Editorial: The Fisher Award-Twenty-Five Years Later - Analytical

Editorial: The Fisher Award-Twenty-Five Years Later. Herbert A. Laitinen. Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44 (7), pp 1113–1113. DOI: 10.1021/ac60315a600. Public...
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A N A V T l CA L June 1972, Vol. 44, NO.7



EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 S i n t h St N.W Washington, D.C:’20036‘ Phone: 202-737-3337 Teletype: 710-8220151 Managing Editor: Virginia E. Stewart A660ciate Editors: Josephine M. Petruzzi Alan J. Senzel Assistant Editor: Andrew A. Huaovsky PRODUCTIONSTAFF Production Manager: B a d Guiley Art Director: Norman W. Favin Art/Production: Judy Bitting Associate Production Managers: Leroy L. Corcoran Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant: Nancy J. Oddenino EDITORIAL PRODUCMON OFFICE,EASTON, PA.


Charles R. Bertach

A u i r t a n t Editor: Elizabeth R. Rufe

ADVISORY BOARD: Norman G. Anderson, Fred Baumann C. G. Enke Henry M. Falea Jamea S Fritk Jeanette hraaselli Walte; E Ha& Thkdore Kuwana Ehwin P. P;zybylodicz William C P d d y Eu ene M. Sallee, Donald T. Saw er, hoycf R. Snyder, Samuel M. T u t h J , Harold F. Walton

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Books and Journals Division Director: John K Crum

Head Business Operations Dedartment : Joseph H. Kuney G r o u Manager. Publications: D. Michael Bowen Assistant t o t h e Director: Ruth Reynard


The Fisher Award-Twenty-Five Years Later AT THE RECENT Boston ACS meeting, the Fisher Scientific Company, in recognition of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the ACS award in Analytical Chemistry, acted as host a t a reception and dinner honoring the past recipients of the award. For those who would like to trace the history of this award, editorials by the late Walter J. Murphy are of interest. I n March 1947, under the title, “The Profession of Analytical Chemist,” Dr. Murphy discussed the growth of analytical chemistry from a service function to the status of a true profession. H e made several suggestions “to correct the existing erroneous impression of what the analytical chemist is and does.” Among these was “The establishment of a t least one award for outstanding original work in the field of analytical chemistry.” I n October 1947, in another editorial entitled “Fisher Award,” he announced that within a few days after the appearance of the March editorial, the late C. G. Fisher, President of the Fisher Scientific Co., had written a letter offering to finance such an award, and that the Board of Dirictors of the ACS had accepted administrative responsibility for it. I n September 1947, the first Fisher Award winner, Dr. N. Howell Furman, was announced in another editorial. Over the past twenty-five years, the Fisher Award has contributed greatly to the prestige of analytical chemistry. Today there is no shortage of eminently qualified candidates for future awards, and it is hoped that this fine tradition can long continue.


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For submission of manuscripts, see page 6 A . ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 44, NO. 7, JUNE 1972