Effect of Block Length and Side Chain Length Ratios on Determining a

May 13, 2019 - Previous work has identified the importance of the lipophilic–fluorophilic block length ratio in predicting the morphology of linear ...
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Article Cite This: J. Phys. Chem. B 2019, 123, 4784−4791


Effect of Block Length and Side Chain Length Ratios on Determining a Multicompartment Micelle Structure Connor P. Callaway,† Seung Min Lee,† Mackenzie Mallard,† Benjamin Clark,† and Seung Soon Jang*,†,‡,§,∥ †

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Computational NanoBio Technology Laboratory, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0245, United States ‡ Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology, §Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, and ∥Strategic Energy Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, United States ABSTRACT: Previous work has identified the importance of the lipophilic− fluorophilic block length ratio 9 l in predicting the morphology of linear lipophilic− hydrophilic−fluorophilic (hereafter referred to as BAC) micelle systems. Here, a generalized form 9 of this structural parameter is developed that makes no assumption of BAC triblock co-polymer linearity, while still providing accurate predictions of the micelle morphology. The morphologies of BAC micelles formed by triblock co-polymers with 9 ≪ 1 or 9 ≫ 1 have similar features, with the only notable difference being an inversion of the lipophilic and fluorophilic regions. A destabilization of the single-core micelle structure occurs as 9 approaches unity from either direction. Finally, the extent to which the micelle morphology depends on the polymer architecture instead of the composition alone is examined, with a decreased patchiness observed in BAC systems with very long block lengths. Through the modification of both the 9 -value and the polymer architecture, the micelle morphology can be effectively tuned for use in immobilized catalysis and nanoreactor applications.


Although several of these features are not unique to micelle structures, the MCM nanoreactor enables the ability to combine them into one system with a relatively straightforward synthesis process. Moreover, MCMs offer a wide range of control over the resultant morphologies through the modification of the architecture of the constituent co-polymer species. A particularly noteworthy advantage of these systems is the ability to “tune” the micelle morphology without modifying the species that comprise the blocks of the constituent co-polymers, allowing the co-polymer species to be selected on the basis of the chemical character of the reactants and products present in the reaction. Indeed, the spectrum of morphologies achievable through the modification of polymer architecture has been well documented to date.24−26,39−44 Although micelles consisting of polymers with a hydrophilic−lipophilic−fluorophilic (often termed “ABC”) block sequence typically result in layered onion-like spheroids,39−42,45−51 a wider variety of morphologies have been observed when the co-polymer block sequence is modified to lipophilic−hydrophilic−fluorophilic (“BAC”).25,39,52 Previously, it was demonstrated that purely linear (i.e., without side chains) triblock co-polymers with a BAC block sequence result in morphologies that can be effectively tuned by modifying the lipophilic−fluorophilic

Throughout recent decades of catalysis science, the development and potential applications of various implementations of immobilized catalysis have attracted no shortage of attention.1−10 Of growing interest in more recent years is the possibility to harness the versatile morphologies of multicompartment micelles (MCMs) to create catalytic nanoreactors.11−18 As is well known, the traditional micelle results from self-assembly of diblock co-polymers consisting of hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails in aqueous conditions.19,20 The multicompartment micelle (MCM) likewise results from polymers of three (or more) mutually immiscible blocks, each with different solvophilicities, self-assembling in the solution into complex structures containing distinct regions or “compartments” of the species in the various co-polymer blocks.21−26 Because of their ability to control the flow of reactant and product species within a solution, MCM nanoreactors display a fortuitous combination of the high reaction rates and selectivity observed in homogeneous catalysis with the separability enjoyed by heterogeneous catalysis, all without the need for multiple successive reaction chambers.27−38 These systems, thus, present an opportunity to engineer immobilized catalytic reactions at the nanoscale, enabling such desirable features as cascade reactions, tandem catalysis, and catalytic compartmentalization in systems with nonorthogonal reaction steps. © 2019 American Chemical Society

Received: March 9, 2019 Revised: May 10, 2019 Published: May 13, 2019 4784

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b02231 J. Phys. Chem. B 2019, 123, 4784−4791


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Figure 1. Chemical structures of blocks exhibiting (a) hydrophilic, (b) lipophilic, and (c) fluorophilic characteristics. Preliminary simulations were performed on these species to determine representative χij-values, which were then adjusted to ensure microphase separation between all species present in the DPD simulations.

