Effect of argon ion bombardment on metal complexes and oxides

Manganese Oxide Thin Films with Fast Ion-Exchange Properties. Oscar Giraldo, Stephanie L. Brock, William S. Willis, Manuel Marquez, and Steven L. Suib...
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o XPS In(oxide1 In(metal1




0.oY 0





(9) (10) (11)

4000 Langmuirs)




Figure 9. Deconvoluted XPS indium oxide peak areas f r o m the 3d5,2

peak and the SIMS InO+ yield vs. oxygen exposure In metal sites decreases, and the diminishing indium metal concentration a t the surface begins to compete with oxygen enhancement as the controlling factor of the measured ion yield. The immediate appearance of InOz+, also in marked contrast to the P b results, is most likely due to differences in the mechanism of oxide growth. Thus, indium oxide islands probably grow outward from one or more nucleating sites, allowing for the existence of oxygen-oxygen next-nearestneighbors a t low coverage for InOzt formation. A comparison of the SIMS InO+ yield and the deconvoluted In(oxide)/In(metal) ratio is represented in Figure 9. The striking similarity of the two curves indicates that the InOt yield is directly dependent upon the amount of oxide formed at the surface. A linear relationship would imply that the InO+ secondary ion yield is a function only of the oxygen concentration, and that the ionization efficiency is a constant independent of any events occurring external to the region of cluster formation. A similar agreement between the X P S 0 1s intensity for the PbO component and the SIMS PbO+ yield was obtained for the case of Pb.

(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

(18) . , (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

K. S. Kim, W. E. Eaitinger, and N. Winograd, Surf. Sci., 55, 285 (1976). K. S. Kim and N. Winograd, Surf. Sci., 43, 625 (1974). T. Ishitani and R. Shimizu, Appi. Phys., 6 , 241 (1975). R. W. Hewitt, A. T: Shepard, W. E. Eaitinger, N. Winograd, and W. N. Delgass, Rev. S o . Instrum., submitted. T. Fieisch, A. T. Shepard, T. Y. Ridley, W. E. Vaughn, N. Winograd, W. E. Eaitinger, G. L. Ott, and W. N. Deigass, J . Vac. Sci. Techno/.,in press. A. Benninghoven, Surf. Sci., 53, 596 (1975). A. Shepard, R. Hewitt, G. Siusser, W. Baitinger, R. Cooks, N. Winograd, N. Deigass, A. Varon, and G. Devant, Chem. Phys. Lett., 44,371 (1976). P. Joyes, J . Phys. Chem. Solids, 32, 1269 (1971). R. C. Baetzold and R. E. Mack, J . Chem. Phys., 62, 1513 (1975). R. C. Baetzoid, J . Chem. Phys., 5 5 , 4363 (1971). A. Shepard, R. W. Hewitt, W. E. aaitinger, G. J. Slusser, N. Winograd, G. L. Ott,an3 W. N. Deigass, "Quantitative Surface Analysis of Materials", ASTM, STP643, 187 (1978). P. H. Dawson, Phys. Rev. B . , 15, 5522 (1977) K. S. Kim and N. Winograd, Chem. Phys. Len., 19, 209 (1973). K. S. Kim, T. J. O'Leary, and N. Winograd, Anal. Chem., 45, 2214 (1973). T. A.Carison and G. E. McGuire, J. Nectron. Spectrosc., 1, 161 (1972/3). S. Evans and J. M. Thomas, J . Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2 , 71, 313 (1975). D. E. Harrison and C. E. Deiaplain, J . Appl. Phys., 47, 2252 (1976). E. J. Garrison, N. Winograd, and D.E. Harrison, Jr., J . Chem. Phys., in press. N, Winoorad. D. E. Harrison,, Jr... and B. J. Garrison. Surf. Sci.. submitted for publrcation. D. E. Harrison, Jr., P. W. Kelly, 13.J. Garrison, and N. Winograd. Surf. Sci., in press. J. M. Saieh, B. R. Wells, and N. W. Roberts, Trans. Faraday Soc., 60, 1865 (1964). A. W.'C. Lin, N. R. Armstrong, and T. Kuwana, Anal. Chem., 40, 1228 (1977). C. D. Wagner and P. Biloen, Surf. Sci., 35, 8 2 (1973). V. I. Nefedov, B. F. Fruzslnszkl], N. P. Szergusin, J. V. Szaien, and G. as GBti, Magy, Kern. Foly., 81, 495 (1975). G, E. McGuire, G. K. Schweitzer, and T. A . Carlson, rnorg. Chem., 12, 2450 (1973).

