Effect of Metal–Acid Balance on Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet Fuel

Jan 16, 2018 - (5) In order to actually cut down the amount of GHG emission and provide a long-term sustainable alternative to petroleum jet fuel, the...
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Effect of Metal-Acid Balance on Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet Fuel Synthesis from Hydrocracking and Hydroisomerization of Bio-hydrogenated Diesel over Pt-supported Catalysts Tepin Hengsawad, Chayasari Srimingkwanchai, Suchada Butnark, Daniel E. Resasco, and Siriporn Jongpatiwut Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.7b04711 • Publication Date (Web): 16 Jan 2018 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on January 25, 2018

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Effect of Metal-Acid Balance on Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet Fuel Synthesis from Hydrocracking and Hydroisomerization of Biohydrogenated Diesel over Pt-supported Catalysts

Tepin Hengsawada, Chayasari Srimingkwanchaia, Suchada Butnarkb, Daniel E. Resascoc and Siriporn Jongpatiwuta, d*


The Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand


PTT Research and Technology Institute, PTT Public Company Limited, Ayutthaya 13170, Thailand


School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA d

Center of Excellence on Petrochemical and Materials Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (I&EC)

*Address author correspondence: Tel.: +66-2-218-4139; Fax: +66-2-218-4459; E-mail addresses: [email protected]

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The development of Pt-supported catalysts for a selective hydrocracking and


hydroisomerization of bio-hydrogenated diesel (BHD, n-C15–C18) to hydroprocessed


renewable jet (HRJ) fuel (C9 ̶ C14) was investigated. The different acidic supports (i.e. HY


zeolite with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of 5.5 and 100, and ASA supports) loaded with 0.5 wt.% Pt


content were prepared and tested for the catalytic conversion of BHD to HRJ fuel. The Pt


supported on HY zeolite with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of 100 denoted as Pt/HY(100) catalyst


exhibited the highest jet fuel yield with high branched isomers due to its well balance


between metal and acid function. The effect of the reaction temperature, reaction pressure,


and liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) on the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization


performance was studied over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. The jet fuel yield was obtained at


maximum value of 33 wt.% at 310 ºC, 450 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, and H2/BHD molar ratio of


30. A stability test was also conducted over Pt/HY(100) catalyst for 160 h. No significant


change in the catalytic activity and selectivity during the test was observed, indicating high


stability of the Pt/HY(100) catalyst.


Hydrocracking, Hydroisomerization, Bio-hydrogenated diesel, Pt-supported




catalyst, Hydroprocessed renewable jet fuel


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1. Introduction


The world consumption of conventional jet fuel is approximately 1.5 – 1.7 billion


barrels per year, accounting for 10% of global transportation energy [1, 2]. According to


aviation industry expansion in recent years, resulting from the growth in the tourism sector,


the demand of jet fuel has been increasing and gradually increasing for the next thirty years,


leading to more greenhouse gas (GHG) emission [3]. International Air Transport Association


(IATA) aims to reduce carbon emissions on a voluntary basis by 50% by year 2050 through


the use of alternative fuels [4]. These have attracted increased attention for developing


technologies to reduce GHG emissions such as improvement of air traffic management, use


of new technologies, use of new aircraft, but these will only slow down the emission process


[5]. In order to actually cut down the amount of GHG emission and provide a long-term


sustainable alternative to petroleum jet fuel, the development of green aviation biofuels has


been an important part of the aviation industry’s future [5 ̶ 8]. Jet fuels must meet very


stringent international specifications (i.e. freezing point, viscosity, etc.), which makes it much


more difficult to develop an alternative fuel for aviation than for automobile applications [9].


Currently, several bioenergy conversion technologies from biomass to hydrocarbons have


been explored and developed such as catalytic hydroprocessing of vegetable and animal oils


[7, 9 ̶ 16], Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using biomass-derived syngas [6, 17 ̶ 20], and catalytic


transformation of sugars to jet fuel [21 ̶ 23]. Among these technologies, the hydroprocessing


comprising hydrogenation, deoxygenation, hydroisomerization and hydrocracking is


particularly promising. This process is at a relative high maturity level, is commercially


available, and was recently used to produce jet fuel for military flights [1, 21].


Hydroprocessed renewable jet (HRJ) fuel can be used as the commercial and military


aviation fuels up to a 50/50 blend of HRJ with petroleum derived jet fuels (Jet A-1, Jet A and


JP-8) [6, 7, 17] because of its advantages such as higher cetane number, lower aromatic


content, lower sulfur content, and potentially lower GHG emissions [1, 21]. Triglycerides in ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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biomass are hydrogenated and broken down into free fatty acids (FFAs). The fatty acid


products are sent to deoxygenation steps, either through decarboxylation/decarbonylation


route or hydrodeoxygenation route to remove oxygen content in form of CO, CO2 or H2O.


Subsequently, the n-alkanes in the diesel range from C15 to C18, called bio-hydrogenated


diesel (BHD), are produced, in which had poorer cold flow properties and lubricity compared


to biodiesel [24]. In order to improve cold flow properties, the BHD should have high


branching isomers obtained from hydroisomerization reaction. To meet the jet fuel


specification with good cold flow properties, the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of


BHD over bifunctional catalysts under elevated temperature and pressure is required to


produce HRJ fuel product with carbon chains ranging from C9 to C14 [1].


The hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of long chain paraffins have received


increasing attention in the last two decades. Many studies have been conducted to investigate


reaction mechanisms, kinetics, and the nature of bifunctional catalysts by using model


compound (e.g. n-heptane, n-octane, n-decane, n-hexadecane, n-heptadecane, n-octadecane)


[4, 10, 25 ̶ 33]. However, there is less research for investigating the hydrocracking and


hydroisomererization of real feedstocks from industry. Hence, in this work, the BHD,


comprised of the hydrocarbon in the range of C15 to C18, obtained from the local


hydroprocessing plant utilizing jatropha oils as feedstocks, was used to investigate the


reaction mechanism and develop a bifunctional catalyst giving a high jet fuel yield under


mild conditions. Bifunctional catalysts for this process are composed of metal sites for


hydrogenation/dehydrogenation function and acid sites for isomerization/cracking function.


Various metals (e.g. Pt, Pd, Ni, Mo) and different acidic supports, such as zeolites, SAPO,


sulphated zirconia and amorphous silica–alumina, have been employed [19, 29, 34, 35].


Fig. 1 illustrates the generalized reaction pathways of hydroisomerization and


hydrocracking of BHD (n-C15-C18) over bifunctional catalysts [31, 36-40]. The reactant as


n-alkanes, n-CiH2i+2 is dehydrogenated on metal sites to the mixture of n-alkenes, n-CiH2i,


and followed by desorption from metal sites and diffusion to Brønsted acid sites. The ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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formation of alkylcarbenium ions, n-Ci H+2i+1 as key intermediates are generated through


protonation of n-alkenes on Brønsted acid sites. On the other ways, the carbenium ions can be


produced via addition of protons to alkanes on Brønsted acid sites, and then dehydrogenation


of carbonium ions on metal sites. The formation rate of carbenium ions via Path A is much


faster than that via Path B. On Brønsted acid sites, alkenes and alkylcarbenium can undergo


competitive adsorption–desorption. Alkylcarbenium ions can either go through skeletal


rearrangements, or undergo cracking through β-scission. It is well known that if the rate


controlling elementary step is the rearrangements of carbenium ions on acid sites, the


formation of isomerized alkenes, iso-CiH2i, can be released and diffuse to metal sites where


they are hydrogenated to isomerized alkanes, n-CiH2i+2 [29, 36, 41, 42]. Therefore, the


formation of isomerized products can be considered as an indirect measurement of the acid


function activity. In the case of cracking by β-scission reactions, the fragments are a smaller


alkylcarbenium ion, Cj H+2j+1 and an alkene, C(i-j) H2(i-j) , which is immediately hydrogenated.


At Brønsted acid sites, monobranched isomers could convert to dibranched isomers in


consecutive reactions, and then dibranched isomers could convert to tribranched isomers.


Therefore, bifunctional catalysts for hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD require


an appropriate combination of metallic sites for hydrogenation/dehydrogenation and acidic


sites of the support for isomerization/cracking for high jet fuel yield with good cold flow




In this work, the performances on the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization activity


and the selectivity to jet fuel with branched isomer content (C9 ̶ C14) and selectivity to


isomerized diesel (i-C15 ̶ C18) were investigated over Pt supported on different acidic


supports, such as HY zeolite and amorphous silica-alumina. The performance of the


hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD to produce HRJ fuel depends on many factors


that affect their activity, selectivity, and stability. Thus, the influence of metal-acid balance,

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cidity of supports, reaction temperature, reaction pressure, contact time, and long-term


experiments were also studied.



2. Experimental


2.1 Material


HY zeolites with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of 5.5 and 100 were provided by Tosoh and the


amorphous silica-alumina with support grade of 135 (93.5 wt.% of SiO2 and 6.5 wt.% of


Al2O3) was supplied by Sigma–Aldrich. Tetraammineplatinum (II) chloride hydrate


(Pt(NH3)4Cl2.H2O, 99.99 % purity) was purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. The bio-


hydrogenated diesel (BHD) using jatropha oils as feedstock was obtained from PTT Public


Company Limited, Thailand. The compositions of BHD contained 56.28 wt.% of n-


octadecane (n-C18), 23.69 wt.% of n-heptadecane (n-C17), 14.25 wt.% of n-hexadecane (n-


C16), 4.38 wt.% of n-pentadecane (n-C15), and 1.4 wt.% of iso-paraffins (i-C15-18). The BHD


produced from jatropha oils had higher cetane number, higher heat of combustion (MJ/kg),


higher flash point, lower density, and poorer cold flow properties than the petroleum-based


diesel as shown in Table 1.


2.2 Catalyst preparation


The HY zeolites with SiO2/Al2O3 ratios of 5.5 and 100 denoted as HY(5.5) and


HY(100), respectively and the amorphous silica-alumina denotes as ASA were used as the


catalyst supports. Incipient wetness impregnation technique was used to prepare the Pt-


supported catalysts. Prior to Pt loadings, the support was dried in an oven at 120 ºC for 12 h and


calcined at 500 ºC with a heating rate of 10 °C/min for 3 h. Platinum was deposited using


volume of aqueous solutions corresponding to the total pore volume of the support, containing


the appropriate amounts of tetraammineplatinum (II) chloride hydrate (Pt(NH3)4Cl2.H2O) to


achieve the desired 0.5 wt.% Pt loadings. After impregnation, the prepared catalyst was dried ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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overnight at 120 °C and then calcined at 500 °C for 4 h with heating rate of 10 °C/min. All Pt-


supported catalysts were pelletized and subsequently crushed and sieved to particle size ranging


from 20 to 40 meshes.