block length ratio.39 Because of the ease with which the block lengths may be modified during the co-polymer synthesis, the structural parameter 9 l provides a direct avenue for the MCM morphology to be controlled to improve the catalytic performance of the MCM nanoreactor system. However, despite the accuracy of the 9 l -parameter in predicting micelle morphology for triblock co-polymer systems with (approximately) a linear polymer architecture, its effectiveness is notably diminished for triblock co-polymers that cannot be modeled as linear, including species with bulky side chains. This limitation can be problematic, since the principal consideration when selecting the constituent species of the triblock co-polymer is the solvophilicity of each species. It is natural, then, to seek a more generalized structural parameter 9 that does not require the assumption of linearity of the polymer architecture that limits the applicability of the 9 l -parameter. In this computational study, we employ the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation method53−56 to study the variation in MCM morphologies as a function of the lipophilic−fluorophilic block length and side chain length ratios to explore the form of such a generalized parameter. This study will also examine the extent to which the lipophilic and fluorophilic side chains have a similar effect on the MCM morphology to that exhibited by the block lengths of these species. Finally, we will discuss the relative importance of the polymer architecture in comparison with the overall composition to remark upon the influence of linearity in deciding the final MCM morphology.

side chains are present, however, it is only one component of the composition ratio. To capture the effect of side chains, we introduce an analogous parameter 9 s 9 s = s L̃ /sF̃ ≈ s L /sF

where s̃L and s̃F represent the reduced side chain lengths within the lipophilic and fluorophilic blocks, respectively. We note that depending on the nature of the species in these blocks in a real polymer, the “true” side chain lengths sL and sF may or may not retain physical meaning. In cases where the side chain cannot be modeled as a series of repeating units, we recommend the use of standard estimates of statistical side chain dimension58 (⟨R2⟩1/2, Rg, etc.) in place of sL and sF. Although the specific form of the generalized lipophilic− fluorophilic ratio parameter 9 will be discussed later in this work, at this point, it is instructive to highlight two major requirements for this quantity. First, it is expected that in the absence of side chains (or in systems that can be modeled with linear polymers), it simplifies to the linear form 9 l . Second, it is expected to serve as a reasonably good predictor of the micelle morphology based on the lipophilic and fluorophilic block and side chain lengths. To determine the form of the 9 -parameter, the simulation systems were set to have 5% polymer and 95% water. Although this polymer concentration is larger than would be used in a real physical system, a larger concentration is employed in our simulations to ensure more intensive polymer−polymer interactions and thus to better study the self-assembly process. The simulation box size was defined as 30 × 30 × 30 with a grid spacing of 1.0 and a bead density of 3.0, enabling the use of the linear relationship between the DPD repulsion parameter aij for species i and j and the corresponding Flory−Huggins χij-parameter, as derived by Groot and Warren56

2. MODELING AND SIMULATION METHODS In this study, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations are performed through Materials Studio57 to investigate the effects of modifying the block length ratio and the side chain length ratio between the lipophilic and fluorophilic blocks. As defined in our previous study, the lipophilic−fluorophilic block length ratio is given by 9 l = bL̃ /bF̃

aij = 25 + 3.5χij


Ensuring that the physicality of the DPD simulations and of the micelle self-assembly process requires monitoring the simulation pressure and temperature as a function of time. Total simulation time was chosen in all cases as αte, where te gives the minimum time required to achieve pressure equilibration (i.e., no monotonic change in pressure over time). The constant α, chosen arbitrarily here to be equal to 2.5, allows the simulation to proceed for a fixed amount of time after the equilibration stage is achieved to ensure a fully equilibrated state in the system. Using a time step of 0.05 reduced DPD unit, a total simulation time of 8.75 × 103 reduced units provided equilibrated results for all simulations. Reduced DPD unit time is taken as the duration necessary for a bead to diffuse a distance of its own radius due to thermal


where b̃L and b̃F represent the reduced (i.e., coarse-grained) DPD block lengths corresponding to a real polymer of lipophilic and fluorophilic block lengths b L and b F , respectively.39 It is worth noting that because the scaling factor should be very nearly identical for both the lipophilic and the fluorophilic blocks, the definition above may be alternatively written as 9 l ≈ b L / bF