RECEIVED for review March 10,1978. Accepted May 22,1978. Work supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. MPS75-9308), the Materials Research Program (Grants Nos. DMR-72-3-18A04),and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant No. AF-762974). Nicholas Winograd is a J. S, Guggenheim Fellow on leave a t Materials and Molecular Research Division, Lawerence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif. 94720, until Fall 1978.

Effect of Argon Ion Bombardment on Metal Complexes and Oxides Studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Yoshlo Umerawa' and Charles N. Rellley" Department

of Chemistry, Unlverslty of North Carolina, Chapel Hi//, North Carolina 275 14

The effect of hlgh energy (0.5-2 keV) Ar* bombardment on 20 dlfferenl metal complexes and several metal oxldes was studled. Although most of the metal centers In the complexes and oxldes were reduced, some were oxldlzed or exhlblted no change depending upon the llgands and central metal atoms present. Some ligands In metal complexes were reduced, such as C104- and NO3- formlng CI- and NO2-, respectlvely. The nonmetal groups such as NHa, NOz-, CN-, C104-,and NO,- were found to be sputtered off more efflclently than the central metal Ion Itself. Flnally, the Influence of Ar* bombardment on the nonstolchlometrlc nature of metal oxlde surfaces Is discussed.

Ion bombardment has proved to be a very useful and important technique for obtaining clean and reference surfaces 'Present address, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, Faculty of University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan.


0003-2700/78/0350-1290$01 .OO/O

for ESCA, Auger, and other spectroscopic investigations. However, very little information has so far been reported with respect t o the explicit chemical effects of ion bombardment. Winogard and co-workers ( I , 2) concluded that certain types of metal oxides are reduced by ion bombardment and that the reduction tendency WBS inversely related to the free energy of formation of the oxides. For the ion bombardment technique to be used rationally as an analytical aid, a knowledge of the various types of phenomena potentially introduced by this technique is desirable. The purposes of the present study are to examine briefly (i) the types of chemical reactions, such as redox, substitution, and chemical transformation of one functional group to another, introduced by ion bombardment, (ii) the dependence of sputtering efficiency on the kind of elements and functional groups involved, and (iii) the nonstoichiometric nature of compositions at the surface of oxides as characterized by ion bombardment. To obtain meaningful information with respect 1978 Americar: Chemical Society




Table I. Redox Reaction of Metal Centers Produced by Ar' Bombardmenta Process observed Compound Reduction

Oxidation No change (same oxidation state) a Energy for Ar' ion is 2 keV for 2 mins. ethylenediaminetetraacetate.

Abbreviations: dip: 2,2'-dipyridyl; o-phen: o-phenanthroline; edta:

to the above items, a variety of types of metal complexes were chosen along with some metal oxides as illustrative examples. Although metal complexes are, of course, more or less subject to decomposition upon ion bombardment, they seem to provide one of the more suitable model systems for the present experimental purpose.