2.2. Catalyst characterization


The textural properties and pore size distribution of the prepared catalysts were


determined by the nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm measured by Quantachrome/


Autosorb-1 MP instrument. The acid properties of the catalysts were characterized by


temperature programmed desorption of isopropylamine (IPA-TPD) and temperature


programmed desorption of ammonia (NH3-TPD). The IPA-TPD and NH3-TPD was


performed in a homemade apparatus using a quarter inch quartz tube reactor connected to an


online MS detector (MKS Cirrus series 903). The catalysts were heated under the process gas


(He or H2) at 500 °C for 1 h and cooled to room temperature. The IPA-TPD experiments


were carried out in the range of 30–800 °C at a ramp rate of 10 °C/min, whereas NH3-TPD


experiment was monitored at the range of 50–800 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The Pt


dispersion of the Pt-supported catalyst was observed by H2 chemisorption using an in-house


system connected to a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The catalyst was reduced in H2


at 500 ºC for 1 h, purged with N2 for 1 h and cooled down to room temperature. The H2


chemisorption was performed at room temperature. It was supposed that the adsorption


stoichiometry was one H atom for one surface Pt atom. The Pt dispersion was given by the


total number of Pt atoms presented on the surface (Ns) divided by the total number of Pt


atoms (surface and bulk). The reducibility of Pt-supported catalysts was characterized by


temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) under a reducing gas containing 10% H2 in Ar


with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The temperature was raised from 30 to 800 °C


with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) was


exploited to determine the amounts and characteristics of coke formed on the spent catalysts.


TPO was carried out in a continuous flow of 2% oxygen in helium. The oxidation ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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temperature was raised from 30 to 800 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The CO2 produced


by the oxidation of the coke species was converted to methane using a methanizer filled with


15% Ni/Al2O3 and operated at 400 ºC in the presence of H2. The evolution of methane was


analyzed using a flame ionization detector (FID).


2.3. Catalytic activity testing


The hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD was tested by using a continuous


flow fixed-bed reactor (a 3/4 inch O.D, stainless steel). The catalyst was firstly reduced under


H2 flow at 500 °C for 3 h. The BHD was fed together with a H2 carrier at a flowrate giving a


molar ratio of H2/BHD of 30:1.The reaction was carried out at temperature of 290 ̶ 320 °C,


pressure of 400 ̶ 600 psig, and LHSV (liquid hourly space velocity) of 0.5 ̶ 2.0 h-1. The liquid


products were collected in a cold trap and analyzed by an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph


equipped with a capillary DB-5HT column, while the gas products were analyzed online by a


Shimadzu GC-17A gas chromatograph equipped with a capillary HP-PLOT/Al2O3 "S"


deactivated column. Hydroprocessed renewable jet (HRJ) fuel (C9 ̶ C14) was separated from


liquid products using automatic distillation glass apparatus (B/R instrument) with ASTM


D86-12 test method. The freezing point of HRJ fuel was measured using ASTM D2386 test



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3. Results and Discussion


3.1. Catalyst characterization


Fig. 2 shows the N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of the unloaded ASA, HY (5.5)


and HY (100) supports and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts and the pore size


distributions of these catalysts, determined from the desorption branch of isotherms using the


Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method, are displayed in the insets of Fig. 2. The isotherm of


the HY (5.5) was assigned to type I in IUPAC classification, indicating the microporosity of


the materials containing cylindrical-narrow pores [43, 44]. As seen in the inset of Fig. 2a, the


pore size distribution of HY (5.5) was relatively narrow with centered at pore diameter less


than 2 nm, confirming the microporous structure. The isotherm of the HY (100) was assigned


to a combination of type I and type IV due to the formation of mesopores during


dealumination [45, 46]. As confirmed in the pore size distribution (inset of Fig. 2b), the high


amounts of micropores with centered at pore diameter less than 2 nm and low amounts of


mesopores with centered at pore diameter of 3.6 nm. The isotherm of the ASA was attributed


to type IV with the H2 hysteresis loop, indicating the characteristic of mesoporous material


consisting of conical and cylindrical pores that are closed at the tapered end [47, 48]. As


displayed in the inset of Fig. 2c, the ASA possessed pores in the range of 1 to 15 nm with


strong peaks at pore diameters of 1, 3.6 and 4.6 nm, confirming the formation of mesopores


and micropores. It was also found that the pore size distribution of the ASA was broader than


those of HY(100) and HY(5.5), respectively. After impregnation of the Pt on the acidic


supports, the N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of Pt-supported catalysts were similar to


those of the corresponding supports, but their textural properties were slightly changed as


revealed in Table 2. Table 2 shows the textural properties of the unloaded acid supports and


the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts obtained from the N2 adsorption–desorption


isotherms such as total surface area, mesopore volume, micropore volume and total pore


volume. The HY (5.5) showed the higher surface area (SBET) and lower total pore volume ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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(Vtotal) than the HY (100) and ASA, respectively. After the Pt loadings, it can be obviously


seen that both surface area and total pore volume slightly decreased, indicating that the metal


species were supported in the pore channel and on the external surface of supports [49]. For


all Pt supported catalysts, the micropore and mesopore volumes decreased, probably caused


by some pore blockages of the incorporation of metal particles or a slight modification in the


porous structure in the second calcination [25].


