Editorial. Literature Reference Citations - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Literature Reference Citations. Herbert A. Laitinen. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (1), pp 1– ... Published online 8 December 2003. Published in print 1 Ja...
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analytical chemistry January 1975, Vol. 47, NO. 1 Editor: HERBERT A. LAITINEN EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St N.W Washington, D.c:' 2003i Phone, 202-872-4600 'Teletype: 710-822015 1 Managing Editor: Josephine M. Petruzzi Aslociate Editor: Andrew A. Huaovsky Editorial Assistant: Linda A. Ferragut GRAPHICS A N D PRODUCTION STAFF Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Associate Manager: Charlotte C. Sayre Art Director: Norman W. Favin Artist: Linda McKnight Assistant Editor:

Nancy J. Oddenino


Bard David F. Boltz E. G. Brame Richard 6. Buck J r Warien B. Crumrndtt M. A. Evenson' A "F. Findeis Kenneth W. Gardiner J a c i M. Gill,. Roiert A. Hofstader, Marjorie G. Horning, R. S. Juvet, Jr., Walter C. McCrone, Oscar Menis, Eugene Sawicki

INSTRUMENTATIONADV~SORY PANEL: Stanle R Crouch Robert W. Hannah J. J. &kland Ron'ald H. Laessig Mar& Margoshes garold M. McNai; David Seligson, R'. K. Skogerboe, Donald E. Smith Contributing Editor: Claude A. Lucchesi Department of Chemistry, Sorthwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 60201 Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N. W. Washington, D.C. 20036

B o o b a n d J o u r n a l s Division John K Crum Director Ruth Reynard and Virginia E. Stewart Assistants to t h e Director


Charles R. Bertsch Head, Editorial Proceasing Department D. H. Michael Bowen Head, Journals Depart m e n t Bacil Guile Head, Graphics a n d Productron Department Seldon W. Terrant Head, Research and Development Depart m e n t

Aduertising Management


Literature Reference Citations

Prior to 1967, literature references in ANALYTICALCHEMISappeared in alphabetical order of authors at the end of each research article. In January 1967, to be consistent in styling with other ACS research journals, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY adopted a two-column format for its research section and began listing literature references as footnotes a t the foot of each column in the order of appearance of the citations. From the functional viewpoint, there is no clear-cut and strong advantage of one system over the other. The reader would find it more convenient to glance to the bottom of the page to find a reference than to turn to the end of the article. On the other hand, if he is seeking to find out if a particular author or paper has been cited, the listing a t the end would be more convenient. In fact, we have continued the collected listing for the special review issues, which are unique to our Journal among ACS publications. In recent years, with computer composition of ACS research journals, it has developed that the footnote system is more costly because page makeup is still performed manually. As a result, some of our sister journals, especially T h e Journal of Organic Chemistry, T h e Journal of Physical Chemistry, and finally the Journal of t h e American Chemical Society, have adopted the style of listing references a t the end of articles. Consequently, beginning with the current issue, readers will note that we have decided to switch back t o our old style except for alphabetization. This change is being made in the interests of uniformity, and also in the interests of economy. If a t some future time, when computer composition includes the makeup of pages, all the ACS research journals decide to return to footnoted references, we will follow along. In the meantime, our readers are invited to comment upon the relative merits of the two styles. TRY

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