Effect of Evaporated Films on Recovery of Gases Evolved during

poise has been calculated for the ideal column. An analysis of Cs to Cg cycloparaffins and aromatics, run on a. 175-foot poly(propylene glycol)capil- ...
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Gohy h a suggested the use of the performance indcx (4) to mcasure the performance of a column run at o p t.imum flow. A theoretical limit oi 0.1 poise has been calculatrd for the ideal rolumn. An analysis of Cr to C . cyclopa.m.ffinsand aronmtics, run on a lis-foot poly(propylenr glycol) eapilhry, s h o w a sqmmtioii of I I I - and p x>-liw io lrss thnn 25 niiiiutrs (Figure 11). This separation is almost iniposaiblc on a packed column, run under the most ideal conditions within this time limit. The o-xylene peak has a performance index of 0.87, lrss t1ia.n a factor of tm from the t.heoretica1 limit. I n bhe past, resolution and theoretical plutrs hare been the mom usual \rays of calculating efficiencies. The resolution of the o-xylene peak ip 110 as nirasured by: R = - t-, - 1. Al>

where t, and t, are the elution times of thv o-x!-lene and air peaks, r w p e c t i d y , ttnrl Afz is the band xidth measured a t lialf-height. The measnrement of the uumhrr of theoretical plates as de.srrihed hy Keulcmans (7) is over 100,0. A11 rzpcrimental results aere ohtainrd using a Perkin-Elmer JIodel 154-C Vapor Fractometer with Golajcolumn-ionization detector attachment (Figure 12). The Golay columns and the new ionization detectors place a nen- and most unique sjxtem in the bands of the analytical chenust. Analysis by gas chromatography. may begin in fields untouched hy present instrumentation. Thr Golay column s n t r m does not

Figure 12. Golay columnionization detector attachment installed in a PerkinElmer Model 154-C Vapor Fractometer

make present packed eolunm systems and thermal conductivity detectors obsolete; rather the ti7-o coniplenlent each other and proride a pn\\.erful analytical ton1 for the analysis of chemical compounds by gas chromatography. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Desty, D. H., Goldup, A., Swmton, W. T., :\bfure 183, 10i (1959). (2) Golay, 11. J. E., ASAL. CHEU. 29, 928 (1957). (3) Golar ;;+ \I. J. E., in “Gas Chromatography, J. Coates, ed., p. 1, Aeademic Reria, %em- Y?rk, 1958. (4) Golay, M. J. E., m “Gas Chromatoeraphy,” D. H. Desty, ed., p. 36, .4cademic Press, h N York, 1958. (5) Golay, li. .I. E., Salitrr 180, 435 (195i).


(ti) Golay, 11. J. E., Symposium on Gas

Chromatography, Amsterdam, Holland, ,n=Q LilUO.

( 7 ) I