EXPERIMENTAL The metal complexes were synthesized by usual methods. The metal oxides LaCo03, Lao$r0 &o03, LaNi03, LaMnO,, and SrMn03 were prepared using a conventional ceramic technique (3). The other oxides examined were obtained commercially. ESCA spectra were obtained with a DuPont Model 650B spectrometer (Mg anode). Under optimum conditions, a '/4-inch gold disk yields a 4f 7 / 2 peak intensity of 400000 counts/s with FWHM of 1.2 eV and a typical operating vacuum is 1 x 10.; Torr. Powder specimens were rubbed onto a gold probe with a round glass rod to achieve good electrical contact. A typical total scan time for the ESCA measurement was 5-15 min. The CIScontamination peak, having in most cases the same order of intensity as the sample peaks, was employed as a reference peak and assigned a binding energy value of 284.4 eV ( 4 ) . For Art sputtering, the sample was lowered without breaking vacuum to a sample preparation compartment which was equipped with an ion gun attachment made by Physical Electronics Inc. An ion beam of up to 2 keV with beam currents of 35 mA was used; this beam could be focused to about 0.5 cm2at normal incidence on the sample probe by an electrostatic lens. The total pressure in this compartment was maintained at 5 X Torr during sputtering by introduction of Ar gas.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A r + B o m b a r d m e n t on T r a n s i t i o n M e t a l Complexes. Redox Reaction by Ar+ Bombardment. Table I summarizes the redox reaction behavior produced by Ar+ bombardment on a variety of transition metal complexes as deduced from t h e corresponding ESCA spectrum. Changes in binding energies and the appearance of shake-up peaks (5-7) provide useful diagnostic criteria for determining the nature of the products produced. For example, Figure 1 shows the effect of 2-keV Arc ion bombardment on the C0(en),(C10~)~ complex. Upon Ar+ ion bombardment, the metal center of the complex was reduced and two sets of new Co 2p peaks appeared, one corresponding to a shake-up satellite peak due to Co(I1) and t h e other to Co(0). The above assignments are supported by the following two observations. Cobaltous oxide, COO, gives shake-up satellite peaks for Co 2p,,, and 2~312and these peaks occur a t binding energy values equal to those of the highest binding energy peaks of the sputtered Co(en),(C104j3 (see Figure l b ) . Among t h e three peaks of cobalt metal foil (see Figure I d ) , the one a t the lowest binding energy, which is assigned to Co metal (Co(O)), corresponds very closely to that of the lowest binding energy peak found for the sputtered C 0 ( e n ) ~ ( C 1 0complex. ~)~ This Co(0) peak disappeared by exposing the sputtered sample to air for 2 min (Figure IC). This corresponds to the reoxidation of Co(0) to Co(I1) and/or Co(IT1) by air. Co(0) was also produced by Ar+ bombardment

A, 807






Binding Energy

Figure 1. Effect of high energy Ar' ion bombardment on Co(en)3(CI0,),. (a) Prior to Art bombardment, (b) 2 keV Ar+ bombardment for 2 min, (c) exposed to air after b, (d) cobalt metal foil polished in air immediately before measurement

on NaCo(edta) and K , C O ( C N ) complexes. ~ The remaining cobalt(II1) complexes studied did not form Co(0) ESCA peaks upon Art bombardment. In the case of C ~ ( d i p ) ~ ( N 0 ~ ) ~ . Cu(I1) 6 H ~ Ois, reduced to form Cu(1) upon Ar+ bombardment. This is evidenced by the shift of the Cu 2 ~ , peak , ~ from 955.5 eV to 953.9 eV and Cu 2p3,, from 935.7 eV to 934.3 eV and also by the disappearance of large Cu 2p shake-up peaks (964.0 eV, 944.7 eV) upon Ar+ bombardment (see Figure 2b). The fact t h a t Cu 2~312and Cu 2p1,2peaks of Ar+ bombarded Cu(dip),(NO,),.GH,O occur a t binding energy values about 1 e\' higher than those of copper metal foil (Figure 2c, d) leads to the conclusion t h a t the oxidation state of copper for Art bombarded Cu(dipj,(N03)2.6H20is 1+ rather than zero. I t should be noted that whereas most of the metal centers in the other metal complexes examined in Table I were reduced to lower oxidation states, those in Fe(dip),(ClO,),, M n ( d i ~ ) ~ B rand , , K3Cr(C20J3were oxidized. In the case of




