Editorial. Research manuscripts - Environmental Science

Publication Date: January 1976. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Environ. Sci. Technol. 1976, 10, 1, 9-9. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the artic...
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Editor: Russell F. Christman Associate Editor: Charles R . 0. Melia WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Stanton S.Miller Associate Editor: Julian Josephson Assistant Editor: Lois R. Ember MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING Manager: Katherine I. Biggs Assistant Editor: David Hanson MANUSCRIPT EDITING Associate Production Manager: Charlotte C. Sayre Assistant Editor: Gloria L. Dinote GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Norman Favin Artist: Diane J. Reich Advisory Board: P. L. Brezonik, Joseph J. Bufaiini, Arthur A. Levin, James J. Morgan, Sidney R . Orem, Frank P. Sebastian, John H. Seinfeld, C. Joseph Touhiii, Charles S. Tuesday Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 872-4600 Executive Director: Robert W. Cairns BOOKS AND JOURNALS DIVISION D. H. Michael Bowen, Director Charles R . Bertsch, Head Editorial Department Bacil Guiley, Head, Graphics and Production Department Seldon W. Terrant, Head, Research and Development Department Marion Gurfein, Head, Circulation Development ADVERTiSlNG MANAGEMENT Centcom, Ltd. For offices and advertisers, see page 104 Please send research manuscripts to Manuscript Reviewing, feature manuscripts to Managing Editor. For author’s guide and editorial policy, see June 1975 issue, page 547, or write Katherine I. Biggs. Manuscript Reviewing Office €S& T

Research manuscripts Exchanges of manuscripts between editors and authors regarding revisions are one of the time-consuming elements in processing a manuscript for publication. In an effort to minimize this process time I would like to emphasize our editorial policy regarding the length of manuscripts, classification of the manuscript, and the degree of analytical emphasis that is appropriate for ES&T. Accelerating costs of publication demand strict control of the total number of printed pages in €S&Tthat are currently divided between Feature articles and other special staff written reports and Current Research. Pressure for the publication of good research papers is great and we will be striving therefore to shift a portion of front end pages to research coverage in the near future. Regrettably, it will remain necessary to limit the page length of each research article accepted for publication and all manuscripts should be prepared therefore with the strictest attention to brevity. The vast majority of articles are expected to be less than four published pages although in rare instances longer and exceptional papers reporting on major advances in the state of the art may be considered. The Current Research Author’s Guide published in each June issue contains useful suggestions on the condensation of manuscripts. Processing time will be reduced if the editors do not have to return manuscripts for these reasons. Research Papers will in general describe complete and fully interpreted results of original research. Reviews are not encouraged unless it can be established that they stimulate new research ideas or lead to new and significant generalizations. Notes are short research reports describing preliminary results of unusual importance and need not meet the criteria of complete and full interpretation. Submitters of a Note should be able to justify why it is not desirable to wait for a more complete report to be published as a Research Paper. Correspondence is significant comment on work already published in ES&T, to which the original author is permitted to respond. All research articles emphasizing analytical methodology for air or water analysis must include substantial application to environmental samples. We face some overlap with other journals in this area, and articles that do not contain in the editors’ judgment a significant emphasis on environmental analysis will be returned to the authors for submission elsewhere.

Volume 10, Number 1, January 1976