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Fortification by low concentrations (up to 2.5 mM) of L-cysteine or N– acetyl-L-cysteine of orange juice stored for 14 days at 45°C, reduced browni...
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Chapter 7

Effect of L-Cysteine and N-Acetyl-L-cysteine on Off-Flavor Formation in Stored Citrus Products 1





M. Naim , U. Zehavi , I. Zuker , R. L. Rouseff , and S. Nagy 1

Department of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot 76—100, Israel University of Florida, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, FL 33850 Florida Department of Citrus, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, FL 33850

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Fortification by low concentrations (up to 2.5 mM) of L-cysteine or N– acetyl-L-cysteine of orange juice stored for 14 days at 45°C, reduced browning and formation of 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3-(2H)-furanone (DMHF) and p-vinyl guaiacol (PVG), two major detrimental volatiles in citrus products. These low levels of thiol compounds were also effective in reducing PVG formation in orange juice stored at 15, 25 and 35°C for 45 days. Results of sensory-aroma similarity analyses indicated results that were compatible with the chemical analyses data suggesting that low doses of L-cysteine may improve the aroma quality of stored orange juice. Thus, it appears that low doses of L-cysteine and N-acetyl-L-cysteine may reduce DMHF and PVG formation in citrus products without significant production of sulfur-containing off-flavors. Non-enzymic reactions that occur during processing and storage of food products are detrimental to color (browning), aroma and taste (1-4). Sodium sulfite has been used to minimize Maillard type browning in a variety of foods including citrus. The use of sodium sulfite, however, has been restricted or eliminated in most foods due to sensitivity of humans to sulfite (5,6). Suggestions for the use of L-cysteine to inhibit non-enzymic browning (e.g., 7,8) have not attracted further research since cysteine, in itself, is a source for flavors in some foods (9,10) and can be objectional in fruit juice (77). Nevertheless, recent studies (77) suggest that thiols should be considered as additives for browning prevention. Some of these thiols are natural components of human diets and play significant physiological roles in vivo as nucleophiles and scavengers of free radicals (72). Limited information is available on the nature and mechanisms of off-flavors formation during citrus juice processing and storage (75). Some of the objectional 0097-6156/94/0564-0080$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Off-Flavor Formation in Stored Citrus Products


volatiles can significantly affect acceptance since they reach their taste threshold levels under typical processing and storage conditions while other volatiles may be irrelevant as off-flavors (4). In stored orange and grapefruit juices, a-terpineol, 2,5 - dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3-(2H)-furanone (DMHF) and p-vinyl guaiacol (PVG) are believed to be the main detrimental off-flavor compounds with taste threshold levels of 2.5, 0.1 and 0.075 ppm, respectively (7). Evidently, the common use of the term "taste" rather than smell (or aroma) threshold is scientifically inappropriate. In most cases, during sensory evaluation of food, panel members are not requested to distinguish between taste and smell sensations and they actually judge aroma properties rather than taste. Taste threshold is usually much higher than the aroma threshold for volatile compounds. Therefore, the term flavor threshold, although measured during the usual taste testing, will be used throughout this paper. PVG contributes "old fruit" or "rotten" flavor to the juice, DMHF produces a pineapple­ like odor typical of aged juice, and α-terpineol imparts a stale, musty or piney odor. When the above three compounds were added collectively to freshly processed juice they gave an aged, off-flavor aroma, similar to that observed in stored juice (7). DMHF, one of the putative degradation products of sugars, is believed to be obtained by either acid catalysis or through an Amadori rearrangement during Maillard reactions (Figure 1, 14,15). It produces a characteristic malodorous, pineapple-like flavor (7) and can mask the fresh orange juice aroma at levels above 0.05 ppm (76). DMHF can be further degraded to additional flavors (77). PVG has been proposed to be formed in citrus products from free ferulic acid due to nonenzymic decarboxylation following the release from its bound forms (Figure 2; 18,19). PVG formation increased under practical storage conditions of orange juice (20,21) and is accelerated when the juice is fortified by free ferulic acid resulting in inferior aroma quality (20). Although ferulic acid occurs mainly in bound forms, the amount of free ferulic acid present in citrus fruit before processing exceeds the amount needed to form an above-flavor threshold level of PVG during processing and storage (22). Effect of L-Cysteine and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine on Browning, and DMHF Formation The formation of DMHF, 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and browning in orange juice during accelerated non-enzymic aging was monitored. Pasteurized, commercial single-strength orange juice (SSOJ) was preserved with 500 ppm sodium benzoate. Twenty mL SSOJ samples with and without added L-cysteine and N-acetyl-Lcysteine were transferred to 20 mL glass vials, sealed and then stored at 45°C for 14 days. Experiments employed levels of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5 mM of either L-cysteine or N-acetyl-L- cysteine (23). Following storage, DMHF and HMF were extracted and analyzed by HPLC (23). Browning was determined in 10 mL stored SSOJ samples after centrifugation (4°C, 5 min, 500 X g) and ethanol extraction of the supernatant. In line with recent data on browning inhibition by thiol compounds (77), the present results indicated that the use of a variety of concentrations of L-cysteine inhibited browning (Figure 3) and reduced ascorbic acid degradation in a dose-

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.







