Editorial. Resolutions for the new year - Environmental Science

Jan 1, 1973 - Editorial. Resolutions for the new year. Stanton S. Miller. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1973, 7 (1), pp 9–9. DOI: 10.1021/es60073a603. Pu...
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Resolutions for the new year Editor: James J. Morgan WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Stanton S. Miller Assistant Editor: H. Martin Malin. Jr. Assistant Editor: Carol Knapp Lewicke MANUSCRIPT REV1EWI NG Associate Editor: Norma Yess MANUSCRIPT EDITING Associate Production Manager: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant: Julie Plumstead ART AND PRODUCTION Associate Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Norman Favin Layout and Production: Dawn Leland Advisory Board: P. L. Brezonik, R. F. Christman, G. F. Hidy, P. L. McCarty, David Jenkins, Charles R. O’Melia, John H. Seinfeld, John W. Winchester Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICALSOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

BOOKS AND JOURNALS DIVISION John K Crum Director Ruth Reynard Assistant to the Director Charles R . Bertsch Head, €ditoria/ Processing Department D. H. Michael Bowen Head, Journals Department Bacil Guiley Head, Graphics and Production Department Joseph H. Kuney Head, Business Operations Department Seldon W. Terrant Head, Research and Development Department ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT Centcom, Ltd. For offices and advertisers, see page 80. Please send research manuscripts to Manuscript Reviewing, feature manuscripts to Managing Editor. f o r author’s guide and editorial policy, see June 1972 issue, page 523 or write Norma Yess, Manuscript Reviewing Office.

The beginning of a new year is customarily the time for change and for new beginnings. At the beginning of 1973, Environmental Science & Technology is entering its 7th year. Now widely known and accepted as just ES&T, the publication has come a long way. Circulation has climbed to almost three times the 1967 level, and judging by the acceptance shown by a growing number of environmentally aware readers and subscribers, we are confident of continued progress. Of course, few people like change, but most admit to the need for it, at least when they understand it. The most apparent changes readers will find when examining this issue are new typefaces. The changes were made at this time because-together with other publications of the American Chemical Society-ES&T is switching to a new method of typesetting. Photocomposition (“cold” typesetting) offers several advantages, not the least of which is reduced cost, and we have taken the opportunity to select newer, more modern typefaces which hopefully will enhance readability. Despite the fact that ES&T looks different-and, we hope, better-the content is basically the same as it has been over the past few years. ES&T intends to keep readers aware of what is really happening on the environmental scene, to dig beneath the surface for facts and insights. We shall continue to present the newest technologies for pollution control and to publish advances in basic knowledge of environmental science and technology. We’ll try, too, to report on the environmental legislative process, through proposals, debate, and the enactment of new laws. In short, we’ll be trying through 1973 and beyond to help readers solve their environmental problems by informing them about developments and by interpreting these developments so that readers are able to put into understandable context all the myriad happenings in this complex but exciting field. Those, at any rate, are our new year’s resolutions. We hope that you will make some, too, and that one of them will be to let us know your information needs. If we can satisfy you, then we’ll be satisfied.

In each paper with more than one author, the name of the author to whom inquiries should be addressed carries a numbered footnote reference.

Volume 7, Number 1, January 1973
