Editorial. New Laboratory Design and Construction - Analytical

Editorial. New Laboratory Design and Construction. Lawrence Hallett. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (10), pp 1185–1185. DOI: 10.1021/ac60190a600. Publication ...
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September 1962,Vol. 34, No. 10

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Director of Publications, Applied Journals, A C S , C . B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Applied Journals. A C S , Richard L. Kenyon Assistant to the Director of Publications, A p plied Journals, A C S , Joseph H. Kuney Assistunt to the Editorial Director, Applied Journals. ACS, Rodney N . Hader Director of Editorial Research, Applred Journals. ACS. Robert F. Gould Editor, LAWRENCE T. HALLFIT

EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 6, D. C. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone: REpublic 1-3337 Teletype WA 23 Associate Editors: G. Gladys Gordon, Sue M. Solliday Assistant Editor: Virginia E . Stewart Editorial Assistant: Josephine Pechan Editorial Reference: Barbara A. Gallagher Production Stuff-Washington Joseph Jacobs ( A r t Director) John V. Sinnett ( A r t ) Production Stuff-Easton, Pa. 20th and Northampton Sts. Associate Edrfor: Charlotte C . Sayre Assistant Editor: Elizabeth R . Rufe

REGIONAL EDITORIAL BUREAUS Eastern Manager: William Q. HuU ((New York) NEW YORK 17, N. Y. 733 Third Ave. PHILADELPHIA, 3, Pa. 1725 Pennsylvania Blvd. PITTSBURGH 30, P a . 530 William Penn Place Midcontinent and Western Manager: Arthur Poulos (Chicago] CHICAGO 3, IU. 36 South Wabash Ave. CLEVELAND 14, Ohio 1367 East Sixth S t . SAN FRANCISCO 4, Calif 57 Post St. LOS ANGELES 5, Calif. 422 South Western Ave. HOUSTON 2, Tex. 1121 Walker St. Washington Southeastern WASHINGTON 6, D. C. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. European FRANKFURT/MAIN, West Germany Siesmayerstrasee 58 LONDON, W.l, England 71 South Audley St.

New Laboratory Design and Construction ROM DISCUSSIONS with

directors of industrial research laboratories and heads of chemistry departments in colleges and universities, it seems that there is no more harrowing an experience than t h a t of being assigned the responsibility of getting a new laboratory designed and built. The final product, the new building, is almost invariably the result of a series of compromises. The cost of building a facility which will incorporate everything felt necessary or desirable by those concerned is generally greate? than the amount of money available for the purpose. Even if no cost limitations were involved, designing a building which will be adaptable to future needs in a period of rapidly changing technology presents many problems. Until one has gone through the trials and tribulations of working on such a project, he can not envision them, state our contacts. It was with this in mind t h a t the National Research Council prepared a book outlining the thoughts of those who have been involved in such projects. The first edition of this book appeared a decade ago. With the rapid developments in this field in the past 10 years, NRC, with the help of a host of experts, has prepared a complete new updated revision. Highlights of this book are being presented in a two-part Report for Analytical Chemists. The first one, in this issue, is devoted to general problems involved in erecting a laboratory building. These problems are characteristic of both industrial and academic laboratories. Part I1 will deal with specific problems characteristic of academic laboratories. Comments of our Advisory Board and others in our field have led the editors t o believe t h a t there is a great deal of interest in this subject. With this thought in mind, efforts were made to obtain another article on this general topic which would express some of the thinking of scientists abroad. We have obtained such an article from Great Britain. This will appear in a forthcoming issue. Ordinarily, we do not give this much attention to one topic. I n this case, however, the editors believe that the subject is so large and complex and of sufficient interest and importance, t h a t such a series is worthwhile.

Contributing Editor: R. H. Miller Advisory Board: J. E. Barney 11, C. E. Bricker, D. D . DeFord, E. C. Dunlop, J. C. Giddings, R. F. Goddu, H. V. Malmstadt, W. B. Mason, F. W. Mitchell, Jr., M. L. Moas, J. D . N e w , L. B. Rogers, B. F. Scribner, Irving Shain, Sidney Siggia Advertising Management


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VOL. 34, NO. 10, SEPTEMBER 1962