C=0 I — HO-C-H I R D-Fructose

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C=0 I — HO-C-H I R Amadori



Figure 1:








c=o I R Deoxy hexosone

H C O CH 3







Possible pathways for DMHF formation following sugar degradation.

Bound forms of ferulic acid

Figure 2:

PVG and vanillin formation from ferulic acid following its release from bound forms. An asterisk indicates that the oxidation pathway was not identified in our experiments.

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Off-Flavor Formation in Stored Citrus Products 83 I














>CO ~ZLd

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< O Ι­ Ο.





Cys 2.5



E 1.5

o o









Figure 3:


Effects of L-cysteine (Cys) and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (AcCys) on browning and HMF formation in SSOJ samples stored for 14 days at 45°C. Values are the mean and SEM of 3 samples. Asterisks indicate significant (p< 0.05) lower value than that observed in samples stored with no thiol fortification. Adapted from ref. 23.

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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dependent manner (23). Our study was directed to the effects of low levels of thiols as high levels may, in themselves, lead to the formation of off-flavor infruitjuices (77). N-Acetyl-L-cysteine was used since it is believed to be an effective inhibitor of browning with less off-flavor formation (77). These experiments demonstrated that low levels of both thiols (below 2.5 mM) can significantly reduce browning and DMHF formation in stored SSOJ (Figures 3 and 4). A level of 2.5 mM L-cysteine was also effective in reducing HMF content (Figure 3). Furthermore, low levels of L-cysteine reduced ascorbic acid degradation by 40% (23). In contrast, the same levels of N-acetyl-L-cysteine were ineffective in preventing ascorbic acid degradation. This may be related to the difference between these two compounds in their ability to form complexes with heavy metal ions such as copper. Complexes between copper and amino acids or peptides are well recognized (24,25) and chelates (e.g. EDTA) have been reported to reduce browning and ascorbic acid degradation in grapefruit juice (26). Cysteine, may be more effective than N-acetyl-L-cysteine in forming metal complexes due the presence of a free amino group. Furthermore, L-cysteine and apparently also N-acetyl-L-cysteine, being in great excess compared to the content of C u , is expected to reduce C u to C u which in turn form a particularly stable complex with L-cysteine (27). 2 +

2 +


Effect of L-Cysteine and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine on Formation of PVG Since ferulic acid (free or bound), the precursor of PVG, contains an activated double bond conjugated to a carboxylic acid and to a phenyl ring, we hypothesized that it may also be sensitive to the nucleophilic attack by thiols, thereby inhibiting PVG formation. Pasteurized SSOJ samples (20 mL) were fortified with L-cysteine or N-acetyl-L-cysteine and stored at 45°C for 14 days (28). In addition, SSOJ samples were also stored for six weeks at 4, 15, 25 and 35°C. Extraction of PVG from the incubated SSOJ samples was performed, and samples were analyzed for PVG by HPLC. The presence of L-cysteine and N-acetyl-L-cysteine reduced the accumulation of PVG during storage of SSOJ samples (Figure 4, Table I). Similar effects were observed in model solutions of orange juice containing ferulic acid (28), and when a higher range of L-cysteine concentrations was used in model solutions, the effect of L-cysteine was clearly dose-dependent. The results in Figure 4 show that fortification of SSOJ by 0.5 mM L-cysteine reduced the PVG accumulation following storage by 50%, resulting in a value close to its flavor threshold level. NAcetyl-L-cysteine (2.5 mM) was also effective in reducing PVG level in stored SSOJ. The accumulation of PVG in stored SSOJ samples was accelerated as temperature increased (Table I). Six-week storage of unadulterated SSOJ at 25 and 35°C already induced levels of PVG above its flavor threshold. PVG levels under storage at 15°C for six weeks, however, appear to be below the flavor threshold level, especially when fortified with L-cysteine. There was a clear inhibition of PVG accumulation by L-cysteine, although not always did it reach statistical significance.

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Off-Flavor Formation in Stored Citrus Products I


ΕΞ3 300















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> Q_

100 r-

50 h

II * É





Ε 0.9

* *

Lu hΖ


ϋ_ Χ 2


0.3 0.0


1 AcCys

Figure 4:

Effects of L-cysteine (Cys) and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (AcCys) on DMHF and PVG formation in SSOJ samples stored for 14 days at 45°C. Values are the mean and SEM of 3 samples. Asterisks indicate significant (p< 0.05) lower value than that observed in samples stored with no thiol fortification. Adapted from refs. 23 and 28.