a’ b

b’ .----.-





1 962

I 954

’: I


i_ 1



Binding Energy


Figure 2. Effect of high energy Art ion bombardment on Cu(dip)B(N03)@3H,0. (a) Prior to bombardment, (b) 2 keV Ar’ bombardment for 2 min, (c) exposed to air after b, (d) copper metal film polished

immediately before measurement Table 11. Dependence of “Reduction Yield” on Energy for Ar’ Bombardment ( 2 min, 35 mA) Sputtering

voltage, keV 1, I I M a 2 0.41 (0.41: 4 min) 1.5 0.42 1.0


0.38 0.34


0.44 (0.59: 4 min) 0.45 0.28 0.0

a I,, I,, and I , are the satellite, the main, and the zero valent Co peaks, respectively, from Ar‘ bombarded Co(en),(C10,),.

Na3(Co(NOz),), Pt(dip)Cl,, and Pt(dip),C12, no significant change was observed with respect to the binding eneggy of spectral shapes of the metal centers (shake-up peaks, appearance of additional peaks, etc.). Dependence o f Reaction Yield on Ar’ Energ3. Table I1 shows the dependence of reaction “yield” of Co(I1) and Co(0) from Co(en),(C104), on the magnitude of energy of Ar+ bombardment. Yield is conveniently defined here as (ls/I\5), and (Zo/IM), where Is is the intensity of the shake-up satellite peak appearing at higher binding energy side of Co 2p1,2main peak, which is due to the paramagnetic Co(I1) species produced by Ar+ bombardment, 1M the intensity of Co 2p3,*main peak a t 782.2 eV which overlaps the remaining Co(II1) and the newly produced Co(I1) peaks, and I o the intensity of the cobalt(0) peak a t 779.3 eV (see Figure Ib). The “yield” is, in general, increased with increase in sputtering time. This yield for a given time duration (e.g. 2 min) is dependent on t h e Ar+ energy. It is interesting t o note t h a t the saturation of “yield” occurs a t 2-keV energy. At this energy, even







Nls Binding Energy Figure 3. Change in nitrogen is spectra for some Co(II1)complexes upon Art ion bombardment. (a) Co(NH3),(N03),prior to bombardment, (a‘) Co(NH,),(NO,), with 2-keV Ar’ bombardment for 7 min, (b) Co(NH,),(NO,), prior to bombardment, (b‘) Co(NH,),(N02),after 2-keV Ar’ bombardment for 2 min, (c)Na3Co(N02),prior to Ar’ bombardment, (c’) Na,Co(NO,), after 2 min. 2-keV Ar’ bombardment

prolonged (4 min) bombardment produces no further increase in yield. Reaction yield vs. sputtering time at a given Ar’ energy is also an interesting point, which remains for further study.