The types and amounts of acid sites of the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA


supports and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts determined by NH3-TPD and IPA-TPD


are summarized in Table 3. As shown in the NH3-TPD profiles in Fig. 3, both HY zeolite and


amorphous silica-alumina (ASA) exhibited two desorption peaks at low and high temperature


regions, corresponding to the weak and strong acid sites, respectively. These acid sites were


consisted of both types of Brønsted and Lewis acids [50–52]. It was found that the HY(5.5)


possessed higher numbers of weak and strong acidity than ASA and HY(100), respectively.


With increasing the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of HY zeolite from 5.5 to 100, the desorption peaks of


both weak and strong acid sites were shifted to higher temperatures, indicating an increase in


the acid strength [53]. Meanwhile, the desorption peaks of ASA was located at lower


temperature than those of HY zeolite, suggesting that the ASA had the lower acidic strength


than HY zeolite. According to types of acidity, Brønsted acid site played an important role in


the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization reactions [33, 38, 41, 54, 55]. Generally, the


decomposition of isopropylamine (IPA) to ammonia (NH3) and propylene (C3H6) over


Brønsted acid sites via Hofmann elimination reaction can be used to estimate the quantity of


Brønsted acid sites [56]. The results revealed that the number of Brønsted acid sites increased


remarkably in the sequence: ASA < HY(100) < HY(5.5). After the Pt impregnation on the


supports, the Pt-supported catalysts had an acid feature similar to the corresponding supports,


but the acid strength slightly decreased. However, the number of Brønsted acid sites


significantly decreased, while the number of Lewis acid sites increased, leading to an ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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increase in the total acidity of the Pt-supported catalysts. This was because the Pt species


([Pt(NH3)4)]2+ ions) had high affinity for strong acid sites and thus covering the Brønsted acid


sites more than Lewis acid sites [19, 43, 51]. In addition, the coordinately unsaturated


platinum atoms could provide new Lewis acid centers, compensating for the original Lewis


acid sites covered by metal [51, 57].


The Pt dispersion of the catalysts determined from H2 chemisorption are listed in


Table 3. For the Pt-supported catalysts with the same Pt content (0.5 wt.%), the Pt dispersion


values were relatively dependent on the type of supports with different Brønsted acidity [19].


The results showed that the Pt dispersion increased remarkably in the order of Pt/ASA
Pt/HY(100) > Pt/HY(5.5),


indicating that the Pt/ASA had higher active metal site densities (higher capability for


hydrogenation and dehydrogenation) than the Pt/HY(100) and Pt/HY(5.5) catalysts,




Fig. 4 shows the H2-TPR profiles for the calcined catalysts with different acidic


supports. It can be observed that Pt-supported catalysts exhibited two H2 consumption peaks,


corresponding to the reduction of Pt oxides (Pt2+) to the metallic state (Pt0). The first


reduction peaks at 100 ̶ 300 ºC were attributed to the reduction of large particle size of PtO


species located on the external surface which interacted relatively weakly with the support


[51, 60]. The second reduction peaks at 400 ̶ 580 ºC indicated the corresponding PtO species


were more difficult to reduce because the highly dispersed PtO (small particle size) interacted


strongly with the acidic supports and most possibly located in the internal pore [51, 61]. The


H2 consumption of second reduction peaks decreased in the following order: Pt/HY(5.5) > ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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Pt/HY(100) > Pt/ASA, suggesting that the Pt/HY(5.5) had higher well-dispersed Pt (smaller


Pt particles) and stronger metal-support interaction than Pt/HY(100) and Pt/ASA,




3.2. Catalytic performance in hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD over Pt-


supported catalysts


Table 4 shows the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization behavior of BHD (n-C15–


C18) over the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA and the corresponding Pt-supported


catalysts carried out at 310 ºC, 500 psig, and H2/BHD ratio of 30. The main products of


hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD (n-C15–C18) over Pt-supported catalysts


were (1) isomerized diesel fuel (i-C15–C18) as a consequence of the isomerization reaction


controlled by the acid function and (2) cracked products consisted of normal and branched


hydrocarbons in the range of light gases (C1–C4), gasoline (C5–C8) and jet fuel (C9–C14),


resulting from cracking reaction partly controlled by the metal and acid functions. It was


found that all bare acid support catalysts exhibited relatively low conversion of BHD. This


could be explained that the carbenium ions were slowly formed in the absence of platinum


that had no hydrogenation/dehydrogenation function to facilitate the formation of carbenium


ions (as followed Path B in Fig. 1). In contrast, the Pt-supported catalysts exhibited


significantly high conversion of BHD which could be because the presence of Pt catalyzed


the dehydrogenation of the alkanes to alkenes, thus rapidly transform into carbenium ions.