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Table I. PVG Content fog/L) in Orange Juice Fortified by LCysteine and Stored for Six Weeks L-Cysteine Level


Storage Temperature 15°C 25°C


Control (none) 0.5 mM

17.112.9 11.7±1.2

54±1 30±4*

103±5 85±3

292±8 245±15

1.0 mM





2.5 mM





Values are the mean ±SEM of 4 samples. Asterisks indicate significant difference from control juice samples. Aroma Similarity Evaluation of Stored Orange Juice Fortified by L-Cysteine and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine The significance of thiols to aroma characteristics was studied with SSOJ samples stored at 45°C for 14 days. Naive taste-panel members evaluated the aroma similarity for eight orange juice treatments. During smell sessions, on a verbal signal from the experimenter, each panelist opened the vials of 2 samples at 15 sec intervals, smelled them, and was requested to rate the similarity level of aroma of the 2 samples on a 0 to 20 scale (0 for no similarity, 20 for identical). Each panelist did so for all 64 treatment combinations presented in a coded randomized order. A data matrix representing the similarity results for each of the sensory tests was obtained, where each cell in the matrix represents the mean similarity for all panelists for the corresponding comparison. This proximity matrix was then analyzed by a clustering program (ADDTREE, 29), which yields a tree structure of branches and subdivisions with aromas located at the ends of the branches (Figure 5). Sets of aromas which are connected to the same node with relatively short (horizontal) distances from each other, represent high similarity. The proportion of variance explained (0.677, r= 0.84) suggested that distances in the clustering structure are highly correlated with the original aroma similarity data (Figure 5). Two major clusters were obtained. The most intriguing finding was that the addition of 0.5 mM L-cysteine (60 ppm) to stored SSOJ resulted in a branch (No. 2) connected to the same node as that of control juice kept at 4°C (No. 8) indicating that both exhibited similar aroma. This suggests that relatively minor amounts of L-cysteine added to juice stored at an elevated temperature were able to either retain the aroma of the original juice and/or to reduce off-flavor formation. Other treatments (higher doses of L-cysteine or the use of N-acetyl-L-cysteine) resulted in either aromas similar to that of the stored-untreated juice (No. 1) or produced completely different aromas. The aroma of N-acetyl-L-cysteine-fortified SSOJ samples (branches No. 5, 6 and 7) grouped together, separately from the L-

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Off-Flavor Formation in Stored Citrus Products


-3 -2 -8 •7

Figure 5:

Cluster analysis by ADDTREE of aroma similarity values. Legends: 1 - SSOJ stored at 45°C for 14 days; 2 - with added 0.5 mM Lcysteine; 3 - with 1 mM L-cysteine; 4 - with 2.5 mM L-cysteine; 5 with 0.5 mM N-acetyl-L-cysteine; 6 - with 1 mM N-acetyl-Lcysteine; 7 - with 2.5 mM N-acetyl-L-cysteine; 8 - control SSOJ, stored at 4°C. Each value in the original matrix represents the mean of 8 panelists. Reproduced from ref. 23. Copyright 1993 ACS.

Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



cysteine-fortified samples (No. 2, 3 and 4) which were connected to the aroma of control SSOJ samples (No. 8). This indicates that the aroma of N-acetyl-L-cysteinefortified SSOJ was inferior compared with that of L-cysteine-fortified SSOJ.

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Concluding Remarks The demand for fresh tasting (premium) citrus juices has increased significantly in recent years. Since chemical rather than enzymic processes are usually responsible for reduced quality of stored citrus products, storage at low temperature and the exclusion of oxygen and light are critical factors. Various juice extraction and concentration techniques along with diverse container and storage condition combinations have been evaluated in order to maximize fresh flavor retention and minimize off-flavors. The most effective packaging materials and low temperature storage are economically prohibitive except for premium juices. Therefore, most current commercial juices represent compromises either in packaging or in storage. The present studies suggest that browning and ascorbic acid degradation as well as the formation of two major off-flavor compounds in citrus products, PVG and DMHF, can be significantly reduced by low doses (0.5 mM) of L-cysteine, an amino acid found in almost all proteins. The aroma similarity experiments were compatible with the chemical analyses suggesting that such low doses of L-cysteine may significantly improve the aroma quality of stored orange juice. It is thus proposed that although PVG and DMHF are formed by different pathways, objectional aroma may be reduced by a common approach; using naturally occurring thiols, such as L-cysteine. Therefore, the consideration of the use of low levels of L-cysteine (and perhaps similar thiols) in order to retain the fresh aroma of orange juice should be further tested under practical processing and storage conditions. Acknowledgments This research was supported by Grant No. 1-1967-91 from BARD, The United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research & Development Fund. The excellent technical assitance by Mrs. M . Levinson and the statistical advise by Dr. H. Voet are highly appreciated. We also thank Mr. S. Bernhardt for assisting us with computerized drawings. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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Mussinan and Keelan; Sulfur Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.