V O ~7,. NO.2
EDITORIALS ANNUAL ELECTION AND REPORTS OF OURISOCIETY resigned his position with t h e Bureau of Forestry T h e results of t h e ballot for t h e election of officers a n d devoted his entire time t o securing t h e manuof t h e American Chemical Society are recorded in t h e facture of his cups on a large commercial scale a n d January number of t h e Journal of t h e Society. Professor supervising their installation in a large number of disCharles H . H e r t y was elected President of t h e Society tricts. More t h a n a hundred million of these cups are for t h e year 191;. T h e pew directors, elected for now in use. T h e saving in resinous products and in t h e utilization of trees as lumber has been very great. three years beginning J a n u a r y I , 191j. are Alexander Smith a n d E. G. Love. T h e counsellors-at-large-for I n 1905, Dr. Herty became professor of general a n d t h e three-year t e r m are E. C. Franklin, F. . K . industrial chemistry in t h e Cniversity of Korth CaroCameron, G. B. Frankforter, a n d G. A. Hulett. lina a n d since t h a t time he has published a number of Charles Holmes inve s t i g a t i o n s upon volatile oils, resins, H e r t y was born a t etc., especially in reMilledgeville, Georgia, lation t o t h e varnish, December 4, 1867. paint, a n d soap inHe attended t h e Unidustries. He has also versity of Georgia for found opportunity for his undergraduate some important retraining, receiving t h e searches in inorganic degree of P h . B . in chemistry, p a r t i c u 1886. Entering Johns larly in t h e field of H o p k i n s University, double salts a n d comhe pursued graduate plex ammonia comcourses in Chemistry, pounds a n d in conMineralogy a n d Geolnection with t h e hyogy, a n d received t h e pothesis of Werner, P h . D . degree in 1890. where he has rendered I n 1891 he became invaluable service. His structor in chemistry rapid method for dein t h e University of termining oil incottonGeorgia a n d he served seed products is widely a s adjunct professor used a n d has proved t h e r e from 1894 until most usef'ul in this im1902. While on leave portant southern inof absence, 1899-1900, dustry. he studied under T h e reports of t h e Werner at Zurich various officers also a n d with W i t t a n d published in t h e Januvon Knorre a t Berlin. a r y number of t h e I n consequence of a Journal of t h e Society c o n v e r sat i o n w i t h present a great deal of W i t t , his attention was material which every directed t o t h e wastemember n-ill find inful methods practeresting a n d instructticed in t h e turpenive. The American tine industry in AmerChFmical Society is ica. R e t u r n i n g t o now t h e largest techGeorgia he began innical society in t h e vestigations in t h e world, enrolling over CHARLES HOLMES HERTY.PRESIDENT AHERICANCHEMICAL SOCIETY southern field, using 7 , I 7 0 active members. t h e a p p a r a t u s now known as t h e "Herty Cup." This pioneer work required I t s 1o c a1 act i vi t ies are divided into forty-five lo c als e ct io ns . T h e society distributes 3 6 0 , 0 0 0 copies of its journals per great patience a n d steadfast confidence in t h e correctness 1,000copies per day. T h e Board of Direcof his views a n d involved much labor a n d t a c t in meeting year-almost t h e opposition of prejudice a n d ignorance. I n 1902 he tors administers a budget of over S104,000 per year. A careful s t u d y of m a n y of t h e items set forth in resigned his position in t h e University of Georgia t o accept one with t h e Cnited States Bureau of Forestry. these reports must certainly impress t h e reader with I n t h e Summer of 1903 he studied t h e turpentine indus- t h e substantial growth a n d far-reaching influence of t r y in southwestern France a n d in Austria and the t h e American Chemical Society a n d i t s valuable service marketing of naval stores in London. I n 1904 he t o t h e chemical a n d other scientific professions.