The carbenium ions were ready to form isomers via skeletal rearrangements before cracking


on acid sites [62–64]. Moreover, a possible explanation of platinum’s superior performance


was its efficiency in hydrogen spillover phenomena, resulting in the generation of protonic


acid sites [65–69]. For the Pt-supported catalysts, the BHD conversion and selectivity to


cracked products tended to decrease in the following order; Pt/HY(5.5) > Pt/HY(100) >


Pt/ASA, consistent with the sequence of Brønsted acidity and Pt dispersion. This indicated


that the activities of the catalysts mainly depended on the Brønsted acid sites and Pt ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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dispersion. The larger number of Brønsted acid sites and higher Pt dispersion might cause


closer interaction between acid and metal sites, and then more carbenium ions were rapidly


generated. With the higher acid density, each carbenium ion came into contact with more acid


sites between two Pt sites (as seen in Fig. 5, Path II), leading to more cracked products


formation. As a result, the Pt/HY(5.5) catalyst with larger number of Brønsted acid sites and


higher Pt dispersion showed higher activity and selectivity to cracked products than the other


Pt-catalysts. On the other hand, the selectivity to isomerized products tended to increase in


the order of Pt/HY(5.5) < Pt/HY(100) < Pt/ASA and the balance between metal and acid


functions (nPt/nA) showed the same sequence over these catalysts. According to the reaction


pathways, the balance between metal and acid functions (nPt/nA) had an important influence


on the isomerization selectivity [33, 41, 51, 59, 70]. At the higher nPt/nA value of the Pt/ASA


catalyst with the higher hydrogenation/ dehydrogenation ability (Pt sites) or lower


isomerization/cracking ability (Brønsted acid sites), each carbenium ion formed at Pt


dehydrogenating site came into contact with very few Brønsted acid sites between two Pt


sites (as seen in Fig. 5, Path I). Thus, the hydrogenation and desorption of isomerized diesel


fuel (i-C15–C18) were favored and the consecutive cracking reaction of the carbenium ions


on the acid sites was suppressed, resulting in higher isomerized products [25, 29, 31, 36].


Another difference between these Pt-supported catalysts was the degree of branching in the


cracked products influenced by the balance between metal and acid functions (nPt/nA). As


seen in Table 4, the ratio between branched and linear hydrocarbons in cracked products


reached values of 2.34 and 2.03 for the Pt/HY(100) and Pt/HY(5.5) catalysts, respectively


and was three time lower for the Pt/ASA catalyst. According to the bifunctional mechanism,


as the weaker hydrogenation/ dehydrogenation function, carbenium ions went through the


successive skeletal rearrangements and spent longer time on the acid sites before being


hydrogenated, leading to an increase in the degree of branching. However, if the Brønsted


acid sites were excessive, the secondary cracking would increase, resulting in an increase in


light gases (C1–C4) and gasoline (C5–C8). This indicated that the Pt/HY(100) catalyst ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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possessed the well-balanced metal and acid function, resulting in high branching in cracked


products, high selectivity to jet fuel (C9–C14) and low selectivity to gasoline (C5–C8) and


light gases (C1–C4) as compared to other Pt-supported catalysts.


The catalytic behavior could also be described by considering at the carbon number


distribution of the cracked products. If the catalysts followed the bifunctional mechanism of


ideal hydrocracking catalyst (i.e. Pt/CaY), the carbon number distribution would be


symmetrical centered at C8 (hydrocracking of C16); no C1, C2, C14 or C15 should be


presented [38]; and only primary cracking products (C4–C12) as branched and linear


fragments were obtained, with a content of branched isomers amounting to ca. 50 % [71].


Fig. 6 displays the cracked product distribution per carbon atom for Pt-supported catalysts.


For all Pt-supported catalysts, no C1 and C2 were formed; C3 was only formed as a linear


fragment; and each higher cracked product between C4 and C14 was formed as two types,


which were linear and branched fragments in line with the cracking reaction through β-


scission (Fig. 7). Type A β-scission required a tribranched carbenium ion and produced two


branched fragments, whereas type B β-scission gave one branched and one linear fragment


obtained from dibranched carbenium ion. Type C β-scission occurred on monobranched


which gave two linear fragments. And type D β-scission, which would start from dibranched


carbenium ion to monobranched carbenium ion, probably did not play a role for


hydrocracking due to the high energy content of the monobranched carbenium ions involved


[38]. Thus, it was worth noting that the hydrocracking reaction via type D β-scission did not


take place for all Pt-supported catalysts, leading to no C1 and C2 formation [28, 38]. For the


Pt/HY(5.5) catalyst, the cracked products distribution per carbon atom was similar to bell-


shaped with a maximum at C8 and skewed toward the lower carbon number products. The


cracked products in the range of C5 – C12 were remarkably formed as a consequence of the


secondary cracking [30, 72]. The amount of branched fragments was higher than the amount


of linear fragments, suggesting that cracking reaction was favored via type A and type B β-


scission. However, with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 ratio (decreasing Brønsted acidity), the ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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cracked products distribution per carbon atom of Pt/HY(100) catalyst was a flatter bell-


shaped and skewed toward the higher carbon number products, which closed to an ideal


hydrocracking catalyst, implying well-balanced between metal and acid function [38, 73, 74].