In a BAC micelle system composed of purely linear triblock copolymers, this expression also captures the composition ratio between the lipophilic and the fluorophilic blocks; when bulky 4785

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B fluctuations.55,56 Groot and Warren advise that the use of a time step greater than 0.05 reduced unit is discouraged due to the artificial (and unphysical) increase in system temperature that results from the use of larger time steps.56 We note that the species A, B, and C used in this study are loosely based on the species displayed in Figure 1, which were selected for their spectrum of hydrophobicity. To obtain the repulsion parameters for this study, the corresponding χ-values were first calculated via the computational miscibility analysis (COMMA) method previously developed by the authors.59 These χ-parameter values were then converted into repulsion parameters via eq 3 and slightly adjusted to improve the distinct phase separation upon self-assembly; the χ-parameters used in these DPD simulations, therefore, represent idealized values for the model study. Table 1 summarizes the aij-values for each pair of species used in this simulation system.

sufficient to ensure proper micelle coverage; the hydrophilic block length has been observed to have a minimal impact on the resultant morphology.39,52 The preliminary simulations indicated a similar trend in the impact of the hydrophilic side chain length. For these reasons, we here choose a constant hydrophilic block length of b̃H = 18 and the hydrophilic side chain of s̃H = 4 in all cases. At this point, we introduce the generalized form of the structural lipophilic−fluorophilic ratio parameter as a multiplicative modifier to the linear parameter 9 l b ̃ (s ̃ + 1) b (s + 1) ji s ̃ + 1 zyz 9 = 9 ljjj L = L L ≈ L L z z j s̃ + 1z ̃ bF(sF + 1) bF(sF̃ + 1) k F {

The reader may note that this form is essentially the composition ratio between the lipophilic and fluorophilic species. This is reasonable, given the reliability of the similar 9 l -value in predicting the micelle morphology of purely linear systems. This form also simplifies to the simple 9 l -value in systems without side chains (i.e., when s̃X = 0 for all species X), satisfying one of the major requirements set forth at the onset of this study. It must also be noted, however, that it is presently unknown whether the simple definition of 9 as a compositional ratio between the lipophilic and fluorophilic blocks will hold for all polymer systems and, more specifically, all polymer architectures. Since the ABC block sequence is predominantly characterized by the formation of onion spheroids, the 9 -value is of no utility in these systems; it is natural, then, to wonder whether its accuracy extends to other architectures that are significantly different from those studied here (e.g., ABC miktoarms). Thus, at present, although we do wish to highlight the intuitive connection of the 9 -value to the lipophilic− fluorophilic compositional ratio in linear and branched BAC triblock co-polymer systems, we stress that the functional form may vary quite widely in other architectures. As with the 9 l -parameter, the generalized 9 -parameter enables predictions of micelle morphology based on the block lengths and side chain lengths of the lipophilic and fluorophilic blocks. For systems where 9 ≪ 1 or 9 ≫ 1, the expected morphologies are quite similar: the micelles formed are spheroidal, largely preferring a single core composed of either the lipophilic or the fluorophilic species, whichever is in excess. The deficient species forms smaller patches surrounding the core, whereas the entire spheroid is covered with a layer of the hydrophilic species whose thickness is determined primarily by the hydrophilic block length. We continue the nomenclature wherein these morphologies represent regimes I (where 9 ≪ 1) and III (9 ≫ 1). The intermediate regime II (where 9 ≈ 1) is characterized by notably less spheroidal morphologies containing multiple cores of both lipophilic and fluorophilic species. 3.1. Micelle Morphologies with 9 l ≪ 1. The first set of simulations was performed with a lipophilic block length of b̃L = 2 and a fluorophilic block length of b̃F = 10, representing the 9 l ≪ 1 extreme of the horseshoe diagram. The results from these simulations are presented in Figure 3, along with the corresponding polymer architectures and 9 -values; water visibility is disabled in all figures for the visual clarity. When 9 ≪ 1, as in the case of the B2,2A18,4C10,6 micelle, the system preferentially forms a characteristically spheroidal regime I morphology with a fluorophilic core and many small lipophilic patches. However, as Figure 3 demonstrates, increasing the

Table 1. Repulsion Parameters aij between Each Pair of Species in the DPD Simulation Systema block A block B block C water

block A

block B

block C


25.0 40.0 45.0 27.5

40.0 25.0 40.0 47.5

45.0 40.0 25.0 60.0

27.5 47.5 60.0 25.0



Note that aii = 25.0 by definition56 [see eq 3]. Values in shaded cells are implied by other cells due to the fact that aij = aji.

