Editorial. The Author's Responsibility - ACS Publications - American

Editorial Assistants: Marcia Cohen, Jacquelyn Danes,. Rani A. George. Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran. Art Director: JohnV. Sinnett. Staff Artis...
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EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Teletype: 710-8220 151 Executive Editor: Josephine M. Petruzzi Managing Editor: Barbara Cassatt Associate Editor: Stuart A. Borman Editorial Assistants: Marcia Cohen, Jacquelyn Danes, Rani A. George Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: John V. Sinnett Sfaff Artist: Linda M. Mattingly Copy Editor: Gail M. Mortenson ,

Circulation Manager: Cynthia G.Smith Journals Uept., Columbus, Ohlo Associate Head: Marianne i3rogan Assistant Editor: Rodney L. Temos Advisory Board L.S. Birks, Donald D. Bly, Richard Durst, Shizuo Fujiwara, Georges Guiochon, Wilbur I. Kaye, Bruce R. Kowalski, Robert A. Libby, Robert S.McDonald, Royce W. Murray, Richard S. Nicholson, Janet Osteryoung, Robert E. Severs, Walter Slavin, Rudolph H. Stehl, John P. Walters Instrumentatlon Advlsory Panel: Nelson L. Alpert, Edward Chait, Stuart P. Cram, Martin S. Frant, Tomas Hlrschfeld, Fred E. Lytle, Carter L. Olson, Thomas H. Rldgway, Yair Talmi Contributing Editor, The Analytical Approach: Jeanette G. Grasselli The Anaiytlcal Approach Advisory Panel: Edward C. Runlop, Robert A. Hofstader, Wilbur D. Shulta Regulatory Affairs, Analytloal Dlvlsion Committee: Fred Freeberg (Chairman) Published by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Books and Journals Divlsiori Director: D H.Michael Bowisn

The Author’s Responsibility With the number of manuscripts submitted for publication constantly increasing, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYis striving to keep processing and publication time to a minimum, while still preserving the quality our readers have come to expect. Prospective authors can help with this job by addressing several problems that have recently surfaced. The main function of our manuscript review process is to improve the quality of a research paper through criticism and revision. This review process is performed by carefully selected peers who are working in the same field of specialization as the author and are genuinely interested in preserving the quality of their research area. Because we recognize that experts may disagree, the service of a third “referee” is occasionally sought to resolve serious differences. While authors are entitled to offer rebuttal arguments against criticisms they regard as incorrect or unfair, a small number tend to resent any suggestions to improve their manuscripts by revision. This is unfortunate since the reviewers serve as an unusually well-informed microcosm of the readership, and their comments can help authors present their work in its best light. Nearly every manuscript can benefit from constructive criticism. A second problem concerns the citing of key references. Reviewers will often detect such an omission by the author, but occasionally they go undetected in the review process. For reasons of space, the JOURNAL discourages exhaustive literature citations in a research manuscript; however, it is the author’s responsibility to include the most pertinent references. In this era of computerized literature search techniques it is unforgivable to omit key references. Finally, there has recently been a rash of unusually long manuscripts consists submitted for publication. The average issue of our JOURNAL of approximately 50 papers occupying about 200 pages of the technical section, with an average of four pages per article. Since JOURNAL space is a t a premium, we request that authors make every effort to condense their material to no more than 1 2 typed pages of manuscript. Quality rather than quantity is still the main objective.

Journals: Charles R. Bertsch Productlon: Elmer Pusey, Jr. Research and Development: Seldon W Terrant Manuscript requirements are published in the January 1981 issue, page 1 3 3 . Manuscripts for publication (4 copies) should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY at the ACS Washington address. The American Chemical Society and its editors assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society.