EDITORIALS. Second Summer Symposium; Divisional Membership

Second Summer Symposium; Divisional Membership Climbs. Walter Murphy. Anal. Chem. , 1949, 21 (5), pp 539–539. DOI: 10.1021/ac60029a001. Publication ...
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Second Summer Symposium orld’s leading jouriial rec~iiding the pi ugress of f u i i d ~ n e n t a l chemistry. D r . Lamb ha. vrvecl aq editor of the Journal o j the American Chemical Society sinw 1918 and in that 31-year period the Jourizal hit.: gronn in infliirnce to it< I’resrnt pn4tion of international pre-eniiric‘nre. The program of the ~ ~ r o rwiinier i ~ l ~ y n i p o ~ i i ii.i nprinted in this issue and will apprar a l w in CherrLiral ond Engineering Sews. Local arrangement< are under the general direction of 11. Gilbert Burford of K~=-leyari Univeriity. Acconiniodations a t the u n i v e r d y arc‘ limited and n e urge that those planning to attend UT tlie coupon on page 648 of this issue to 4gnify intention to attend. Wesleyaii Criiversity has very kindly placed all its facilitieq a t the dii1mal of those attending and it is imperative that a definite indication he m:icir. a t least by June 9, of the niiniher who plan to be present. The idea of suninier qymposia bponsoretl jointly by the Division of Analytical and Micro Chemistry and thir publication is no longer experimental. The first. held last year at Sorthwestern, demonqtrated the practicability of holding meetings on specialized Yubjects a t a t h e other than riational meetings of t h e Society. The iubject of the 1950 symposium. “Analytical Separation$.” n as selected a t a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the division. Analyst., ~5-ebeLieve, nil1 find this program as interesting as “,4nalytical Chemistiy and Sucleonics” and “Organic Reagents.” And in closing, it is our pleasant duty to report that the papers presented a t Wesleyan, June 24 and 25, nil1 be publishetl in the Xovember issue of AVU~YTICAI. CHF,VISIRY.

R G A S I C Reagents” is the subject of the second ;?uniniei


os, 7mP osium cosponsored by the Division of Analytical and Micro Chemistry and the publication ANALYTICAL CHEW ISTRY. The place is the Resleyan University campus, Middletown, Conn., and the time, Friday and Saturday. June 24 and 25. The general chairman, S. E. Q. Ashley, General Electric Co., has assembled a n outstanding group of speakers. Through the courtesy of the Minister of Agriculture of the Brazilian Government, Fritz Feigl will lecture at the Saturday morning session on the broad topic, “The Role of Organic Reagents in the Chemistry of Specific, Selective, and Sensitive Reactions.” The opportunity to hear Professor Feigl has been eagerly awaited by the analytical chemists of the United btates. I. AI. Kolthoff of the University of Minnesota, recently honored by the presentation of tlie Nichols Medal. will discuss the use of organic reagents in amperometric titrations; Philip K. K e s t of Louisiana State Cniversity will deliver a paper on “Interferences with Reactions between Organic. Reagents and llletal Ions”; and Earl H. Winslow and H. A. Liebhafsky of the General Electric Laboratories n ill report on “The Spectrophotometric Evaluation of Spot Tests.” S. H. Furman, the 1948 Fisher medalist, and IT. B. Mason and J. S. Pekola are scheduled to present a paper on ‘,The Extraction of Cupferrates.” A second paper froni the Princeton University laboratorie. will be presented by C. E. Bricker and K. H. Roberts. G. Frederick Smith, in cooperation with Warren ST. Brandt, will preqent a paper on “Polysubstituted 1,lO-Phenanthroline and Bipyridine Derivatives as Multiple Range Redox Indicators. Further Applications in Their Use as Specific Reagents for Anion Analysis.” ii partial list of other well knon n research workers who will present papers includes Mary L. Killard, H. H. TTlllard. Louis A. Gordon, C. TTanselow, Charles E. Khite, Gordon H. Ellis, E. SI. Zook, and Oskar Baudisch. One of the highlights of the two-day affair will be the dinner on Friday evening. The main speaker will be William E. Kappauf, Jr., of Princeton University, whose subject will be “Applied Aspects of the Psychology of Vision”-a challenging topic to a n audience composed of chemical analysts. The toastmaster a t the dinner will be A. B. Lamb, editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, mho is retiring as active head of the Journal a t the end of this year. The occasion will afford friends and associates a n opportunity of honoring a scientist and editor who has served in a most distinguished manner the science of chemistry both in contributions of important original research and as editor-in-chief of the

Divisional Membership Climbs


HE suggestion of a niembership of 1000 for the hivision of Analytical and Micro Chemistry by the end of the present year may have sounded to some as slightly on the fantastic side when i t was made originally in January, but with nearly 700 now on the rolls, it would appear that the original goal will be exceeded by several hundred, a gain by the way of inore than 200 per cent in less than a year. The division, presenting an active and interesting program. deserves the whole-hearted support of every analyst. If you are not a member already, may we suggest that you give moral and financial endorsement by joining this concerted and constructive effort to provide analytical chemists ivith a program that they can well be proud of, and from 1% hich they individually and collectively will be sure to derive a great many benefits. Dues, one dollar a year, should be sent to William G. Hatt, Biochemical Research Foundation, S e n ark, Del. 539