Editorials. The Summer Symposium; Reagent Chemicals; Graduate

The Summer Symposium; Reagent Chemicals; Graduate Fellowships; Review Reprints Available. Walter J. Murphy. Anal. Chem. , 1950, 22 (5), pp 627–627...
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Walter I. Murphy, Editor

The Summer Symposium T H E Third Annual Summer Symposium, cosponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry and ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, will be held June 1 G and 1’7 a t Ohio State Cniversity, Columbus, Ohio. The complete program was published in the March issue of XSALYTIC~L CHEMISTRY and also appears in the May 15 issue of Chemical and Engineering -Vews. The keynote address will be given by 11. G. Xellon of Purdue University. His subject, “The Role of Separations in Analytical Chemistry,” will set the stage for a series of eleven papers arranged for by H. A. Laitinen of the University of Illinois, general chairman of the symposium. Ralph M. Evans, superintendent of the Color Control Department, Eastman Kodak Company, will be the dinner speaker, and Charles W. Foulk, professor emeritus of the department of chemistry of Ohio State, will be the toastmaster. We have heard the view expressed that too many special meetings of analysts are held. We do not subscribe t o this viewpoint, for each of the meetings held so far this year has been well attended and the reactions of those attending have been most favorable. Special symposia such as those sponsored by Louisiana State University, the Pittsburgh Section of the ,AMERICAN CHEMICALSOCIETY,and the Division of .Analytical Chemistry and AXALYTICAL CHFMISTRY provide opportunities for programs usually unsuited for national meetings of the AMERICAX CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Developments in both the fundamental and applied aspects of analytical chemistry are coming forth in such an accelerated volume, that suitable outlet for the dissemination of such information requires more than that which is possible at national meetings of the A.C.S. As long as the programs provided at special symposia are of the caliber noted this year, we see little likelihood of any diminution of interest. Attendance a t these symposia is important, to keep abreast of the fast-moving developments in analytical chemistry.

latest edition of “Reagent (’hemicals” as official A.C’.S. specifications. Edn ard Kicherp, chairman of the Committee on hnalytical Reagents. and liis associates have labored long and ardiiously on the revision. N7e are happy to report that material is about to go to the printer. We have prel-ailed on W.D. Collins, secretary of the committee, to prepare a brief history of the committee and its work which n-ill appear in Chemical and Etigzneering S e w s nhen the hook is ready for sale. -4nalyat. the world o\er owe a debt of gratitude t o the Cornmittee on Analytical Reagents for its fine work in (11gesting data, critically reviewing them, and assembling them in useful form. Such labor reflects great rredit on the AMERICAN C H E M I C SOCIETY. ~L

Graduate Fellowships JOIIX T. Byrne of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been selected as the 1950-51 I F cipient of the Merck graduate fellowship in analytical chemistry, sponsored by Meick & Co Inc., and ‘idministered by the . ~ B I E R I C ~ CHEMIC S \ L SOCIETY.Thi. is the second very promising yoiing analyst to benefit from the generous and forward-looking action of Merck I% Co. “One snallon does not make a summer.’’ Other companies must recognize the desirability- of suppoi ting graduate study in the field of analytical cheniiatiy I f industry is to have available capable leaders in the future. ~

Review Reprints Available

R E P R I K T S of the Second Annual Revie\\- of Analytical Chemistry (January and Februai.jp issues) are now available a t $1.50 per copy. il limited number of reprints of the first review (published in 1949) are still available a t $1.50. In order to assist those who would like to have both reviews, a special combination rate of $2.50 has been set for the 1949 and 1950 reprints. Orders with remittances should be sent t o the Special Publications Department, AMERICAS were especially pleased a t the action of the SOCIETY,1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., n’ashCouncil of the AMERICANCHEMICALSOCIETY CHEMICAL taken in Philadelphia last month in declaring the ington 6 , D. C.

Reagent Chemicals WE