Chemical Transformation of Ligands and Counterions. Figure 3 and 4 show the effect of Ar’ bombardment upon the chemical changes in ligands and counterions of the metal complexes. In the case of Co(NHJ3(N0J3, two N1,peaks are clearly visible, one a t 406.7 (NO,) and one a t 399.8 (NH,). Upon Art bombardment, a new N,, peak appears at, 403.8 eV which is attributed to NOz- formed by reduction of NO3- by Ar+ bombardment. Na3(Co(N02)6)upon Ar’ bombardment yields an additional N1, peak at 398.5 eV, which is fairly close to NH3 nitrogen peak. This may also be interpreted in terms of reduction by Ar+ bombardment of NO2- to some lower oxidation state species such as NH:, or similar species (4). CO(NH,),(NO~)~ which has a 403.5-eV peak for NOz- and a 399.5-e\’ peak for NH3, also exhibits a new N1, peak upon Ar’ bombardment indicating the formation of a new nitrogencontaining species of unknown nature. Another example of chemical transformation by Ar+ bombardment occurs in the and C12p3/2 peaks case of Co(o-phen)3(C104)3,where ClZp,~, (overlapped) for Clod- are decreased to a half of the original intensities and new peaks (overlapped) a t around 198.0 e\’ due to C1- appear. Obviously, this is the result of reduction by Ar’ bombardment of C1O; to C1-. Similar behavior was observed with Fe(dip)3(C104)z, C ~ ( d i p ) , ( C l Oand ~ ) ~ the other C10; containing species. Sputtering Efficiency. An interesting example is Cu(dip),(NO,),. The relative intensity of the N1, peak for NO3to that of dipyridyl (dip) is changed from 1.0:2.82 to 0.0:1.53



Table 111. Change in Peak Intensities of Various Elements in Metal Complexes by Ar' Ion Bombardment ( 2 keV, 2 min) Compound Peak Intensity RatioC





0 0.68












Fe 0.70 Pt










K, [Fe(CN), 1


Signal from the gold probe.

(= Ia/Ib); accurate t o t 0 . 0 5 .



C 1.27


Cb 1.27






























1.32 Od 2.23























Ratio of peak intensities after (I,) and before (Ib)bombardment Background carbon. Adsorbed water. e Background carbon plus ligand carbons.

' I


ti 203




Cb 11 .:





Cb 0.90




Au" 1.34 Od 0.87




1.06 0 0.35

Cb 0.92




0 0.89 Au"

AU" 1.11

1.20 0 0.72


Cu(dip)(NO, 1 2







CI 2p Binding Energy Figure 4. Chemical transformation of C104' ion into CI- ion upon Ar'

bombardment. (a) Co(o-phen),(CIO,), prior to bombardment, (a') Co(o-phen),(CIO,), after 2-keV Ar' bombardment for 2 min, (b) Fe(dip),(CIO& prior to bombardment, (b') Fe(dip),(CIO,), after 2-keV Art bombardment for 2 min by Ar+ sputtering, indicating that the NO3- functional group is more easily sputtered away than the dip group. In contrast, the ligands NH3, NOz-, and NO< in CO(NH,)~(NO,),and CO(NH,),(NO~)~ show similar sputtering tendencies upon Ar+ bombardment. The dependence of Ar+ sputtering efficiency on various elements and ligands in several other metal complexes is summarized in Table 111. The Au4f7,*peak from t,he sample mounting probe was also measured and the ratio

of its intensity after t o before sputtering is cited to permit some judgment to be made of the overall Ar+ sputtering efficiency in each case. Some conclusions may be drawn from the results presented in Table 111. One general tendency observed is that the ESCA peak intensities for the transition and alkali metal ions are increased by Ar+ bombardment, whereas the intensities for the nonmetal elements are decreased, indicating that the ligand species are sputtered off more easily than the transition and alkali metal ions. Occasionally, the peak intensity due to the contamination carbon is increased upon Ar+ bombardment. This increase is observed only with particular ligand species such as dip, o-phen, and CN and may be caused by a chemical change in ligand species upon Ar+ bombardment to produce this type of carbon. In this case, the peak intensities for the transition and alkali metal ions are decreased as well as those attributed to the initial ligand species. Ar+ Bombardment on Metal Oxides. The surface composition of solid materials often is not identical to that for the hulk itself because of surface chemical reactions, particularly with typical atmospheric components such as Oz, C02, HzO, HzS,etc. and because of accidental contamination by contact of the surface with the adsorbable species. Thus the surface composition of a material will depend greatly upon its intrinsic reactivity, mode of preparation, and storage history. For the transition metal complexes described in the previous section, the surface composition probably reflected the bulk composition to a high order. 'This might be expected since these species were prepared in aqueous solution in the presence of air and hence represented chemical composition states which are stable and resistant to further reaction with atmospheric components. This is less likely to be the case with other reactive species which have 1 o be synthesized under more stringent conditions of temperature and environments. The ESCA spectra for cobalt metal foil (Figure Id) represents a case of one reactive material whose surface composition differs from t h e bulk. Ar+ sputtering is a useful technique for removing the surface layers on metals and creating a surface whose composition reflects that of the bulk material. On the other hand, the Ar+ bombardment technique applied to materials such as the transition metal complexes described in the previous section clearly leads to changes in surface



