Editorial. Within Bounds - ACS Publications

stray slightly over the border? What of duplications within a single review? In the past the editors have told review authors that they are to re- vie...
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August 1958, Vol. 30, No. 8 APPLIED JOURNALS, ACS Director of Publications, C. B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Walter J. Murphy Executive Editor, James M. Crowe Production Manager, Joseph H. Kuney ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Editor, Lawrence T. Hallett Managing Editor, Robert 0. Gibbs EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 6, D. C. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone Republic 7-3337 Teletype WA 23 Associate Editors: G. Gladys Gordon, Stella Anderson, Ruth Cornette, Katherine 1. Biggs, George B. Krantz Assistant Editors: Arthur Poulos, Robert J. Riley, Robert J. Kelley, Ruth M. Howorth, Eugenia Keller, Sue M. Solliday Editoriol Assistonts: Malvino 8. Preiss, Ruth Reynard, Gloria H. Wills, Katherine H. Ginnane Layout and Production: Melvin D. Buckner (Art); Hanns 1. Sperr, Betty V. Kieffer, Roy F. Nash, Clarence 1. Rokow BRANCH EDITORIAL OFFICES CHICAGO 3, ILL. Room 926 36 South Wobash Ave. Teletype CG 725 Phone State 2-5148 Associafe Editors: Howard J. Sanders, Chester Placek Assisfanf Editor: Laurence J. White HOUSTON 2, TEX. 718 Melrose Bldg. Teletype HO 72 Phone Fairfax 3-7107 Associote Editor: Bruce F. Greek Assistant Editor: Earl V. Anderson NEW YORK 16, N. Y. 2 Park Ave. Phone Oregon 9-1646 Teletype NY 1-4726 Associate Editors: William 0 . Hull, Horry Stenerson, David M. Kiefer, D. Gray Weaver, Walter S. Fedor, Morton Salkind Assistant Editor: Louis A. Agnello SAN FRANCISCO 4, CALIF. 703 Mechanics’ Institute Bldg. 57 Port st. Teletype SF 549 Phone Exbrook 2-2895 Associate Editor: Richard 0. Newhall Assistant Editor: David E. Gushee EASTON, PA. 20th and Northampton Sts. Phone Earton 91 11 Teletype ESTN Pa 48 Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assisfants: Joyce A. Richards, Elizobeth R. Rufe, June A. Barron EUROPEAN OFFICE Bush House, Aldwych, London Cable JIECHEM Phone Temple Bar 3605 Associofe Editor: Albert 5. Hester Contributing Editor: R. H. MGller Advisory Board: R. M. Archibald, W. H. Beamer, H. 0. Cossidy, W. D. Cooke, R. M. Fowler, Louis Gordon, J. I . Hoffman, M. T. Kelley, E. E. Leininger, W. M. MacNevin, V. W. Meloche, John Mitchell, Jr., E. J. Rosenbaum, R. 0. Russell, A I Steyermark Advertising Management: REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. 430 Park Ave., Mew York 22, N. Y. (Far Branch Offices see page 9 4 AJ

Within Bounds ow is the time for readers to cast their votes for the 1960 review? on fundamental developments in analysis. Some have already done so. More are needed if we are to know how best t o continue the series as a service for readers. Perennial questions have been raised again. I s there not too much overlap among the reviews? Are the titles descriptive and consistent? Are bibliography titles really helpful? Should the specialist interested in one field be satisfied by one review for highlights in his field, or must he also keep in mind that one or two other reviews bear looking a t ? If so, which ones? Is it permissible for the author of one review to stray slightly over the border? What of duplications within a single review? I n the past the editors have told review authors that they are t o review significant developments in the field, “as you see them.” C h c author who was accused by a reader of straying too far afield says. “I have tried t o plan the review as an aid to analytical chemists interested in the theoretical aspects, those interested in developing methods, and those seeking ‘cook book’ methods. A review strictly of methods has, in my opinion, no place in the fundamental reviews, but does have a place as part of the reviews.” This same author also defends some repetition within his review since he has carefully weighed the question of cost of journal space versus usefulness to the reader. Many people are interested in only one or two phases or sections. Should they therefore have t o read an entire review or several reviews? The fact that reviews are written on a strict time schedule means t h a t they cannot be passed around, even among the authors in the series, to catch overlap after they are prepared. There is some possibility t h a t authors who take in territory likely t o be touched by others could confer in advance and arrange for cross-referencing. How can reviews be kept most useful, giving necessary consideration to space problems? S o w is the time for you, the reader, to tell us what you Tvant. We are lining up authors for the 1960 series. If you want the “regulars” t o continue, say so. If you think new topics should be added (or old ones dropped) say so. We shall welcome your rerien- views. and try to profit from them. When an author can spend several weeks preparing a critical review. we hope you will not mind taking a few minutes to let us know \That you want so Jve can try t o provide it.

VOL. 30, NO. 8 , AUGUST 1958