Finally, to facilitate the communication of the structural information for triblock co-polymers, we here use a condensed notation such that Xb̃X,s̃X represents a block of species X with block length b̃X and side chain length s̃X. Figure 2 provides a

Figure 2. (a) Visual representation of the notation convention followed in this work, wherein Xb̃X,s̃X represents a block of species X with reduced block and side chain lengths in DPD of b̃X and s̃X, respectively. Following this convention, the triblock co-polymer presented in (b) is represented as B2,6A18,4C10,2.

visual representation of this notation for an additional clarity. Although branched triblock co-polymers were indeed the focus of this study, simulations of several purely linear co-polymers were also performed with compositions identical to select branched triblock co-polymers. These linear co-polymers were included in our study to probe the extent to which the micelle morphology depends on the polymer architecture. For all branched co-polymers in this study, the total block length was constrained to b̃L + b̃H + b̃F = 30, whereas the total side chain length was constrained to s̃L + s̃H + s̃F = 8.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To probe the full spectrum of morphologies as a function of polymer architecture, simulations were performed for five 9 l -values (9 l ≪ 1, 9 l < 1, 9 l = 1, 9 l > 1, and 9 l ≫ 1). At each of these 9 l -values, 5 9 s-values were tested (with a range similar to the 9 l -values), yielding a total of 25 architectures tested. It is important to note that beyond a base length 4786

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Figure 3. Horseshoe diagram demonstrating the structural variation of strongly fluorophilic-rich (9 l ≪ 1) BAC micelles as a function of the generalized structural predictor 9. Despite a constant 9 l -value in all cases, tunability from regime I to near regime II is observed, highlighting the importance of 9 as a governing structural parameter. Water visibility is disabled for clarity.

Figure 4. Horseshoe diagram demonstrating the structural variation of weakly fluorophilic-rich (9 l < 1) BAC micelles as a function of the generalized structural predictor 9. Despite a constant 9 l -value in all cases, tunability between regimes I and II is observed, highlighting the importance of 9 as a governing structural parameter. Water visibility is disabled for clarity.

9 s-value of the constituent polymers (and, by extension, increasing the 9 -value) leads to the development of a smaller number of larger patches. In particular, a clear morphological difference can be observed between the morphologies of the B2,2A18,4C10,6 and the B2,6A18,4C10,2 micelles: although the latter retains a fluorophilic core, it nonetheless displays a morphology intermediate in character to regimes I and II. These morphologies are well reflected by the difference in the corresponding 9 -values (9 = 0.086 and 9 = 0.467 , respectively). The lack of morphologies in the regime II−III range is also explained by the range of 9 -values surveyed, as 9 < 1 for all architectures studied. 3.2. Micelle Morphologies with 9l < 1. The second set of simulations was performed with b̃L = 4 and b̃F = 8, representing the 9l < 1 region of the horseshoe diagram. Several features of these simulations are of note. As shown in Figure 4, the first polymer architecture tested (B4,2A18,4C8,6) results in a nearly identical morphology to that of the B2,4A18,4C10,4 architecture in Figure 3, as predicted by their 9 -values (9 = 0.214 and 0.2, respectively). Since the regime II morphologies dominate around 9 ∼ 1, it would be expected that the B4,6A18,4C8,2 micelle (9 = 1.167) would disfavor a spheroidal single-cored morphology; indeed, Figure 4 confirms this, with this architecture instead forming a more segmented morphology. 3.3. Micelle Morphologies with 9 l ∼ 1. Simulations in the 9 l ∼ 1 region of the horseshoe diagram were performed with b̃L = 6 and b̃F = 6. For these simulations, the architectures tested span a range of 0.429 < 9 < 2.333, providing an effective representation of the tunability possible in BAC micelle systems. Although regimes I and III are not fully accessible based on the 9 l - and 9 s-values chosen, as Figure 5 demonstrates, the micelles at either end of the spectrum still display the characteristic similarity predicted based on their Rvalues: the B6,2A18,4C6,6 and B6,6A18,4C6,2 micelles both exhibit a spheroidal structure with the core composed of the species in excess and a small number of larger patches composed of the deficient species. Likewise, as the micelles’ 9 -values approach

