Editorial. Let's Be Number One - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Editorial. Let's Be Number One. Herbert A. Laitinen. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (8), ... Chemical amplification in analysis: a review. Analytical Chemistr...
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analytical chemistry Editor: Herbert A. Laiiinen EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Teletype: 710-8220151 Managing Editor; Josephine M. Petruzzi Associate Editor: Andrew A. Husovsky Associate Editor, Easton: Elizabeth R . Rufe Assistant Editors: Barbara Cassatt, Nancy J. Oddenino, Deborah C. Stewart Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: John V. Sinnett Designer; Alan Kahan Advlsory Board: Donald H. Anderson, Peter Carr, Velmer Fassel, David Firestone, Kurt F. J. Heinrich, Philip F. Kane, Barry L. Karger, J. Jack Kirkland, Lynn L. Lewis, Marvin Margoshes, Harry B. Mark, Jr., J. W. Mitchell, Harry L. Pardue, Garry A. Rechnitz, W. D. Shults Instrumentallon Advlsory Panel: Gary D. Christian, Catherine Fenseiau, Nathan Gochrnan, Gary M. Hieftje, Gary Horlick, Peter J. Kissinger, James N. Little, C. David Miller, Sidney L. Phillips. Contributing Editor: Claude A. Lucchesi Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, iii. 60201 Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Books and Journals Division Director: D. H.Michael Bowen Editorial: Charles R. Bertsch Magazine and Production: Bacil Guiley Research and Development: Seldon W. Terrant Circulation Development: Marion Gurfein Manuscript requirements are published in the January 1978 issue, page 189. Manuscripts for publication (4 copies) should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY at the ACS Washington address.

Let’s Be Number One According to the official membership figures, the Division of Analytical Chemistry with 4159 members is now second in size among ACS divisions. Gratifying as this is, especially to those of us who remember that we had less than a thousand members twenty-five years ago, there is still room for substantial growth. If even 25% of our subscribers belonged to the Division, we would clearly be the largest. There are more reasons than ever to support the Division of Analytical Chemistry. The most compelling reason is that its professional activities are second to none. The Analytical Division is the only division with a nationally competitive fellowship program. With the aid of industrial sponsors and with its own resources, it sponsors several summer and full-year graduate fellowships. The limiting factor is the availability of funds, not the lack of worthy applicants. Other noteworthy professional activities are the undergraduate award of a 15-month subscription to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY presented to an outstanding undergraduate student in each of several hundred institutions each year, the arrangement of summer employment opportunities for advanced undergraduates, and the sponsorship of the divisional award in chemical instrumentation. The Divisional Summer Symposium has become a tradition of long standing. In addition, several standing and ad hoc committees function to consider professional problems on a long term and short term basis. Divisional activities present a challenge and opportunity for professional involvement. These special activities enhance the traditional role of the Division in sponsoring symposia and contributed papers at national ACS meetings. Plans are actively under way for the Spring 1979 meeting in Honolulu, to be jointly sponsored by the ACS and the Chemical Society of Japan. Recent changes in the ACS constitution and by-laws have increased the importance of the divisions in relation to local sections. Under the new rules, the Analytical Division is represented by four councilors rather than two. Financial returns from the national society to the divisions are based partly on membership and partly on attendance at divisional sessions at national ACS meetings. New and re-instated memberships in ACS which are processed through a division bring a financial reward to the division. To join, send $4.00 and information for the biennial divisional directory to Peter N. Keliher, Department of Chemistry, Villanova University, Villanova, Pa. 19085. Student memberships are available at $2.00.

The American Chemical Society and its editors assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society.