on top! EDITORS' C O L U M N
L A H L Y T H I S YEAR t h e E d i t o r s a n
nounced t h a t a special collection of " A " page reprints for Volume 41 of ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y would
TE C A M * TE1
Underneath there is a n e w regulator mechanism and temperature selector incorporating solid state s w i t c h i n g and other advanced improvements for the w e l l tried Tempette constant 1 temperature bath controller. This portable miniaturised unit combines heater, stirrer, p o w e r f u l p u m p and temperature regulator in one inexpensive u n i t . Write for full details of t h e Tempette and accessories to
m a d e available a t a nominal cost. T h e idea did n o t originate as a flash of genius. F o r several years we have been urged by readers and subscribers, a n d especially b y those who bind their volumes of t h e jour nal, to m a k e available a convenient package of editorial m a t t e r in the advertising section, sans advertise ments. T h e idea is seemingly a good one—information t h a t is not purely ephemeral (such as this col u m n ! ) could be bound and pre served along with t h e scientific papers. This is particularly t h e case with t h e " R e p o r t for Analyti cal C h e m i s t s " a n d t h e new " I n s t r u mentation" features—which are often educational expositions or "State-of-the-Art" articles—and which should be valuable to retain for future reference. T h e idea should also appeal to librarians who are interested in maintaining a max imum a m o u n t of useful printed in formation in a minimum of shelf space. Response N e e d e d !
W e a r e somewhat dismayed, t h a t despite t h e arguments t h a t can be mustered in favor of a volume of " A " page reprints, t h e response t o our initial call for orders can only be termed glacial. T h e expense for preparing a paper-bound volume of some 350 pages will a m o u n t to sev eral thousand dollars, a n d our cost calculations a r e based on breaking even after selling a few thousand copies. W e obviously would not plan to continue t h e program if t h e first y e a r is unsuccessful, a n d we are obviously n o t motivated b y m o n e t a r y greed—we are only inter-
Techne Incorporated 661 B r u n s w i c k Pike Princeton N e w Jersey 0 8 5 4 0 U S A Telephone ( 6 0 9 ) 4 5 2 - 9 2 7 5 Circle Να. 63 on Readers' Service Card
complete Sage Series 234 Constant Speed Syringe Pumps accept all types of syringes, including convenient disposables. Several models are available, each offering a large number of discrete flow rates —obtained by varying syringe sizes (up to lOcc) and "quick-change" gears. Flow rates range from 0.112 μ,Ι/day to 16.8 ml/min—depending on specific model chosen. Large constant speed pumps (up to lOOcc capacity) and continuously variable speed models are also available. Variable speed pumps feature a linear flow control dial and a five million to one flow rate range. Optional accessories for both types include a double syringe holder for 2 channel pumping. Infusionwithdrawal models also available. Whatever your application, there's a Sage Syringe Pump to provide uniform, accurate, and reproducible infusion at the right rate. Ask your lab-ware dealer for a demonstration, or send today for complete data.
SAGE INSTRUMENTS, INC. S u b s i d i a r y o f O r i o n Research I n c o r p o r a t e d 2 3 0 F e r r i s A v e n u e , W h i t e Plains, N . Y . 1 0 6 0 3 · 9 1 4 - 9 4 9 - 4 1 2 1 Circle No. 55 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 4 1 , NO. 10, A U G U S T 1 9 6 9 ·
71 A
Editors' Column
ested in providing a service to readers and subscribers who have requested it. T h u s far no money has changed hands, and we are merely asking in terested parties to place an order, with delivery of t h e paper-bound re print package early in 1970. Since a continued lack of response from readers and subscribers will ad versely affect our decision regarding preparation of the material, we urge those interested in receiving a copy of " A " page reprints to send in their order—or to give the order blank re produced below to the librarian of their organization. F u r t h e r details of the " A " page reprint package will be found in ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T E Y ,
41, 225 ( F e b r u a r y 1969). John K.
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Price for set of A-page reprints is $3 Orders may be placed now for delivery in January of 1970. To: Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St. N.W. Washington, D. C. 2 0 0 3 6 From: Name
Company Name π Bill me
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Bills will be mailed when reprints are available for distribution.
MEASURES MILLIAMPERES TO PICOAMPERES AND NARROWS THE GAP BETWEEN PRICE AND PERFORMANCE See the first digital picoammeter above? It's our new $1495 autoranging Model 445. It simplifies measurements from 10~2 ampere f.s. to 10~9 ampere and provides both analog and BCD outputs. The second is the Model 440, new too. A t $995, it features 10~2 to 1CH 0 ampere f.s. current ranges, has an analog output and an option for BCD. Both picoammeters are packed with convenience features designed to minimize operator error and maximize performance. Stable to 0.5% of full scale per week, they make low level measurements accurate to 0.2% almost routine. And provide variable display rate to 24 readings per second. But isn't that what you'd expect from a firm with years of analog picoammeter design experience? And an industry-wide reputation for quality? Like Keithley. See if you don't agree we have the best digital approach to picoampere level measurements. Call your Keithley Sales Engineer for demonstration and details. Or contact Keithley Instruments, Inc., 28775 I Aurora Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44139. In Europe: 14 Ave. Villardin, 1009 Pully, Suisse. Prices slightly higher outside the U. S. A. and Canada. I
KEITHLEY Circle No. 36 on Readers' Service Card VOL.
4 1 , NO. 1 0 , AUGUST 1 9 6 9
73 A