Editorial. Four Score and Ten - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Editorial. Four Score and Ten. George H. Morrison. Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (2), pp 129–129. DOI: 10.1021/ac00266a600. Publication Date: February 1984...
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EDITOR: GEORGE H. MORRISON EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington,.D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Teletype: 710-8220 151

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Executive Editor: Josephine M. Petruzzi Managing Edttor: Barbara Cassatt Associate Editors: Stuart A. Borman, Marcia S., Vogel Assistant Editor: Rani A. George Editorial Assistant: Louise Voress Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Designer: Sharon Harris Wolfgang Production €diditor: Gail M. Mortenson Circulation Manager: Cynthia G. Smith Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Associate Head: Marianne Brogan Associate Editor: Rodney L. Temos Advisory Board: Joel A. Carter, Richard S. Danchik. Dennis H. Evans, Jack W. Frazer, Helen M. Free, William R. Heineman, Harry S. Hertz, Roland F. Hirsch, Csaba Horvath, Atsushi Mizuike, Thomas C. O’Haver, Melvin W. Redmond, Jr., Herbert L. Retcofsky, Martin A. Rudat, Wilhelm Simon, Charles L. Wilkins Instrumentation Advisory Panel: M. Bonner Denton, Raymond E. Dessy, Larry R. Faulkner, Michael L. Gross, F. James Holler, Peter N. Keliher, Curt Reimann, D. Warren Vidrine, Andrew T. Zander Contributing Editor, A/ C Interface: Raymond E. Dessy The Analytical Approach Advisory Panel: Edward C. Dunlop, Robert A. Hofstader, Wilbur D.Shults Regulatory Affairs, Analytical Dlvislon Committee: Curt W. Reimann (Chairman) Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Books and Journals Dlvlslon

Director: D. H. Michael Bowen Journals: Charles R. Bertsch Production: Elmer Pusey, Jr. Marketing

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Research and Development: Seldon W. Terrant

Four Score and Ten On behalf of the analytical chemistry community it gives me the greatest pleasure to wish Professor Izaak Maurits Kolthoff a very happy 90th birthday. The long career of Piet Kolthoff, as he is fondly known to his colleagues, has had a lasting impact on the development of analytical chemistry as a science. What is more, after a 68-year career, he is still active as a researcher, author$and reviewer. We are indebted to Professors H. A. Laitinen and E. J. Meehan for their informative REPORT in this issue on Professor Kolthoff‘s long and illustrious career and his many contributions to our profession. On this happy occasion it is appropriate to recall Professor Kolthoff‘s thoughts on the status of modern analytical chemistry. He places the beginning of analytical chemistry as a science toward the end of the first quarter of this century. He further observes that “Analytical chemists have become fully conscious of the fact that for the further growth and expansion of their profession they have to remain up to date with the discoveries and new theories by other classes of chemists and of physicists, and have to consider their significance and applicability to analytical chemistry.” He also notes that many of our new techniques originate with physical chemists and physicists, but that analytical chemists play an important role in their further development. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Kolthoff for all he has done to advance our profession and for the profound influence he has had on those fortunate enough to know him. He has done much to further the careers of younger scientists. A recent example is his donation of a $2500 honorarium he received to the Charles N. Reilley Memorial Fund a t the University of North Carolina. This honorarium was awarded to Professor Kolthoff in 1983 as the first recipient of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching. To celebrate his birthday on Feb. 11, his many friends and former students will get together for a dinner and reception at the University of Minnesota. Happy birthday, Piet.

Manuscript requirements are, published in the January 1984 issue, page 123. Manuscripts for publication (4 copies) should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY at the ACS Washington address. The American Chemical Society and its editors assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society.