âCalling All Jobs,â newly issued by NAM. helps in this direction. Following ... sistently high caliber of personnel, each in his own field, from the chief ... technology.
Dec 18, 2015 - Viral Pathogenesis Section, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health ...
B.F.G.. Designer's. Dream. LEST we all become self-satisfied with materials already available to us, here's something for chemical research workers to shoot at.
data base management, scientific text processing, and electronic mail and document transfer. One way to improve technical productivity is by giving the scientist more time to do science. This can be accomplished through improved efficiency in the off
The Fisher Award and More than a Name Change. Walter J. Murphy. Anal. Chem. , 1947, 19 (10), pp 699â699. DOI: 10.1021/ac60010a001. Publication Date: ...
T IS a pleasure to present to our readers in this issue two. I articles ... America has been accused of slowness in the development of synthetic nitrates, but a survey of the situation cannot fail to lead to the conclusion that, after all, America is
sccick from Gcrninny, dcspiic ~ i i c grcnt ndvantsgc in exchange. Tie prcscnt unsatisfactory condition under ... clcalcrs cnn no longcr clcpcnd upon regular stock production for Inhorntory uce, but are compcllccl to have ... directly concerned with
tracted considerable attention and brought to the edi- tor's desk a large number ... increased from nine to twelve and a system of rotation has been adopted. We.
erable variation in the yields from different parts of the same tree and in some species the slabs, which, on account of the bark, are usually considered in- ferior ...
contributions to the arts in Fecent times. ... lying between ordinary photography and art-art ... graphic detail and usually they can not get too much of it. A long ...