Editorial. Instrument Industry Seeks Answer to Foreign Competition

Nov 19, 2003 - Editorial. Instrument Industry Seeks Answer to Foreign Competition. Lawrence T. Hallett. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (7), pp 817–817. DOI:...
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June 1961, Vol. 33, No. 7

APPLIED JOURNALS, ACS Director of Publications, C . B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Richard L. Kenyon Assistant to the Director of Publications, Joseph H . Kuney Assistant to the Editorial Director, Rodney N. Hader Director of Editorial Research, Robert F. Gould




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Instrument industry Seeks Answer to Foreign Competition GRADUAL are taking place in the hmeriBUT FAR REACHING CHANGES

can instrument industry due t o increasing competition from abroad. It is our impression t h a t many domestic firms are proceeding on t h e assumption t h a t existing and future tariff structures will not givt: t h c i n much protection. Since they do not feel t h a t tariff protection is forthcoming, they are, therefore, trying to find other means to assure their continued existence. T h e huge sums sent ahroad tiy t h e U. S.,particularly after IVorld W a r 11, and t h e export of new production 'machinery, equipment, and technology, made i t possible for many foreign countries to reestablish vigorous economies. T h e y now constitute major competition for U. S. concerns. TJ. S.manufacturers often find t h a t with their high labor costs it is difficult t o compete in foreign markets with finished products. They can, however, export technical skills and know-how. This is done in , ~ : v e r a lways : licensing forcign cornpanics to make such items using U. S.know-how, setting up U.S.-owncd cornpanics in foreign coilntrics to t a k e :idvantage of 1ouc:r I a h r costs, or entering into some 5ort of part i i crs h i p with for ei gn c om p a n i cs and manu f a c t w i n g itern s a tir o a d using 5. S.know-how. I n this last case, some of t h e agrcemerits include a provirion t h a t developments or improvcrnents made \JY one licwnste will IJC available to other licenwes. Cross-IicenLing is also tjeing practiced. C . S. manufacturer:, to succccd i n this type of activity, rnust maintain a reservoir of new idcas and skills. This, i n turn, calls for C(J)IItinuirig h 5 i c research and development. Unlcss this is donc, Erircign cornpanies will not only )lave an cdge in I w c r l a l ~ o rcosts },ut will also catch up or surpasc 11s in technical knowledge. This woiild result, in ar1 11ri fa vora h I e c omp c t i t i v e p o c: i t i on. Our principal c h w v a t i m is that the future of the Arricricaii ir15t,r11mcmt industry Isill depend on its maintaining a dynamic rcsearc:kl and dcveloprtierit program, thm providing itself with a tocJl to rclcet foreigrl competition ,

Adrartising Manuqement REINHOLD PUBLISHING c o w 'For Branch Officed %e page 141 A ,

VOL. 33, NO. 7 , JUNE 1961