The vast majority of hydrocarbon products were in the range from C6 to C13, indicating that


the secondary cracking of the primary fragments could be slightly occurred. In addition, the


high degree of branching of cracked products was obtained, suggesting that the


hydrocracking reaction tended to favor the type A and type B β-scission. The cracked product


distribution per carbon atom of Pt/ASA catalyst exhibited a lack of symmetry with a


maximum at C5 and was skewed to the lower carbon number products, which the formation


of cracked products in the range of C4 – C8 was much more pronounced, due to the presence


of secondary cracking. The amount of linear fragments was higher than the amount of


branched fragments, implying that type C β-scission could occur to some extent [41].


Fig. 8 shows the products yield consisting of cracked products, i.e. light gases (C1–


C4), gasoline (C5–C8), and jet fuel (C9–C14) with both linear and branched hydrocarbons,


and isomerized diesel (i-C15–C18). As a result, the yields of jet fuel and gasoline tended to


decrease in the following order: Pt/HY(5.5) > Pt/HY(100) > Pt/ASA and the yields of light


gases slightly decreased in the sequence of Pt/ASA > Pt/HY(5.5) > Pt/HY(100). On the other


hand, the yields of isomerized diesel significantly decreased in the order of Pt/HY(100) >


Pt/HY(5.5) > Pt/ASA. Thus, it was worth noting that the Pt/HY(100) catalyst was the most


suitable for hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD, as it exhibited of high jet fuel


yield (ca. 33 wt.%) with large amount of branched isomers, leading to good cold flow


properties (freezing point = -47 ºC), while the yields of gasoline and light gases was


relatively low. The high yield of isomerized diesel was also obtained (ca. 34 wt.%).


To determine the formation and the amount of carbonaceous deposits, the spent


catalysts obtained after reaction (TOS of 8 h) were characterized by temperature programmed


oxidation (TPO). The TPO profiles and amount of coke deposits over the Pt-supported


catalysts are illustrated in Fig. 9 and listed in Table 3, respectively. The TPO profiles of the ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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unloaded acid catalysts gave the higher oxidation temperature than the bifunctional Pt-


supported catalysts, indicating the larger amount of hard-to-remove carbon (polyaromatic


compounds) in the absence of Pt. For the Pt supported on HY(5.5) and HY(100) catalysts,


both TPO profiles showed the same trend as pronounced a larger peak at 320 ºC with a


shoulder at 250 ºC, indicating that the soluble coke was formed by rearrangement and


condensation products and located on the metal, or metal and zeolite interface [75, 76], and


subsequently oxidized at low temperature (320 ºC). On the contrary, the TPO profile of the


Pt/ASA catalyst exhibited a small peak at 260 ºC, implying that a small amount of soluble


coke formed in mesopores of ASA support could be completely removed at 260 ºC [77]. As


shown in Table 3, the amount of coke tended to decrease in the following order: Pt/HY(5.5) >


Pt/HY(100) > Pt/ASA, corresponding to the activity and selectivity to cracked products in


hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD.


3.3. Influence of reaction condition parameters


To investigate the effect of reaction conditions (i.e. temperature, pressure and liquid


hourly space velocity) on the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization performance and to


determine the optimal reaction condition for achieving high jet fuel yield, the Pt/HY(100)


catalyst was selected to use in a series of experiments under different operating conditions.














hydroisomerization behavior of BHD over Pt/HY(100) catalyst under the same reaction


conditions (H2 pressure = 500 psig, LHSV = 0.5 h-1, and H2/BHD molar ratio = 30 mL/mL).


With increasing the reaction temperature, the BHD conversion apparently increased up to


97% at 320 ºC and the selectivity to total cracked products also increased from 10 to 86 wt.%,


but the selectivity to isomerized diesel drastically decreased from 90 to 14 wt.%. In terms of


cracked products distribution, by increasing the temperature from 290 to 320 ºC, the


selectivity to light gases slightly increased from 0.1 to 3 wt.%, while the selectivity to


gasoline and jet fuel remarkably increased from 4 to 39 wt.% and from 5 to 44 wt.%, ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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respectively. This behavior could be explained by the thermodynamic equilibrium of


hydroisomerization reaction. At lower temperature, the equilibrium reaction might shift to the


side of isomerized diesel formation, on the other hand at higher temperature, the isomerized


alkylcarbenium ions might shift towards the consecutive cracking reaction [27, 63].


Additionally, the degree of branching in the cracked products (iso/normal ratio) increased


from 1 to 2.3 by increasing temperature from 290 to 310 ºC, and then decreased to 1.9 at 320


ºC. In line with the proposed transformation of alkylcarbenium ions through β-scission


reaction by Weitkamp et al. [32, 38], the increase in iso/normal ratio at the higher


temperature could be the consequence of more enhancements in the cracking rate through


type A- and type B β-scission reactions (Fig. 7). However, as the temperature increased up to


320 ºC the secondary and primary carbenium ions were increasingly cracked through type C-


and type D β-scission reactions (Fig. 7), leading to the decrease in iso/normal ratio. Yet,


despite the highest selectivity to jet fuel (C9–C14) obtained at 320 ºC, the highest selectivity


to light gases (C1–C4) and gasoline (C5–C8) were also obtained. In order to suppress the


excess of light hydrocarbon products and achieve the desired products; jet fuel and


isomerized diesel, the reaction temperature at 310 ºC was determined to be the optimum


temperature for further investigation.