Figure 5. Horseshoe diagram demonstrating the structural variation of balanced (9 l ∼ 1) BAC micelles as a function of the generalized structural predictor 9. Despite a constant 9 l -value in all cases, a slight tunability across all regimes is observed. Water visibility is disabled for clarity.

unity from either direction, the regions of the deficient species grow large enough to rival the regions of the dominant species, leading to a destabilization of the single-cored structure, as expected. 3.4. Micelle Morphologies with 9 l > 1. The set of simulations performed with b̃L = 8 and b̃F = 4 represent the 9 l > 1 region of the horseshoe diagram, with the resultant morphologies shown in Figure 6. Notably, the horseshoe diagram associated with these simulations mirrors the diagram displayed in Figure 4. In particular, the B 8,6 A 18,4 C 4,2 architecture (9 = 4.667) forms a morphology that is 4787

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

When 9 ≫ 1, as in the case of the B10,6A18,4C2,2 micelle, the system exhibits the characteristic regime III morphology with a single lipophilic core and several smaller fluorophilic patches. This morphology is, in essence, an inversion of the B2,2A18,4C10,6 micelle in Figure 3, as expected from the 9 -values of each micelle (9 = 11.667 and 11.667 −1 , respectively). As the 9 -value is decreased toward unity, the fluorophilic patches grow in size and approach the nonspheroidal morphologies found in regime II; however, regime I remains fully inaccessible for the given micelles because 9 > 1 for all co-polymer architectures. 3.6. Comparison of Branched Architecture to Linear Architecture. Finally, to further study the effect of polymer architecture on the micelle morphology in comparison to that of composition alone, simulations were performed with compositions identical to those studied previously, but with purely linear architectures instead of architectures with side chains. Figure 8 shows a side-by-side comparison between each branched architecture and the corresponding linear architecture with identical composition and 9 -value. As can be seen from Figure 8, a few morphologies are in agreement between the branched and linear architectures; in particular, for 9 -values of 0.086, 0.429, and 2.143, the linear and branched micelles display similar morphologies. However, in other cases, the linear architectures result in a markedly lower extent of patchiness in comparison with the branched architecture. We ascribe this result primarily to the chain entanglement occurring in cases with much larger block lengths as well as the difficulty of forming small patches surrounding the core when the mean end-to-end distances of the polymer chains are larger than the characteristic patch size associated with the corresponding 9 -value. These simulation results highlight an important limitation of the 9 -value: although it has been demonstrated that this parameter enables reliable prediction of the multicompartment micelle structure for a particular family of polymer architectures, significant that discrepancies may arise when comparing micelles composed of polymer species from different architectural families (e.g., purely linear, branched, miktoarm, etc.). In other words, although the 9 -value can describe a considerable amount of tunability based on the compositional variation, the polymer architecture plays an important role in determining the micelle morphology that currently lies beyond the scope of the 9 -value. We intend to expand this parameter in future studies by mapping the micelle morphology as a function of coordinates within the 9 -space, including the consideration of the architectural component of the morphology. It is worth noting that although the architectural effect is not yet fully understood, when comparisons are made within a single architectural class, the 9 -value retains its ability to make robust morphological predictions. Considering only the linear architectures in Figure 8, a trend is still observed in the micelle morphologies as a function of 9 (which is functionally equivalent to 9 l in this case). When 9 ≪ 1, spheroidal fluorophilic-cored micelles result, albeit with relatively fewer and larger lipophilic patches than in the corresponding branched case of equal 9 . The characteristic lipophilic− fluorophilic inversion is observed in this architectural family as well, with the 9 ≫ 1 micelles displaying spheroidal lipophiliccored micelles with fluorophilic patches. Within the 9 ∼ 1 region, the preferred morphologies are split-cored spheroids, in

Figure 6. Horseshoe diagram demonstrating the structural variation of weakly lipophilic-rich (9 l > 1) BAC micelles as a function of the generalized structural predictor 9. Despite a constant 9l -value in all cases, tunability between regimes II and III is observed. Water visibility is disabled for clarity.

