Education in Environmental Chemistry: Setting the Agenda and

Aug 1, 2005 - ... can be implemented: this includes developing teaching strategies and assessment methodologies that are consonant with the goal of HO...
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Research: Science and Education

Education in Environmental Chemistry: Setting the Agenda and Recommending Action A Workshop Report Summary1

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Uri Zoller Faculty of Science and Science Education—Chemistry, Haifa University–Oranim, Kiryat Tivon 36006, Israel; [email protected]


Guiding Thesis for This International EEC Workshop

Given certain environmental and economic imperatives, a number of paradigm shifts in the context of science–technology–environment–society (STES) interactions are unavoidable. Example shifts include moving from a focus on correction to a focus on prevention, refocusing from wants to needs, emphasizing life quality rather than standard of living, evolving from disciplinary to interdisciplinary teaching and learning approaches, reorienting from options selection to options generation, and so on (1). The rallying cry, worldwide, is to “think globally and act locally” to create a sustainable world. This should be translated into changes in the behavior of individuals, institutions, societies, governments, and industries that will allow development to take place within the limits set by ecological imperatives. This call for sustainability requires difficult choices to be made, choosing among options either currently available, or those yet to be generated, each having short-term and long-term consequences. The latter, however, have been generally ignored both in terms of the environment and also the people and societies that will be affected by long-term consequences of current actions. In the process of redistributing resources and raw materials via production, supply systems, marketing, and consumption, any environmental issue boils down to these essentials: who does what, at what price, at the expense of whom (or what), and in what order of priorities. The challenge is, therefore, to determine how to ensure sustainable development (2). A responsive education in environmental chemistry (EEC) approach to this challenge should be guided by the evolving reconceptualization of the environmental sciences: “It is … the study of a hyperdisciplinary subject of very large proportions, that requires a different way of looking at what we are doing… The field of environmental studies differs from the fields from which we borrow basic knowledge, probably because of its complexity. That complexity cannot be comprehended fully unless we force ourselves to study the system rather than to blindly focus on its parts” (3). Consequently, with respect to EEC, we have been guided by these rationales:

Dealing effectively and responsibly with complex problems within complex environmental systems requires evaluative thinking and application of value judgments by capable STES-literate citizens within a continuous process of critical thinking, problem solving and decision making (1–7). It further requires a revolutionary paradigm shift from conventional, compartmentalized, disciplinary science teaching approaches to systemic cross-disciplinary learning (1–5, 7–11) within a framework of a preventive orientation. Such a paradigm shift is a precondition for sustainable development to take place within the limits set by ecological imperatives. We therefore conceptualize meaningful EEC as promoting learning that is interdisciplinary and develops higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS) as well as the ability to transfer concepts beyond the subject’s or discipline’s specificity (4, 7, 10), which is needed for coping with previously unprecedented complex problem situations. It is vital for students to develop HOCS, rather than learning to simply apply algorithms to ‘exercise’ sets. This learning objective should be undertaken by teachers and students alike as partners in a collaborative, interactive, reflective teaching and learning process, with STES-literate graduates becoming the ultimate superordinate educational goal (6–8). The issue is how to translate this goal into consonant STES-oriented courses, curricula, teaching strategies, and, in accord, assessment methodologies. The workshop “Environmental Chemistry Education in Europe: Setting the Agenda” was organized by the CEEC (10) as the first in a series of workshops. The workshop’s aim was to distill research recommendations in this area and communicate successful, practice-based recommendations for action towards educating STES-literate students. Overarching topics discussed at the workshop included:

• People expect too much in a world of conflicting and competing values and finite, unevenly distributed resources. • Life is a continuous process of problem solving and decision selection among options available, or yet to be generated. • Although science and technology may be useful in establishing what we can do, neither of them can tell us what we should do; the latter requires evaluative thinking by socially responsible, STES-literate, rational, active participants (4).

