Editorial. The Coblentz Society Questionnaire - Analytical Chemistry

The Coblentz Society Questionnaire. Walter Murphy. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (6), pp 867–867. DOI: 10.1021/ac60102a602. Publication Date: June 1955...
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The Coblentz Society Questionnaire deviations, the analytical matrix and its inverse (if this are directly interested in infrared method of calculation is used), expected accuracy, special procedures have been aware for conditions, etc. ( I t is not expected a t the present time some time of a movement to form a neTv society, that another site could use such absorptivities directly.) the purpose of which is to be the standardization 2. That such a form be filled out and submitted to of methods for the presentation of infrared data. ANALYTICAL CHEXISTRY as a standard publication with The new society, known as the Coblentz Society, credit to the submitter. 3. That the Cohlentz Society provide ASALYTICAL now has 827 members and will hold its first meetCHEXISTRY with a board of reviewers for such material. ing a t Ohio State University on Thursday, June 4. That ASALYTICAL CHEWSTRYpublish such sub16, 1955, a t 8 P.M.,and will feature a Symposium missions in a separate section of the journal. on JIolecular Structure and Spectroscopy. With 5 . That, periodically, AXALI-TICAL CHEMISTRY collect this meeting, the society will come into official the material, index it (covering all previous material), and existence. As stated in the bylaws, the annual publish it as a reprint at a reasonable price. meetings of the society will be for discussion, and Within the past 3 weeks, the Coblentx Society certainly there are many and varied topics that has mailed out rather widely a questionnaire deare sure to provide plenty of material for an inscribing the proposal that has been made to the teresting and lively discussion at the initial editors of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.Five very meeting. direct and simple questions have been asked on Well over a year ago, Van Zandt Williams of this questionnaire. A high percentage of returns the Perkin-Elmer Corp. prepared a memorandum of the questionnaires will help both the Coblentz for the editors of ASALYTICALCHEMISTRYin Society and the editors to come to a quick dewhich he proposed a program of publication of cision as to whether the journal can serve the infrared data in that journal somewhat along the infrared spectroscopists by presenting infrared same lines as the monthly program of presenting crystallographic data-a feature of ANALYTICAL data in a standard form as a special feature. It is thoroughly understood that no definite comCHEMISTRY for the past 4 or 5 years. mitment has been made as yet by the Coblentz The proposal to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY can Society or ASALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, but if the be described briefly as follows : project u-orks out as present indications are that 1. That the Coblentz Society determine an acceptable it will, then it is very likely that ASALTTICAL Ixief form whereby there will be presented essential data CHEMISTRY will be able to provide still another of an analysis such as mixture components, concentration outstanding service for its subscribers within a ranges, cell thicknesses, instrument conditions, analytical matter of several months. vave lengths, method of Zo/Z measurement, Beer’s law
