Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Clipping Frequency upon Lignin Content

lambs. When the grass was fertilized with 100 pounds or less of nitrogen per acre, clipping frequency did not affect lignin content; at higher nitroge...
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Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Clipping Frequency upon Lignin Content and Digestibility of Coastal Bermuda Grass

University of Georgia, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Tifton, Ga.; and Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment, Ga.

This study was conducted to ascertain the effect of nitrogen fertilizer and clipping frequency upon the lignin content and digestibility of Coastal Bermuda grass when fed to lambs. When the grass was fertilized with 100 pounds or less of nitrogen per acre, clipping frequency did not affect lignin content; at higher nitrogen rates, lignin increased with age of the grass. Grass fertilized with 600 pounds of nitrogen per acre increased from 9.45 to 12.05% lignin with an age increase from 2 to 8 weeks. Total digestible nutrient values of 69.64, 67.8 1 , 67.23, 67.24, and 59.07y0 were obtained from 1 to 2-, 3-, it-, 6-, and 8-week-old grass, respectively, fed to lambs. Not more than 6 weeks should elapse between cuttings if top-quality Coastal Bermuda hay is desired.



Therefore. only the effect of these variables upon the lignin content and digestibi1itL of the grass i 3 dealt u i t h here.

maturity. as evidenced by seed-head development. furnishes a convenient index for adjudging the quality of such forages as orchard grass and timothy. .As Coastal Bermuda ma) produce fee\\.. if any: heads during the entire groiving season, this criterion for quality determination cannot be used. Most timothy hay cut a t any specified stage of development will be fairly constant in protein content. Six-Lverk-old Coastal Bermuda grass, however, may range from 7 to 1570 protein, depending upon the quantity of nitrogen applied. I n a n effort to ascertain the rffect of nitrogen level and clipping frequency (age of the grass) upon the yield and quality of Coastal Bermuda grass. the following experiment was begun. T h e effect of these treatments upon yield, protein content: and numerous morphological characters has been reported (,?).

BERUCTDA GR.ASS, a vegetatively propagrated F1 hybrid: is now grown on lvell 'over 1,500,000 acres throughour the southeastern United States. Oiving to.itsdesirable agronomic qualities such as unusual productivity, dependability, efficiency in fertilizer and water use: drought tolerance, and disease resistance, theacreageplanted to thisgrass is increasing rapisdly. Although much time and money have been spent evaluating the pasture.. hay, and silage produced from Coastal Bermuda ( 7 ) . many questions concerning its feeding value are still unansivered. O n e of these question--"Ho\v does fertilization and management affect the quality of Coastal Bermuda forage?"--motivated the study reported here. Forage quality (:palatability, nutrient content. and digestibility) decreases as the age of the pla.7t increases. Stage of OASTAL

Materials and Methods

-45-year-old sod of Coastal Bermuda grass gro\ving on a Tifton sandy loam was chosen for these investigations. T h e test area contained very felv Lveeds and no other grasses or legumes. Consequently, the forage used in all investigations reported here \cas practically pure Coastal Bermuda grass. T h e treatments consisted of annual rates of 0. 100: 300. 600, and 900 pounds of nitrogen per acre and clipping intervals of 2, 3: 4, 6, and 8 lceeks arranged in all possible combinations. I n addition, one set of plots receiving 600 pounds of nitrogen per acre annually \vas clipped a t weekly


Seasonal Variations in lignin Content of Coastal Bermuda Grass as Influenced by Nitrogen level and Clipping Frequency

Table 1.

lignin Content When Grass Fertilized and Clipped a t Weekly lntervols os Follows: 9 0 0 Pounds N / A c r e 3 0 0 Pounds N / A c r e 600 Pounds N I A c r e


I 9 5 3 clip. Ping Dote


4 18 June 1 15

Av. J u n e 29 July 13 27 Aug. 10 Av. .4ug. 24 Sept. 7 21 Oct. 5 Av. 5 7 0 LSD

1011 Pounds N / A c r e 2 4 8 weeks

11.2 10.6 9.7 10 3 10.4 9.6 9.3 9.0 9.2 9.3 11 . O 10.2 11.8 11.0 11 . o 0.58



, . .

, , .



9.9 10.1

10.5 10.5


, . .






10.1 9.8

10.1 10.1



9 6 ... 10.1 9.8 NS

... ...

10.2 10.2 0.32





9.6 8.6 9.5 9.8 9.4 9.7 9.8 8.5 9.7 9.4 10.5 10.6 11.0 9.9 10.5 0.58


8 weeks


9.1 8.5 9.4 9.5 9.1 9.9 9.1 8.3 9.9 9.3 10.2 9.4 10.3 9.5 9.8 0.58


1 ...


10.1 10.2 ... 10.1

10.3 10.3

... ,




11.4 10.7

10.3 10.3






10.6 10.4 0.75

... 11.3 11.3 0.32

4 weeks


10.6 ... 10.6 10.6 ... 10.1 ...





, ,



11.7 11.7 ... ... , , .

10.5 10.3

12.4 12.4





9,9 9.8 0.75

12.1 12.1 0.32



10.0 8.5 9.4 8.4 9.1 9.4 8.4 8.1 8.6 8.6 9.5 9.2 10.1 9.8 9.6 0.58

4 weeks ,



8 weeks

Roinfoll, inches

Meon temp.