1. Changing teaching practices from an emphasis on lowerorder cognitive skills (LOCS) and algorithms to practices that promote HOCS and ultimately, learning (1–4, 6–8) 2. Teaching and assessment methods to develop HOCS should be promoted at the expense of just imparting knowledge 3. A major instructional goal in EEC should be developing students’ abilities to apply basic inter- and cross-disciplinary concepts, rather than students being taught through rote learning and assessment

Capitalizing on the extant relevant experience, education practices, and research (11), the first workshop avoided a mere “quo vadis?” examination of the current state of EEC. Instead, the workshop participants focused on “where should EEC go?”; that is, setting the future agenda in this respect.

Vol. 82 No. 8 August 2005

Journal of Chemical Education


Research: Science and Education

The Workshop’s Framework and Conceptualization Five objectives were forwarded to the participants (in advance of the workshop) to use as a guiding framework for their discussions. The workshop objectives include: 1. Determining a vision of EEC for sustainability, to serve as the model for future actions: What should be done? 2. Analysis of EEC relative to the contemporary state of affairs in Europe to serve as the starting point for future implementation: What can be done, given existing constraints? 3. Selection, adaptation, and refinement of alternative (nonconventional) teaching and assessment strategies to implement within new environmental chemistry courses and programs: How can educators realize the agreed upon goals for EEC? 4. Identification of core and exemplary courses and case studies in environmental chemistry (and related areas) consonant with the vision of the European Division of Chemistry and the Environment: What and which core knowledge content and skills (particularly HOCS) are essential for students to acquire in order to become STES-literate? 5. Promoting EEC: Which professional chemistry, science, and environmental education journals publish EEC materials?

The message of the introductory keynote address,2a entitled “Environmental Chemistry in the Context of HOCS Development—An Imperative in Chemical Education”, was that within the STES context, the paradigm shift from corrective action to preventive action is unavoidable. This, in turn, requires a revolutionized change in the guiding philosophy, rationale, and models of our thinking, behavior, and practice. Therefore, a corresponding paradigm shift in teaching and learning EEC at all levels is an imperative, requiring the development of STES-related HOCS in students as a precondition of becoming STES literate (6–7, 9–11). After the keynote talk, small-group discussions and miniworkshops followed, with brief communications made by participants. An overview of these discussions is provided below. Analytical chemistry has a vital role in the study and monitoring of the environment, although it is not the only means to study environmental chemistry. What is required is a holistic approach, one that involves chemistry and additional disciplines, such as soil science, geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, and biosciences. Educators need to address the way in which programs are structured so that they will accommodate the potential environmental chemist as well as the student who is not planning to take up employment in environmental chemistry. This means the development of the skills required to operate in a complex, interactive world.2b Environmental chemistry is interdisciplinary, relevant, applied, and integrative; it has wide appeal outside science and is global in its scope. Thus, environmental chemistry requires a “whole Earth” view and a correspondingly open-ended education. This suggests that courses in environmental chemistry should be delivered in a way that takes account of its scope. Internet-based learning rather than formal learning is wellsuited to EEC. The Internet provides global coverage; updated, easy, cost-effective access to sources of data; and using the Internet as a medium allows for self-directed learning.2c


Journal of Chemical Education

Environmental chemistry is fundamentally relevant to understanding natural equilibria and anthropogenic effects on the environment. Therefore, European Community courses should be devoted to the chemistry of air, soil, and water; pollution sources, pollutant diffusion, and consequent environmental effects; and applications related to industrial chemistry, environmental technologies, and cultural heritage.2d The molecular sciences provide powerful tools that help environmental scientists understand how the environment works. Equally significant, the natural environment provides many fascinating multidisciplinary problems to tax the chemistry undergraduate’s application of chemical principles. In between these areas of endeavor lie the effects of human activity on the environment. An important approach to reflectively addressing multidisciplinary issues in teaching chemistry is to use exemplar case studies, problems, and assessment questions from different countries.2e A recent study of the ECTN working group on Chemistry and the Environment reached two conclusions pertinent to EEC reform (12). The first stresses that interdisciplinary topics such as remediation, environmental ethics, and legislation should be included within environmental science curricula, and taught to both future chemists and nonchemists. The second conclusion underscores the importance and usefulness of incorporating appropriate case studies from different countries in environmental chemistry courses.2f Environmental chemistry (as conventionally taught) has focused on detection and quantification of chemicals already in the environment. Green chemistry offers a new approach, by working to reduce and eliminate the sources of pollution. Such a strategy poses extensive challenges to the educational and environmental chemistry communities: development of educational materials that address upstream chemistry; promotion of green chemistry from the molecular level to field engineering; creating promotion processes that cross academic, governmental, and industry sectors; facilitating international collaborations; building new curricula that offer prevention alternatives in already crowded correction and remediation programs. It is important to effectively blend conventional environmental chemistry with powerful new alternatives, thus addressing the global environmental pollution issue from cradle to grave.2g Integrating sustainable development concepts into the curriculum is a challenge that requires specific background knowledge and the ability to use different vantage points to address environmental issues. For example, it is necessary to consider both energy consumption during production processing steps and overall mass of the consumed substances and to discuss relevant economic and social aspects of lab experiments. These considerations can be supported by approaching the specific content from different perspectives (e.g., ecotoxicology).2h Promoting EEC through professional, peer-reviewed journals will advance the aims of education in environmental chemistry while also increasing visibility and awareness of environmental issues related to chemistry within both professional chemists and the general public. Heightened visibility and awareness can also be achieved via the Internet and by funding of environmental education-related projects.2i

