Editorial: Safety and the Pesticides Industry's Future

A few generations ago the public was inclined to look upon the ... Society News Service, which has strengthened and ... to get theirpublic status on a...
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Safety and the Pesticides Industry’s Future WALTER J. MURPHY, Editor that the increase in application of science to agriculture during the next 10 years will be more extensive a n d effective since there has been a conscious chemicalization of agriculture. Upon the care and soundness with which this ”revolution” is effective, sion. By this means chemists and chemical engineers have \vi11 depend the success of the technical industries serving been able to present their work to the public more satisagriculture. This applies with special emphasis where actorily. the chemical industry is in\.olved. Information presented to the public is extremel!. There is serious concern o\’er the shortage of trained important to the agricultural chemicals industry. A scientists including bmoth chemical and agricultural. disturbing percentage of the articles appearing in magThere is also much concern o\.er the misunderstanding azines for qeneral readership have taken the negative hetrvc.cn the scientist and the public. Perhaps these two view of the use of pesticidal chemicals. Some of these are not totally disconnected. Both deserve some con- have appeared in publications reaching groups particsideration \\ith respect to agriculture. ularly influential on public opinion and action. There A f w . qenerations ayo the public was inclined to look are some remarkable and glamorous stories that, without upon the chemist as a creature apart from society. I n the exaggeration or sensationalism, can b e told on the favorlay picture, h r puttered about a smelly, fuming laboratory able side. But relati\dy few are reaching the general almost constantly squinting into a test tube held u p to a public. lieam of liqht from a c r x k e d , dirt) window. He was the This is particularly pertinent in the matter of public personification of a fascinating quasi-evil from a n unknoLvn safety education about agricultural chemicals. A safety and mysterious world. H e \vas a dependable prop for a program commendably was urged by California Sprayhorror stor!. And the public tingled at meeting, in the Chemical‘s president, A . W. Mohr, at last month’s iniag-ination, this brother of Beelzebub. meeting of the Sational .4gricultural Chemicals AssociaBut uithin a period which amounted to little more than tion. He suggested a two-part program: one part for o\.ernight in the molding of public concepts, we were industry and one part for the NAC Association. T h e cost \\.caring on our bodies, putting into our stomachs, and may be high, but what expenditure could be more basic? li\.ing amonqst the products of the chemist. T h e \vender Once the public is educated properly about the facts fabrics, miracle drugs, and the fabulous vitamins made on the hazsrds of pesticides and proper precautions, the the public hunger to know more about these things it dangers \vi11 be recognized but will cease to tie the charlxheld \vith fascination acteristic uppermost in the mind. We are properl>Saturally, the chemist \vas brought into the public respectful of the hazards of handling household lye, shoteye. He was expected to tell the public about these qun shells, or electrical equipment, but no one suggests [vondcrs and explain holy rhey worked. But he had that they are evils being foisted upon the public in distrained Ion9 and hard i n a specialized profession that had regard of our welfare. Education that will bring the been unaccustomed to meeting the public. I n fact, his general public to realize that pesticidal chemicals are pridc in his profession had been injured by the picture useful materials which need only be handled with recompainted a yeneration or t1i.o before-the laymen held their mended care is needed to overcome the lack of underiioscs or expected a n explosion a t the mention of a chemist. standing which can hinder the development of those This encouraged many chemists to a\poid publicity which, products. Retarding the useful application of chemicals espcrience had shown, often led to embarrassment. NOM. to agriculture not only would constitute a n economic loss, in the limelight before a n audience eager to bestow but also would jeopardize the future supply of foodstuffs. adulation, often he was speechless and conditioned against the situation. Public opinion demanded a n answer. Part Furthermore, if the chemists, and more broadly all scientists, suffer loss of prestige through such public reaction. of i t took one that was ready-Beelzebub’s brother. the field will fail to attract the best possible men and the Today, the chemical industry and profession have a great deal of prestige. ‘The public is becoming more accus- loss to agriculture and the industry will be even more tomed to what it recognizes as chemistry and more serious. Pesticidal chemicals are in a particularly good position people have chemists arid chemical engineers among their personal acquaintances. But there still remains too much to get their public status on a common sense basis through of the old inference about chemists and chemicals. Such the great increase in nontechnical consumers using those matters aren’t remedied overnight. T h e remedies are products at home. But, the opportunity must be seized accomplished step-wise. O n e example of a successful as soon as possible and developed with sensitive care, step has been the establishment of the AMERICAK CHEMI- else the trend of opinion may go in the wrong direction. CAI. SOCIETY News Senice, \vhich has strengthened a n d 4 n intelligent and thoughtful program in safety education improved relationships benveen scientists of the chemical for both industry and the public deserves the vigorous profession and the nation’s newspapers, radio, and televi- support of the agricultural chemicals industry.


E BELiEvE F i R h i L s

V O L . 3, NO. 10, O C T O B E R