Since the optimum reaction temperature for the high BHD conversion and selectivity


to jet fuel was found at 310 ºC, the effect of pressure was studied from 400 to 600 psig at this


temperature. As depicted in Fig. 11, with increasing hydrogen pressure, the BHD conversion


was slightly decreased from 95 to 84 % and the selectivity to jet fuel, gasoline and light gases


was also decreased. In contrast, the increase of hydrogen pressure led to reduce the selectivity


to isomerized diesel due to a decrease in the hydroisomerization reaction rate [78]. This


behavior could be plausibly explained by considering the bifunctional mechanism as shown


in Fig. 1. At high hydrogen pressure, the iso-alkenes (i-Ci H+2i+1) could be rapidly


hydrogenated to iso-alkanes (i-Ci H2i+2) on the Pt sites, which could be due to a shorter


residence time for rearrangement and cracking of alkylcarbenium ion on the acid sites, and ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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thus suppressing the cracking activity [4, 19, 79]. Although the highest selectivity to jet fuel


was obtained at 400 psig, the lowest degree of branching in cracked products (iso/normal


ratio) was attained, leading to poor cold flow properties of the liquid hydrocarbon products.


However, the choice of a high operating pressure offers disadvantages for industrial operation


in terms of higher cost of equipment and pumping, compared with low pressure processes.


Therefore, the optimum reaction pressure at 450 psig was selected for further investigation.


The effect of varying the LHSV from 0.5 to 2.0 h-1 on product distribution and


conversion was investigated. The hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD (n-C15-18)


were carried out at 310 ºC, 450 psig, and H2/BHD molar ratio of 30. As observed in Fig. 12,


with increasing LHSV the BHD conversion and selectivity to cracked products decreased


while the selectivity to isomerized products increased. Similar results were also reported by


Chica and Corma [80], when the hydroisomerization of n-C5, n-C6 and n-C7 over platinum-


loaded different zeolite supports was investigated. In terms of product distribution, it was


found that the selectivity to jet fuel, gasoline and light gases significantly increased as LHSV


decreased. The highest degree of branching in cracked products (iso/normal ratio) was


obtained at LHSV of 1 h-1. Therefore, LHSV of 1.0 h-1 was chosen for stability testing.


3.4. Stability testing of Pt/HY(100) catalyst


The catalytic stability testing over the Pt/HY(100) catalyst were conducted in a long-


term operation of 160 h. The reaction was conducted under the optimal operation conditions


of 310 ºC, 450 psig, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and LHSV of 1.0 and 4.0 h-1. Fig. 13


illustrates the BHD conversion and the products distribution as a function of the time on


stream (TOS). These results in both high and low conversions show that the BHD conversion


and selectivity to jet fuel did not significantly change over the 160 h of the experiments,


indicating high stability of the Pt/HY(100) catalyst. In terms of coke formation, the amounts


of coke deposit as a function of time on stream (TOS) were investigated. The amounts of


coke after 1, 3, 8, and 160 h were 8.8, 9.1, 9.3, and 12.8%, respectively. It can be noticed that ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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the coke deposit rapidly formed at the first 1 h due to the high activity of the fresh catalyst.


However, after 1 h, the amounts of coke slightly increased which correlated well with the


catalytic activity.

4 5

4. Conclusions


To produce the hydroprocessed renewable jet (HRJ) fuel with good cold flow


properties, the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of the bio-hydrogenated diesel (BHD)


derived from jatropha oils was performed over Pt supported different acid supports (i.e. HY


zeolite and amorphous silica-alumina). The Pt/HY(100) catalyst exhibited the well-dispersed


Pt particles, the large amount of Brønsted acid sites and the well balance between metal and


acid functions, leading to the high activity in hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD


and high yield of jet fuel consisting of high branched isomers, resulting in good cold flow


properties (freezing point = -47 ºC). In addition, the effects of temperature, pressure, and


liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) on the hydrocracking and hydroisomerization behavior


over the Pt/HY(100) catalyst were investigated. The maximum yield of jet fuel was 33 wt.%


achieved at 310 °C, 450 psig, and LHSV of 1.0 h-1. The Pt/HY(100) catalyst was found to be


stable for hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD during the reaction time of 160 h,


which was suitable for in the commercial scale.

19 20



The authors acknowledge the contributions and financial support of the following


organizations: the Thailand Research Fund through the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program


(Grant No. PHD/0262/2553), the Center of Excellence on Petrochemical and Materials


Technology, and the Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University.


Moreover, the authors would like to thank PTT Public Company Limited, Thailand for partial


research funding. ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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Table captions

Table 1

Properties of bio-hydrogenated diesel (BHD) derived from jatropha oils (Jatropha-BHD) compared to specification of conventional diesel limits.

Table 2

Textural properties of the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts.

Table 3

Quantities of acid, metal coke over the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts.

Table 4

Catalytic performance in hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD over the monofunctional acid catalysts and bifunctional Pt-supported catalysts. Reaction conditions: T = 310 ºC, P = 500 psig, LHSV= 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD = 30, and TOS = 8.

Figure captions

Figure 1

Classical bifunctional pathways of hydroisomerization and hydrocracking of an n-alkane on Pt supported catalysts..

Figure 2

N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of the unloaded supports and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts: (a) HY(5.5) and Pt/HY(5.5), (b) HY(100) and Pt/HY(100), and (c) ASA and Pt/ASA (Insets are pore size distribution).Figure 3 TPR profiles of (a) HY-based catalysts and (b) ASAbased catalysts.