Table IV. Effect of Ar+ Bombardment on KMnO, and Related Compoundsa Binding energy Binding energy of Mn peaks of Mn peaks prior to after bombardment, bombardment, eV eV Compound KMnO,

2~,,, 657.5 655.4 MnO, 654.7 Mn,O, 654.1 a Energy for Ar’ beam: 284.4 eV).


2p,,, ZP,,, ZP,,, 646.6 654.1 642.4 643.5 642.4 643.0 654.3 642.5 642.4 654.4 2 keV for 2 min, (CIS=



Table V. Influence of Ar’ Bombardment on Oxygen Excess of Various Metal Oxides O/M Ratiosa Before After Ar Ar sputter- sputterCompound in g ingC MnO 1.86 0.92 Rb 2.10 1.20 Mn,O, SrMnO, 1.96 0.68 R LaMnO, 2.63 1.70 0.77 R CO,O, 2.00 2.75 1.82 R LaCoO , 0.76 R La,,,Sr,,jCoO, 2.54 a Ratio of 0,, and MZP,,, peak intensities ( = O I S / M 2 p , , 2 ) , corrected for stoichiometry of the compound listed and R = Reduction of cross section (accurate t o t0.05). transition metal center by Ar’ bombardment. Ion beam of 2 keV and 35 mA for 2 min. +


\ 663





Mn 2P B M I Energy ~ Figure 5. Effect of Art ion bombardment ( 2 keV, 2 rnin) on KMn04. (a) Prior to and (b) after bombardment, respectively

composition so that it no longer reflects that of the bulk. The new surface composition probably more closely approximates that which would be obtained by heating the bulk sample in vacuum to an elevated temperature equivalent to the surface temperature achieved by Art bombardment. Thus Art sputtering is not equivalent to a thin knife blade simply eroding away the surface layers one by one leaving the composition of the sublayers intact. Obviously mechanical fracture techniques under vacuum are more suitable in these cases. Metal oxides represent a class of material whose surface composition is likely to be different from that of the bulk and it is of interest t o determine the effect of Art bombardment on such materials. As shown in Figure 5, the Mn 2p spectra of K M n 0 4 have anomalous doublet structure a t 65‘7.5 and 655.4 eV for Zp,,, and a t 646.6 and 643.5 eV for 2p3,,. The relative intensity of the doublet peaks depends upon the history of the KMn04 sample. Upon Art bombardment, however, both doublet peaks disappear and new peaks are produced at 654.1 eV and 642.4 eV for Mn 2p,/, and Mn 2p3,,, respectively. The change before in binding energy of M n 2p1,2 and ‘ 2 ~ for ~ ;KMnO, ~ and after Ar+ bombardment is summarized in Table IV along with the results obtained by analogous experiments for Mn,03 and MnOP. From Figure 5 and Table IV, it is clear that the surface of the K M n 0 4 as obtained from the shelf is already partially reduced to MnO,, and that both KMnOj and MnOl at the surface are reduced to form MnlOa upon Ar+ bombardment: KMnO, 4Mn0,




