Effect of Drug Loading on the Rate of Nicotine Release from Poly

1Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Drexel University, ... 2009 American Chemical Society ..... Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, ...
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Chapter 5

Effect of Drug Loading on the Rate of Nicotine Release from Poly(є-caprolactone) Matrices 1



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Rachel T. Rosenberg , Steven P. Siegel , and Nily Dan * 1

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, P A 19104 Stanley Center for Experimental Therapeutics, Division of Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P A 19104 2

Previous studies have shown that the rate o f drug release from polymeric matrices depends on the polymer and drug pro­ perties. Here we examine the release o f a highly hydrophilic drug, nicotine, from p o l y ( є - C a p r o l a c t o n e ) ( P C L ) . Quite surprisingly, we find that the rate o f drug release increases with increasing drug loading, as does the water content o f the matrix. W e suggest that the hydrophilic drug partitions out o f the hydrophobic polymer into water voids in the matrix, thereby enhancing the diffusion rate. A diffusion model developed for this scenario fits the data well with a single adjustable parameter.


© 2009 American Chemical Society

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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Introduction The use o f synthetic polymers to serve as structural components in drug delivery systems has widely increased over the last twenty years. Extensive studies have shown that the rate o f drug release depends o n both the polymer properties (1-3) and the drug characteristics (4,5). T w o main mechanisms control the rate o f drug release from polymeric systems (3,6): T h e first, a diffusion-controlling process, occurs when a concentration gradient is present. This process dominates release from non-degradable or slowly-degrading polymers. Drugs may be released also by erosion or degradation o f the polymer, a process that dominates release in rapidly degradable matrices and/or when the diffusion rate o f the drug is slow, e.g. because o f high drug M W or matrix crystallinity. Poly(e-caprolactone) ( P C L ) is a biodegradable, non-toxic polymer o f the polyester family suitable for implantable or injectable delivery devices (7). T h e degradation o f P C L occurs at a very slow rate v i a the hydrolyzation o f ester bonds, making it ideal for long term delivery systems (7). Previous studies (813) find that 35-55% o f the initial hydrophilic drug load was released rapidly from P C L nano and micro particles, within a few hours. This 'burst' was followed by slow release over timescales o f weeks to months (8-13).

Materials and Methods Materials The PCL matrix used in this study contains a 50:50 mixture o f low (14,000 g/mol) and medium (65,000 g/mol) PCL, obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. T h e melting temperature o f both polymers is 60°C (14). Nicotine hydrogen tartrate salt (CioH N2.2C H 06) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The solubility o f this compound in our buffer solution was measured in our lab and found to be higher than 200 mg/ml at room temperature. 14



Melt Mixing and Pellet Formation A mixture o f the 50:50 polycaprolactone ( P C L ) matrix and the appropriate weight nicotine drug load were placed in an o i l bath at 150°C. A T e f l o n ® stirrer slowly m i x e d the viscous material in a polypropylene cup for thirty minutes. After visually inspecting for homogeneity, the P C L / d r u g mixture was allowed to cool in the freezer until it hardened and could be removed from the cup with ease. It was then stored at room temperature until ready for pressing. T o create

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

54 the pellets, the P C L / d r u g mixture was softened on a hot plate at 70°C and placed in a 6 m m diameter T e f l o n ® - c o a t e d mold. The plate was first pressed at 80°C and 30,000 psi for thirty seconds and immediately placed in a second press which operates at room temperature and a pressure o f 24,000 psi until cooled. This procedure was repeated until the pellets reached the density requirement o f 1.1 m g / m m . The pellets were weighed and measured by a digital caliper. 3

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Calibration Curve In order to determine the concentrations o f drug released into a phosphate buffered saline ( P B S - B ) solution, a calibration curve o f known concentrations was generated. A 0.4 m g / m L solution o f drug in P B S - B was used as the highest concentration on the curve. The solution was vortexed for two minutes and then diluted by half. This was repeated until a total o f 10 solutions were made, where pure P B S - B was the lowest concentration.

In Vitro Assay For each study, at least three pellets o f the same type were used so an average value could be achieved. Each pellet was placed in 100 m L o f P B S - B solution and placed on a stirrer at 37°C to simulate a natural body state. Aliquots o f 200 u L were taken from each jar to measure absorbance by the U V Spectrometer. These data are compared to the calibration curve, wherein, concentrations can ultimately be deciphered. For each set o f conditions that was examined, corresponding positive and negative controls were present. The positive controls were the drug load o f the pellet dissolved in P B S - B solution. The negative controls were pellets only containing the polymer and no drug. Further details o f the experimental set up can be found in (5,15,16).

Results and Discussion T o investigate the effect, i f any, o f drug load on the rate o f release from P C L we compare three different nicotine concentrations: 10%, 4 0 % and 5 0 % (by weight). B y measuring the concentration o f nicotine in solution, as a function o f time, we calculate the amount o f drug released at any point in time. A t the end o f the release process, when U V indicated that all drug was released, we measured the weight o f the polymer particles before and after drying to evaluate possible degradation o f the matrix and the water content. In a l l cases, we found that the weight o f the dried matrix, after the U V determined 100% drug release, corresponded (within 1%) to the initial mass o f

