Editorial. Modern Classics-Volume II - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Editorial. Modern Classics-Volume II. Herbert A. Laitinen. Anal. Chem. , 1976, 48 (6), pp 793–793. DOI: 10.1021/ac60370a600. Publication Date: May 1...
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analytical chemistry May 1976, Vol. 48, No. 6

Editor: Herbert A. Lailinen EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Teletype: 710-8220151 Managing Editor: Josephine M. Petruzzi Associate Editor: Andrew A. Husovsky Associate Editor, Easton: Elizabeth R. Rufe Assistant Editor: Nancy J. Oddenino


Editorial Assistants: Barbara Cassatt, Deborah M. Cox


Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Associate Manager: Charlotte C. Sayre Artist: Diane Reich Advisory Board: Donald H. Anderson, Edward G. Brame, Jr., Richard P. Buck, Warren B. Crummett, Merle A. Evenson, Velmer Fassei, A. F. Findeis, Robert A. Hofstader, Marjorie G. Horning, Richard S. Juvet, Jr., Lynn L. Lewis, Harry B. Mark, Jr., Walter C. McCrone, Eugene A. Sawicki, W. D. Shults Instrumentation Advisory Panel: Stanley R. Crouch, Nathan Gochman, Robert W. Hannah, Gary Horlick, James N. Little, Harold M. McNair, David Seligson, R. K. Skogerboe, Donald E. Smith Contributing Editor: Claude A. Lucchesi Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 60201 Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Books and Journals Division Director: D. H. Michael Bowen Editorial: Charles R. Bertsch Graphics and Production: Bacil Guiley Research and Development: Seldon W. Terrant

In 1970, a collection of selected articles reprinted from ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYand Chemical and Engineering News was published under the title “Modern Classics in Analytical Chemistry”. Compiled and edited by Professor Alvin L. Beilby of Pomona College, Claremont, Calif., the collection was intended primarily as supplementary reading material for analytical chemistry courses. The Modern Classics compilation was so well received that a second volume is about to appear. Professor Beilby has selected articles exclusively from 1970-1975 A-page articles in ANALYTICALCHEMISTRY, namely “Report”, “Instrumentation”, and “The Analytical Approach”. Two principal criteria were used in the selection of articles. First, the articles cover topics frequently included in advanced analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis work. Second, the articles were selected to cover the entire field as broadly as possible. The authors represent a wide variety of institutions, government laboratories, instrument manufacturers and industrial research laboratories. The coverage includes historical material, theoretical and applied papers, and solutions of analytical problems. In addition to the articles themselves, complete index listings of “Report” and “Instrumentation” articles for the period 1970-1975 have been included. All nine of the “Analytical Approach” articles appearing through 1975 have been included, so that an index listing was not necessary. The volume should be of value not only to teachers and students in advanced analytical courses, but also to analytical chemists generally as a convenient collection of source material in a broad array of topics.

Circulation Development: Marion Gurfein Manuscript requirements are published in the December 1975 issue, Page 2525. Manuscripts for publication (4 copies) should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY at the ACS Washington address.





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