+ 2 0 , + K,O 2Mn20, + 0, Mn,O,

Jolly speculated previously that the surface of such highly oxidized metal compounds could be partially reduced to a


lower oxidation state (7). Jolly’s speculation was based on the fact that such compounds as KMn04, K2Fe04,and SnOa give increadibly low metal core binding energies for such high oxidation state compounds. Previous reports have not claimed the existence of the doublet structure of Mn 2p peaks for KMn04. Copperthwaite (81, however, found that prolonged x-ray irradiation led to reduction of Mn(VI1) to lower valence states. As shown in Table V, the intensity ratio of oxygen to metal peaks (O/M), after correction for stoichiometry and the photoelectric cross section (9),for some metal oxides is larger than unity. These results suggest that excess oxygen (adsorbed oxygen, water, and so on) exists a t the surface of these oxides. However, upon Art bombardment, the O/M value (corrected) becomes closer to unity for most of the oxides. The above results indicate that the excess oxygen atoms a t t h e surface can be sputtered off relatively easily. Electronic reduction of central metals by Ar+ bombardment causes a change in stoichiometry and therefore also leads to a decrease in the O / M ratio. I t was also found that the absolute intensity of the metal center peak is increased by 30-100% upon Ar+ bombardment, whereas the absolute intensity of the oxygen 1 s peak decreased. The increase in the metal center peak intensity is of course due t o the sputtering off by Art bombardment of the carbon contamination layer on the surface of the oxides. The 0 Is spectrum for transition metal oxides in general contains two peaks, a feature frequently observed by many workers ( 1 0 , 1 1 ) . Usually, the appearance and the relative intensity of the higher binding energy peak is dependent on the history and pretreatment of the sample. It is reasonable to assign the lower binding energy peak to “lattice oxygen” and the higher binding energy one to “excess surface oxygen” peak (such as M-OH and/or MO.H,O). I t is therefore in-


teresting to examine the effect of Ar’ bombardment on each of the oxygen peaks. I n the case of Lao,5Sro,,Co03, LaCo03, and LaNi03, the absolute intensity of “excess surface oxygen” peaks decreased greater than that of “lattice oxygen”. The opposite however was observed for Mnz03,MnOz, and Coz03. Although we initially expected t h a t the intensity of “excess surface oxygen” should decrease to a greater extent than that of “lattice oxygen” because of its origin, it became clear from the present study that the situation is not so straightforward* Additional features concerning sputtering Of metal oxides are given by Wekner (12).

LITERATURE CITED (1) K. S . Kim and N. Winograd, Surf. Sci., 43,625 (1974). (2) K. S. Kim, W. E. Baitinger, J. W. Amy, and N. Winograd, J . Electron Spectrosc., 5 , 351 (1974).


(3) H. Obayashi, T. Kudo, and T. Gejo, Jpn. J . Appi. Pbys., 13, 1 (1974). (4) K. Siegbahn, C. Vordling, A. Fahlman, R. Nordberg, K. Hamrin, J. Hedman, G. Jonansson, T. Bergman, S.Karisson, I. Lindgren, and B. Lindberg, “ESCA-Atomic, Molecular, and Solid State Structure Studied by Means of Electon SpecVoscopy”, Almqukt and Wiksells, Uppsab, Sweden, 1967. (5) T. Robert and G. Offergeid, Cbem. Pbys. Lett., 29, 606 (1974). (6) K. S. Kim and N. Winograd, Cbem. Pbys. Lett., 31, 312 (1975) (7) W. L. Jolly, Coord. Cbem. Rev., 13, 47 (1974). (8) R. G. Copperthwaite, ES News Letter, Case Western Reserve Univ., (No. 6, March) 26 (1975). (9) J. H. Scofield, Lawrence Livermore Lab. [Rep] UCRL-51326,1973. (IO) W. Dianis and J. E. Lester, Surf. Sci., 43, 602 (1974). (1 1) T. Robert, M. Bartel, and G. Ofergeld. Surf. Sci., 33, 123 (1972). (12) G. K. Wekner, in “Methods of Surface Analysis”, A. W. Czanderna, Ed., Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1975,p 24.