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


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the polymer. This confirms that the entire drug was released and that polymer degradation did not occur. This is as expected, since the degradation rate o f P C L is k n o w n to be much longer than the time scales o f our experiments (7-14). Quite surprisingly, we find that the degree o f matrix swelling, as defined by the water content in the matrix at 100% drug release, increases with drug loading. The water content, on average, was 10.5 ± 2 % (weight) in the 10% drug pellets, 26.8 ± 1 % in the 4 0 % , and 29.1 ± 1 % in the 50%. This is unexpected, since at equilibrium the degree o f polymer swelling should depend only on the polymer/solvent compatibility, as defined by the relevant Flory x parameter (17). One might argue that mixing the (hydrophobic) P C L with increasing amounts o f (highly hydrophilic) nicotine w o u l d increase the average mixture hydrophilicity. However, while this argument may apply initially, it is invalid once the entire drug was released from the matrix. One possible explanation for the increase in water content is the semicrystalline nature o f P C L at the temperature o f our experiments (25°C): unlike a melt polymer, the semi-crystalline P C L is likely to hold its original pellet shape, even after the drug was released. A s a result, the volume previously occupied by the drug becomes available to water. This hypothesis is supported by our visual observation o f no change in the particle dimensions during the release process, even after - 5 0 % by weight o f the original pellet, namely the drug, was released. In Figure 1 we plot the mass o f nicotine released from the P C L pellets, as a function o f time. Contrary to previous studies (7-14), we do not find any signs o f initial 'burst' in the first hours o f the experiment. This may be due to the fact that our particles are macroscopic, rather than micro or nano. A s may be expected, the mass released, at any time point, increases with increasing initial loading. The time required for 100% release o f the encapsulated drug decreases with increasing loading. Complete release is achieved after ~2 days for the 50%, ~5 days for the 4 0 % , and ~11 days for the 10%. The classic diffusion model o f drug release, when matrix degradation is neglected, can be written as (6,18)

M(t) = M


l - £ e

r 2


where M is the mass o f released drug at time t, M is the initial mass o f the drug in the system, D the drug diffusion coefficient in the matrix, and R the particle radius. Equation (1) predicts that the time at w h i c h complete release is obtained (namely, when M=M ) should be independent o f the initial loading, an unction o f the particle dimension and the diffusion coefficient o f the drug in the matrix. However, as clearly demonstrated in our data, the time required to achieve complete release o f nicotine from P C L decreases sharply with the drug loading. 0


In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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Figure 1. The mass of nicotine releasedfrom PCL,M, as a Junction of time. Diamonds denote 10% initial loading, Squares 40% initial loading, and circles 50% initial loading. The dashed lines show the maximal amount of drug in the system. Arrows mark the time at which 100% release was achieved. Solid lines are the result of a fit using equations (1-3). (See page 2 of color insert.)

Several studies suggest that matrix s w e l l i n g may affect the rate o f drug release (19,20). W e hypothesize that the increase i n the rate o f nicotine release with initial loading may be associated w i t h the concurrent increase i n the water content i n the pellet. Since nicotine is highly hydrophilic, it is likely to partition into any volume o f available water, rather than remaining i n the hydrophobic matrix. Since the rate o f nicotine diffusion i n water is m u c h higher than i n the polymer, the apparent diffusion coefficient o f the nicotine out o f the pellet increases w i t h increasing water content. T h i s scenario can be described by an effective, time dependant diffusion coefficient for the drug D (t)=D +xM D eff





where D is the diffusion coefficient o f the drug i n the polymer, D is the diffusion coefficient o f the drug i n water; M is the mass o f water i n the pellet- a function o f time, and x a partition coefficient. The mass o f water i n the particle may be calculated by (18) dp



In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.


where is the maximal loading o f water in the system, and D the diffusion coefficient o f water in the matrix. M °° is known from our measurements o f the maximal water content in the pellets. D has been found to be 2 x l 0 " cm /s (21), D for nicotine is 6 x l 0 " c m / s , (22) and D is on the order o f 10" cm /s [note: The diffusion coefficient o f a molecule in a liquid decreases with the molecular volume to the power o f 0.5-0.6 (22). The molecular volume o f caffeine and nicotine is about 10 times that o f water (22). U s i n g this correlation yields D in P C L o f order 1 * 10" - 5*10" cm /s]. Thus, we can calculate the value o f f(t) from equation (1) by using the time-dependent diffusion coefficient (equation 2), a function o f the water content (Equation 3). This set o f equations has only one unknown parameter, x, w h i c h should be the same regardless o f drug loading. w








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d ? w






In Figure 1 we show the fit o f this model to the release data, using the value x=0.06 for all three loadings. W e see that this value provides good agreement with a l l drug loadings.

Conclusions In this paper we examine the effect o f drug loading on the release rate o f a highly hydrophilic drug from P C L matrices. W e find that the rate o f drug release increases with increased loading, namely, the effective diffusion coefficient o f the drug out o f the matrix increases. Moreover, the water content in the matrix increases significantly with the initial drug loading. W e suggest that the semi-crystalline structure o f P C L keeps the original pellet shape during the process o f drug diffusion into solution, so that water diffuses into the voids. Since nicotine is highly hydrophilic, some o f it partitions into the water contained in the matrix (see Figure 2). Thus, the effective diffusion coefficient o f the drug is composed o f an average o f the diffusion coefficient in the polymer and in water. A single parameter fit yields good agreement for the three drug loadings examined. It should be noted that the P C L / n i c o t i n e system is somewhat unique. First is the fact that P C L is semi-crystalline at the room temperature at which the experiments were conducted. Second is the high solubility o f nicotine in water, w h i c h drives the drug to partition into the aqueous regions in the matrix. A similar study with P C L and caffeine, which has a solubility o f - 2 0 mg/ml in water (i.e. 10% that o f nicotine) does not show such a clear dependence o f the rate o f diffusion on drug loading (16).

In Polymer Degradation and Performance; Celina, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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Figure 2. A sketch of our proposed mechanism for nicotine release. The crystalline PCL domain are rigid, and hold the matrix shape even when the drug begins to leach out (left). This leaves voids into which water can diffuse (center). The remaining, hydrophilic drug preferentially partitions into the aqueous regions (right).

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