and the profession of analytical chemistry would benefit immensely from a substantial infusion of talent in the form of professionally trained analytical chemists. Fundamental improvements in methodology, not just mechanization of ancient procedures, need the impetus of research by people trained as analytical chemists. For our part, we hope to publish an increasing number of papers in the clinical field in the months and years ahead.

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