Figure 3

NH3-TPD profiles of the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA supports and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts:

Figure 4

TPR profiles of Pt-supported catalysts.

Figure 5

Scheme of hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD over Pt-supported catalysts. ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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Figure 6

Cracked products distribution per carbon number of Pt-supported catalysts: (a) Pt/HY(5.5) (b) Pt/HY(100) and (c) Pt/ASA. Reaction conditions: 310 ºC, 500 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

Figure 7

Classification of β-scission reaction of alkylcarbenium ions

Figure 8

Products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons, comprising light gases (C1 ̶ C4), gasoline (C5 ̶ C8), and jet fuel (C9 ̶ C14) over Pt-supported catalysts Reaction conditions: 310 ˚C, 500 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

Figure 9

TPO profiles of the spent catalysts after TOS of 8 h:

Figure 10

Effect of temperature on BHD conversion and products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. Reaction condition: 500 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

Figure 11

Effect of pressure on BHD conversion and products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. Reaction condition: 310 ºC, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

Figure 12

Effect of LHSV on BHD conversion and products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. Reaction condition: 310 ºC, 450 psig, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

Figure 13

BHD conversion and the distribution of fuel range hydrocarbon products as a function of the time on stream (TOS) over Pt/HY(100) catalyst: (a) High conversion at LHSV of 1.0 h-1 and (b) Low conversion at LHSV of 4.0 h-1 Reaction condition: 310 ºC, 450 psig, and H2/BHD molar ratio of 30.

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Table 1

Properties of bio-hydrogenated diesel (BHD) derived from jatropha oils (Jatropha-BHD) compared to specification of conventional diesel limits.




EU’s Conventional


Diesel Limit

Diesel Limit


(EN 15940)

(EN 590)

(EN 14214)


Density at 15 °C


765 –800

800 –845



Viscosity at 40 °C


2.0 - 4.5

2.0 - 4.5

1.8 - 4.1







no color

Cetane index



> 46

> 50 (2012)


Flash point


> 55

> 55

> 52


Pour point




< 10







Lower heating value

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Table 2

Textural properties of the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA and the corresponding Ptsupported catalysts. SBET























































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Table 3

Quantities of acid, metal dispersion and coke formation over the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts. Total acidity

Acidity (µmol/g)

Pt dispersion


% Coke


Brønsteda Lewisb
















































Brønsted acidity was determined from IPA-TPD (propylene, m/e = 41).


Lewis acidity was calculated from the difference of total acidity (from NH3-TPD) and Brønsted acidity.


Metal disperstion was measured by H2 chemisorption.


Coke content was obtained from TPO after catalytic activity test at 8 h.

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Table 4

Catalytic performance in hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD over the monofunctional acid catalysts and bifunctional Pt-supported catalysts. Reaction conditions: T = 310 ºC, P = 500 psig, LHSV= 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD = 30, and TOS = 8 h. Conversion

Selectivity (wt.%)

Iso/normal ratio

Catalyst (%)


Cracked products Isomerized products in cracked products




























Pt/HY(5.5) HY(100)

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Fig. 1. Classical bifunctional pathways of hydroisomerization and hydrocracking of an nalkane on Pt supported catalysts.

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Fig. 2. N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of the unloaded supports and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts: (a) HY(5.5) and Pt/HY(5.5), (b) HY(100) and Pt/HY(100), and (c) ASA and Pt/ASA (Insets are pore size distribution).

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Fig. 3. NH3-TPD profiles of the unloaded HY(5.5), HY(100) and ASA supports and the corresponding Pt-supported catalysts.

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Fig. 4. TPR profiles of Pt-supported catalysts.

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Fig. 5. Scheme of hydrocracking and hydroisomerization of BHD over Pt-supported catalysts.

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Fig. 6. Cracked products distribution per carbon number of Pt-supported catalysts: (a) Pt/HY(5.5), (b) Pt/HY(100) and (c) Pt/ASA. Reaction conditions: 310 ºC, 500 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h. ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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Fig. 7. Classification of β-scission reaction of alkylcarbenium ions.

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Fig. 8. Products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons, comprising light gases (C1 ̶ C4), gasoline (C5 ̶ C8), and jet fuel (C9 ̶ C14) over Pt-supported catalysts Reaction conditions: 310 ºC, 500 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

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Fig. 9. TPO profiles of the spent catalysts after TOS of 8 h.

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Fig. 10. Effect of temperature on BHD conversion and products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. Reaction condition: 500 psig, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

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Fig. 11. Effect of pressure on BHD conversion and products distribution in fuel range hydrocarbons over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. Reaction condition: 310 ºC, LHSV of 1.0 h-1, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

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Fig. 12.

Effect of LHSV on BHD conversion and products distribution in fuel range

hydrocarbons over Pt/HY(100) catalyst. Reaction condition: 310 ºC, 450 psig, H2/BHD molar ratio of 30, and TOS of 8 h.

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Fig. 13. BHD conversion and the distribution of fuel range hydrocarbon products as a function of the time on stream (TOS) over Pt/HY(100) catalyst: (a) High conversion at LHSV of 1.0 h-1 and (b) Low conversion at LHSV of 4.0 h-1 Reaction condition: 310 ºC, 450 psig, and H2/BHD molar ratio of 30.

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