essentially an inversion of the B4,2A18,4C8,6 architecture (9 = 4.667−1). Both the B8,2A18,4C4,6 and the B8,3A18,4C4,5 micelles form similar morphologies, as both polymer architectures display 9 -values near unity (9 = 0.857 and 1.333, respectively). However, as the 9 s - and 9 -values increase, the lipophilic core grows, leading to the system favoring spheroidal morphologies in the regime III limit. 3.5. Micelle Morphologies with 9l ≫ 1. In a similar vein, Figure 7 displays the set of simulations which studies the 9l ≫ 1 extreme of the horseshoe diagram, with lipophilic and fluorophilic block lengths of b̃L = 10 and b̃F = 2, respectively. The spectrum of morphologies generated from these polymer architectures, in turn, mirrors the diagram shown in Figure 3.

Figure 7. Horseshoe diagram demonstrating the structural variation of strongly lipophilic-rich (9 l ≫ 1) BAC micelles as a function of the generalized predictor 9. Despite a constant 9 l -value in all cases, tunability from near regime II to regime III is observed. Water visibility is disabled for clarity. 4788

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Figure 8. Comparison between the micelle morphologies resulting from branched and linear polymer architectures of an identical 9-value. Although selected architectures (9 = 0.086, 0.429, and2.143) preferentially form similar morphologies, a noticeable structural divergence between the two architectures even for identical 9-values suggests a dependence not only on composition but also on architecture.

single core composed of either the lipophilic or the fluorophilic species, whichever is in excess, whereas the deficient species forms patches surrounding the core. By contrast, co-polymers with 9 ∼ 1 instead form nonspheroidal micelles with multiple “cores” of both lipophilic and fluorophilic species. In all cases, the patchiness is noticeably decreased for co-polymers with very long block lengths when compared to branched copolymers of the same composition and 9 -value. Although this phenomenological study has provided quite satisfactory insights into the dependence of multicompartment BAC micelle morphologies on the polymer architecture (and, by extension, the structural tunability of these systems), deeper mechanistic analysis is still required to understand the reason for the morphological trends observed in these systems. Moreover, a free-energy analysis may uncover heretofore unobserved morphologies of interest in immobilized catalysis applications. Through coarse-grained molecular mechanics calculations (e.g., approaches based on the mean-field theory or free-energy perturbation), the energetic contributions leading to the stability of patchy spheroids (regimes I and III) and multicore agglomerates (regime II) may be identified. These contributions will provide essential insights into the morphological diversity of multicompartment BAC micelle systems, allowing for finer structural control than ever before.

contrast to the segmented morphologies formed by branched architectures and linear architectures with short block lengths.39 Thus, although there are significant differences between the trends observed for branched, short block linear, and long block linear architectures, in all cases the trends themselves are well mapped by the 9 -value. The morphological differences observed between the branched and linear architectures are not necessarily detrimental; indeed, the range of morphologies generated between the branched and linear architectures for some 9 -values establishes an additional layer of tunability even at constant 9 . Because the patches surrounding the core represent distinct catalytic regions and can serve as entry points for reactants or exit points for products, it is useful to consider all avenues of structural tunability when designing a multicompartment micelle system for nanoreactor applications. These avenues may, therefore, include modification of the 9 l or 9 s -values as well as the complete modification of polymer architecture.

4. CONCLUSIONS In this computational study, we have identified a generalized form 9 of the lipophilic−fluorophilic structural parameter 9 l for linear triblock co-polymers introduced previously by the authors. The generalized 9 -value makes no assumption of polymer linearity while still allowing accurate predictions of the resultant aqueous BAC micelle morphology, although the effectiveness of this parameter is diminished slightly in cases with overlong block lengths. In addition, the 9 -value collapses into the 9 l -value in cases where no side chains are present, as expected. Thus, the generalized 9 -value meets all requirements set forth for this parameter. The morphologies formed by branched BAC triblock copolymers are highly consistent with those formed by linear BAC triblock co-polymers. For 9 ≪ 1 or 9 ≫ 1, these copolymers preferentially form spheroidal morphologies with a


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Seung Soon Jang: 0000-0002-1920-421X Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest. 4789

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b02231 J. Phys. Chem. B 2019, 123, 4784−4791


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Award DE-FG02-03ER15459.


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