RECEIVED for review December 1, 1977. Accepted April 10, 1978* This work was partially supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Standards for pH Measurements in Isotonic Saline Media of Ionic Strength I = 0.16 Roger G. Bates,‘ Carmen A. Vega,’ and D. R. White, Jr. Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 326 7 1

Evidence is presented that pH measurements of blood plasma and other clinical media at an ionic strength ( I )of 0.16 VI. the NBS standards may involve residual liquid-junctlon errors amounting to 0.03 to 0.05 unit. Elght dilute buffer solutions to which NaCi had been added in amount sufficient to raise the ionic strength to 0.16 were studled at 25 and 37 OC. Measurements of cells both wlth and without iiquld junction led to the conclusion that errors due to reslduai ilquid-junction effects can be nearly eiimlnated by matching the lonlc strength of the standard to that of the clinical sample. Thls result was confirmed by calculation of Ilquid-junction potentials. Standard pH values for four useful reference solutlons wlth pH and Ionic strength near those of blood plasma were determined at 10 temperatures from 5 to 50 OC. A phosphate buffer composed of 0.005217 m KH2P04,0.018258 m Na,HPO,, and 0.1 m NaCi (buffer ratio 19.5 and I = 0.16) is to be preferred to the 1:3.5 phosphate buffer ( I= 0.1) of the NBS standard scale for pH measurements in saline medla of ionic strength near 0.16.

Measurements of the p H of blood and plasma are an important integral part of clinical diagnosis. For the highest accuracy and reproducibility, the glass electrode pH assembly should be standardized a t or near the p H of the clinical sample. Furthermore, the reference standard solution (S) should, ideally, have an ionic strength (I)close to that of the “unknown” sample (X), namely about 0.16 mol kg-’ for blood plasma. The p H of the sample X is defined in terms of the emf E of the cell Reference electrode IISoln. S or XIH2 ( 9 , 1 a t m ) ; P t (A) by the operational definition ‘Present address, Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, P.R. 0003-2700/78/0350-1295$01.OOiO

The double vertical line in cell A represents a liquid junction. In practice, the hydrogen electrode is usually replaced by a glass electrode. I t should be noted that, in accord with the preference of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry at its 1977 meeting in Warsaw, and contrary to its earlier recommendation ( I ) , cell A is written with the reference electrode on the left and the hydrogen or glass electrode on the right. Consequently, a minus sign appears before the last term of Equation 1. Standardization of the assembly a t a point close to the pH of blood can be achieved within the framework of the NBS standard p H scale. One of the primary reference solutions of this scale, a mixture of K H 2 P 0 4and Na2HP04in the mole ratio k3.5 and an ionic strength of 0.1, has a pH (S) value near 7.39 at 37 “C. Other reference solutions of p H near 7.4 must be regarded as secondary standards, useful because their pH values have been compared carefully with the primary standard scale, These include buffers of tris(hydroxymethy1)aminomethane (“Tris”) of ionic strengths 0.05 to 0.16 (2, 3), of tris(hydroxymethy1)methylglycine (“Tricine”) of I = 0.02 (41, as well as other mixtures of phosphate salts with I = 0.13 (5). Nevertheless, attempts to establish a primary reference standard of ionic strength 0.16 and pH near 7.4 have met with difficulty. D u s t and Staples (2) studied the solution Tris.HC1 (0.05 mol kg-’) Tris (0.01667 mol kg-’) NaCl (0.11 mol kg-’) at 25 and 37 “C by means of cells without liquid junction in the manner employed for establishing the primary NBS standards. When the values they assigned to this reference solution were found to be inconsistent with the NBS primary scale (see, for example, ref. 6), it was suggested (7) that this solution also be regarded as a secondary standard. The reason for this disparity of 0.03 to 0.05 unit was not clear; it has been


1978 American Chemical Society