Vol. 82 No. 8 August 2005

Research: Science and Education

Workshop Outcomes

Summary for Objective 3

Workshop participants discussed the predetermined EEC-related workshop objectives 1–5 using the questions and issues outlined in Table 1. Preliminary summaries of these discussions are provided for each of the workshop’s objectives.

EEC curricula should be easy to modify (update and adapt) to suit different users and localities. Environmental chemistry courses should meet these criteria: they should be interactive; incorporate appropriate assessment strategies; be modular in format to allow easy adaptation; include case studies (13, 14). Internet resources and textbooks for environmental chemistry courses are available to support EEC (15).

Summary for Objective 1 Effective utilization of EEC in addressing global and societal environmental problems requires integration between educational, technical, financial, ethical, and societal considerations; an interdisciplinary approach is fundamental to efforts to achieve long-term solutions. Summary for Objective 2 Students should be able to solve problems (not just exercises) by using both acquired conceptual knowledge and HOCS. This can be achieved by starting with interdisciplinary teaching and finishing with a disciplinary specialization. Clearly communicated criteria determined in advance should be used in the evaluation of outcomes of STES-oriented courses. Availability of a book of methods, something like How To Teach Environmental Education, would be very beneficial.

Summary for Objective 4 Within the EEC context, chemistry should be introduced as needed and integrated with environmental chemistry concomitantly with purposed HOCS development. Appropriate resources, case studies, projects, and relevant assessment methodologies should be available to teachers. Assessment (formative and summative) should be designed in tandem with course development (prior to instruction), using the attainment of the course objectives as criteria. Chemistry teacher training programs should be designed accordingly. Students should be instructed in the environmental consequences of human activity: this will help students develop their value systems, become environmentally responsible, and apply their scientific understanding to environmental situations, using HOCS in transference.

Table 1. Workshop Questions for Discussing Objectives To Improve Teaching Practices and Assessment Methodologies for Education in Environmental Chemistry Objectives

Questions for Discussion among Workshop Participants


How should educators address society, business, and industry interests in teaching environmental chemistry? How should educators reduce knowledge core on the need-to-know basis, given the time constraints? How should educators deal with complex problem solving, multiple outcomes, and incomplete data? How should educators train teachers for new paradigms, moving from retrospective to prospective outcomesbased courses? How should educators introduce environmental consciousness, while initially avoiding related negative aspects?


What should environmental chemistry students be able to do? Does this require a paradigm shift from a focus on knowledge attainment to a focus on skills’ development? What does a paradigm shift from disciplinary to interdisciplinary EEC require? Should there be a difference between chemistry courses developed for chemistry majors, nonmajors, and chemical engineers?


Environmental chemistry is interdisciplinary, relevant, integrative, holistic, complex, and multi-dimensional: what approaches should educators use to teach environmental chemistry? What should an environmental chemist be able to do?


Should educators separately address the needs of science majors and nonmajors concerning EEC? Is it important to get teachers involved in a paradigm shift from LOCS to HOCS in EEC? Should case study methodologies (13) and project work become an integral part of EEC courses? What role should teamwork, lab/practical skills, communication skills, and environmental ethics play in EEC? What should be the role of assessment in EEC? How can STES literacy be achieved in EEC?


