Editor's outlook - ACS Publications

EDITOR'S OUTLOOK. AN INVITATION. TO TEACHERS OF ... and professional scientists, departments, and interested groups to cooperate with it in submitting...
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EDITOR'S OUTLOOK AN INVITATION TO TEACHERS O F SCIENCE. Editor's Note: This notice was received too late to bc indudcd i n thc body of the present number of the JOUKNAL.I n viev of its importance. .and of the desirability %prompt publimtion, this page i s dmoted to it.

own tickets in introductory courses. Too often there is no spokesman and too little consideration for the victim who is getting his only glimpse of science in such courses and who must go on thereafter into other kinds of work. Yet he will have to live inn worldlargrly shaped hy the influrnreof sciencc: he may be callcd upon ru m a k c &.cisions involviny scientific knuwledge The American Association for the Advancement of Science has and is at a ronsidera1,le disndvantnze hv lack of familiaritv n,uh established a Committee on the Improvement of Science in scientific methods. Happily there have been some efforts to right this situation General Education which i t is hoped will serve as a n agency whereby professional scientists and teachers may co6rdinate their through thr drvelopmcnt of iurvey courses. gcncral courses. and efforts to provide a better educational service. The preliminary also p:rrta among science depnrlmcnts. Thrsc arc still in the r x announcem&t of this committee appeared in Science for May ucrimrntnl itaue. and n n n v of them are dantnrd a t the outset bv 20th. The executive committee is issuing a n invitation t o teachers a lack of confidence on t h e p a r t of the scientists who see in the& and profcsjcctnn I the non-professtonal student hns had to get Teachers a t college and university level in the United States will what he could out of thc COU~:CS. i n man\. sul,ir.cts the teacher% enable the committee to utilize the summer months to goodeffect are prevented from reforming their methods 6 y pressure from in its first study. A letter t o the Chairman of the committee, their colleagues in the higher branches of education t o whom Lloyd W. Taylor, Oherlin College. Oberlin, Ohio, from any students will go later on. This is particularly true of those sub- who do not happen to have received the preliminary inquiry. jects in which professional interests can a t present write their will open the channel for the contribution.

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