Editorial. Large Number of Books Appearing in Analytical Chemistry

Editorial. Large Number of Books Appearing in Analytical Chemistry. Lawrence T. Hallett. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (8), pp 897–897. DOI: 10.1021/ac6016...
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July 1960, Vol. 32, No. 8 APPLIED JOURNALS, ACS Director o f Publicafions, C. B. Larrabee Editoriol Director, Richard 1. Kenyon Execufive Editor, James M. Crowe Assistant to fhe Direcfor o f Publicotions, Joseph H. Kuney Assistant fo the Ediforial Direcfor, Robert F. Gould ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Edifor, Lawrence T. Hallett Managing Editor, Robert G. Gibbs EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 6, D. C. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Teletype W A 23 Phone REpublic 7-3337 Associofe Editors: G. Gladys Gordon, Stella Anderson, Katherine I. Biggs, Robert J. Riley, Sue M. Solliday, Ruth Reynard Assisfanf Editors: Robert J. Kelley, Malvina B. Preiss Ediforiol Assistants: Katherine H. Ginnane, Virginia E. Stewart, S. S. Rogers, Lorraine M. Bertuzzi Layouf and Producfion: Joseph Jacobs (Art Director), Melvin D. Buckner (Art); Betty V. KieRer, John V. Sinnett BRANCH EDITORIAL OFFICES CHICAGO 3, ILL. Room 926, 36 South Wabash Ave. Phone STate 2-5148 Teletype CG 725 Associafe Editors: Arthur Poulos, Chester Placek, James H. Krieger HOUSTON 2, TEX. 718 Melrore Bldg. Phond FAirfax 3-7107 Teletype HO 72 Associafe Editors: Bruce F. Greek, Earl V. Anderson NEW YORK 16, N. Y. 2 Park Ave. Phone ORegon 9-1646 Teletype NY 1-4726 Associofe Editors: William Q. Hull, Harry Stenerson, D. Gray Weaver, Walter S. Fedor, Laurence J. White, louis A. Agnello SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. 703 Mechanics’ Institute Bldg., 57 Post St. Phone EXbrook 2-2895 Teletype SF 549 Associafe Editor: Richard 0. Newhall Assisfonf Edifor: Joseph Sturchio EASTON, PA. 20th and Northampton Sts. Phone Blackburn 8-91 11 Teletype ESTN Pa 7048 Associafe Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assisfont: Elizabeth R. Rufe EUROPEAN OFFICE Bush House, Aldwych, London Phone Temple Bar 3605 Cable JIECHEM Associafe Fdittw: Albert S. Hester Assisfanf Edifor: Brendan F. Somerville

large Number of Books Appearing in Analytical Chemistry past 41/2years the book columns of AKALYTICAL CHEMDuring the have described approximately 350 new books or an average ISTRY

of six a month. During the same period AC has also listed approximately 170 government publications. This latter group, which generally consists of soft-cover publications, describes results of government-sponsored or supported research. Until we made this quick check, we did not realize how large was the number of books published in the area of analytical chemistry. A list of the titles of these books shows how extensive is the area encompassed by analytical chemistry and the tremendous number of metliods, techniques, and instruments available to the workers in this field. One trend we have noted is toward the preparation of multivolunie treatises. These are written by a large number of experts, each of whom contributes a chapter or a section of a book, and an editor who combines all these contributions into a well-organized series. These constitute critical, comprehensive, and systematic treatments of classical and modern analytical chemistry. Such reference works should prove to be of great value to analytical chemists everywhere. The trend toward such treatises is indicative of the tremendous growth in the scope of analytical chemistry. It used to be t h a t one man could write a comprehensive text covering the significant work in all branches of analytical chemistry. This type of publication in the field of analytical chemistry, as in other major fields of chemistry, made the names of the authors synonymous JJ-ith their field. Books by such authors had their own styles and strengths and weaknesses. The current practice of drawing on the knowledge and experience of many experts probably leads t o a more comprehensive publication than the older method. We must admit, however, that we are sorry to see the departure of the older type of book from the scene.

Contribufing €difor: R. H. Muller Advisory Board: W. H. Beamer, F. E. Beamish, C. E. Bricker, W. D. Cooke, D. D. DeFord, M. T. Kelley, C. 1. Luke, W. M. MacNevin, W. J. Mader.W. B. Mason, F. W. Mitchell, Jr., N. H. Nachtrieb, E. J. Rosenbaum, B. F. Scribner, F. H. Stross Adverfising Manogement REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. (For Branch Offices see p a g e 1 1 1 A)

VOL. 32, NO.

6, JULY 1960