Which of the chemistry and science education journals are most appropriate for effective promotion of EEC? Can funding by grant foundations be instrumental in promoting EEC?

Vol. 82 No. 8 August 2005

Journal of Chemical Education


Research: Science and Education

Summary for Objective 5 Publication of EEC-related papers in professional journals as well as in the newsletters of national chemical societies may contribute, significantly, to the advancement of EEC. Journals that may be best suited to EEC materials include: J. Chem. Educ.; Environ. Educ. & Comm.; Environ Sci. Pollut. Res.; Environ. Sci. & Technol.; Environ. Educ. Res.; and J. Res. Sci. Teach. Obtaining funding for EEC-related projects is highly desirable and has the potential to yield positive, longrange effects. NATO, UNESCO, and the Sixth European Union Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6) are likely funding sources. Workshop Recommendations for EEC A follow-up workshop to further refine an appropriate conceptual approach to EEC was held in 2003. Participants there conducted a second round of discussions and deliberations that resulted in these recommendations. 1. All chemists should become literate in STES. Implementing compulsory EEC modules in all chemistry programs has the potential to successfully integrate environmental sciences into the conventional chemistry courses. 2. Internet dissemination of modules, case studies, HOCSpromoting teaching strategies, and other environment-related activities should be encouraged. Chemistry teachers and departments, scientific networks, national and international chemical societies (e.g., FECS, Green Chemistry/ ACS, RSC), environmental agencies (e.g., US EPA) and, of course, EEC-committed individuals, should be partners in promoting EEC. 3. Specifically designed professional development programs for EEC educators and staff should be created and implemented to achieve the goal of graduating STES literate students. 4. A core course in environmental chemistry should be taught to science majors, nonmajors, and chemical and industrial engineers alike. The advocated approach in EEC is expected to be pursued by chemistry teachers at all levels, via the promotion of HOCS learning. 5. The extensive use of case studies, guided design, and project methodologies is strongly recommended, since all these strategies require HOCS. 6. Interdisciplinary EEC requires interdepartmental collaboration, which can make EEC a legitimate, integral part of both chemical research and education (5, 7–8, 11).

Conclusions Environmental literacy is imperative for all chemists. This requires the integration of environmental sciences into chemistry courses, the development and implementation of specially designed environmental chemistry modules, incorporating HOCS-promoting teaching strategies, and using problem solving-oriented case studies in chemical education. Establishing liaisons with interested bodies that have vested interests in EEC should be intensified to promote good practices in EEC, worldwide.


Journal of Chemical Education

Attaining environmental literacy requires adopting an interdisciplinary, conceptual approach as the leading teaching strategy, exposing students to a wide variety of resources, and sustained efforts to foster in students HOCS that allow for concept transfer. It is crucial to provide students with the opportunities and time needed to understand how the environment works and to develop HOCS (i.e., question asking, system critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, and evaluative thinking). It is also necessary to equip chemistry and science teachers with the means to pursue teaching and assessment strategies that promote HOCS in appropriate EEC-oriented professional development programs (1–11). The discussions and recommendations generated by this workshop are significant in shaping reform of EEC: the participants and other stakeholders continue to disseminate the workshop outcomes through national and international journals and newsletters of chemical societies to the chemistry community worldwide. The agenda has thus been set. The time is ripe for taking sound, immediate action. Notes 1. Sponsored and organized by the Committee on Education in Environmental Chemistry (CEEC) of the Federation of the European Chemical Societies (FECS) Division of Chemistry and the Environment. This workshop was held in Jan 2002, in Rome, Italy. 2. Speakers and participants included: (a) Zoller, U. (Israel); (b) Bennet, S. W. (UK); (c) Childs, P. (Ireland); (d) Fachetti, S.; Morselli, L. (Italy); (e) Gagan, M. J. (UK); (f ) Karaynis, M. I. (Greece); (g) Hejersen, D. L. (USA); (h) Jastorff, B. (Germany); (i) Jensen, A. A. (Denmark).

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Vol. 82 No. 8 August 2005