0.60 1.24 1.02 2.41

68 73 79 79 .. 81 81 79 82




10.6 10.0

12.5 12.5



10.6 10.4

11.9 11.9




... ... 10.9 10.9 0.32



9.6 9.5 0.75

Weather during Previous 2 Weeks _______

... 2.05 2.08 5.31 2.77 ... 2.73 5.72 0.83 6.47 ... ,



V O L . 6,

NO. 3 , M A R C H

1 9 5 8


.. 78 77 75 72



Table II. Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Clipping Frequency on Lignin Content of Coastal Bermuda Grass during a 24-Week Period, Summer, 1953 Clipping lntervols, Weeks

Nitrogen Per Acre, l b .




5; 10 95 1 0 . 95 9.65 9.95 10.65 10.43

2 3 4 6 6



Lignin Content

9.15 9.92 9 45 9.95 10.00 10.06 11.45 10 69 11 80 11.09 AV. 10.37 1 0 . 35 55,; LSD for clipping-frequency and nitrogen-level averages is 0.15 and for clipping frcquency X nitrogen interaction is 0.34.

Table 111. Clipping lntervols, Weeks

10.25 10.20 10.00 9.60 10.25 10.06



9.80 9.50 IO. 45 11.25 10.70 10.34

9.45 9 65 10.30 11.20 12.05 10.53

Effect of Clipping Frequency upon Digestibility of Coastal Bermuda Grass" Hay Fed to lambs Coefficienfs, % ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Digesfim _ Dry mstfer



Fa t



67.46 64 54 63 87 61.57 60.56

69.64 6'.81 6'.23 67 24 59.07

Coastal Bermuda Grass Hay 1 to 2 3 4 6 8

70.91 70.38 65.69 66.49 59.14

79.36 78.03 76.45 70.99 63 38

64 23 65.45 64.39 64.19 55.19

72.56 70.75 68.06 66.00 56.94

Annual Lespedeza Hay 61.91

57.08 45.69 59.22 6?,93 62,51 Bermuda grass fed represented all forage produced on plots fertilized Ivith 600 pounds of nitrogen per acre plus adequate phosphorus and potassium during a 24-xveek period in the summer of 1954. The 1- to 2-1veek forage was one third I-week-old and two thirds 2-rveekold grass. Annual lespedeza hay was included in this digrstion trial as a standard check. Q

intervals. These 26 treatments Lvere replicated five tines in a randomized block design. Plots 6 X 20 feet in siie were used in the study. T h e experiment was continued for a 24-iveek period each year in order to terminate all clipping treatments on the same date. T h e nitrogen source-ammonium nitrate-mixed lvith superphosphate and muriate of potash to make a 2 to 1 to 1 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus pentoxide, and potassium oxide was applied half in early spring and half after the 12-week clipping date. T h e 24-week clipping period was begun April 20, 1953, and April 12, 1954. Representative samples were collected and oven-dried from each clipping of each treatment from t\vo of the five replications in both years. These samples collected in 1953 were ground and analyzed for lignin content using the method of Davis and Miller ( 2 ) . These data are summarized in Tables I and 11. Forage for the digestion trial Lvith lambs was collected as follo\vs: Only plots receiving 600 pounds of nitrogen per acre were sampled because lower fertilization rates would not have produced sufficient forage for the test. -411 forage from the five plots of each clipping treatment were dried in a greenhouse and were stored until the end of the 1954 season. These were then combined so that one lot contained all 8-week-old ha) another all 6-14.eek-old hay, and another all 4-week-old hay-cut during the 24 week test period in 1354. As there was ~


onl>-one third enough \leek-old ha)- and t\vo thirds enough 2-\leek-old hay for a digestion trial, these two lots were combined in a 1 to 2 ratio to make the youngest lot studied. All grass \vas cut to ivithin 2 inches of the ground and very few heads had developed even in the 8iveek-old grass. Good qualit)- annual lespedeza hay \vas fed as a check in this investigation. T h e digestibility data prrsented in Table I11 were obtained as follows: T h e hays used in the digestion trial rvere individually ground through a 8-inch hammer-mill screen and stored in closed containers until used. During the course of the feeding test. small

Table IV. Clipping Intervals, Weeks

samples of the individual hays were taken to form the samples for analysis. Six )earling Hampshire x native crossbreed wethers weighing 115 to 120 pounds bvere fed in t\vo 3 X 3 Latin squares. Lambs of each 3 X 3 Latin square ere fed a n equal amount of hav. per u i t h the _ period . lowest-consuming lamb limiting the intake of the other two. Daily consumption \vas approximately 1.5 pounds (about a full maintenance ration), rvith the 6- and 8-iveek-cut hays being the most unpalatable, as determined by consumption. Hays were fed in boxes designed to reduce waste to a minimum. A simple mineral mixture and water \\ere kept before lambs a t all times. Chemical analyses of these hays are presented in Table IL'. Total fecal collections \\-ere made by use of a canvas collection bag and harness. Lambs had a 10-day preliminary feeding period lvith :-day collection and 8-day change-over periods. Total fecal material \vas dried in a forced-hot-air oven and ground. mixed, and sampled for analysis. Results T h e influence of season upon the lignin content of Coastal Bermuda grass is sho\vn in Table I. -4stud) of the 2rveek clipping data reveals that lignin content \vas usually lo\\-er during the middle of the summer. \vhen temperatures and groivth rates \cere higher. There is also evidence, pariicularly after July 1 to indicate that high rainfall resulted in loiver lignin. These relationships between lignin content of the grass and iveather did not hold, ho\\ever, \vhen the grass \vas cut a t 4- and 8-1veek periods. This lack of consistency in the data and the rather small seasonal differences in lignin content of the grass suggest that season ma); exert comparatively little influence upon the lignin content of Coastal Bermuda. If lignin content \\ere considered a n index of digestibility (3). Coastal Bermuda forage of equal age and fertilization ~

Effect of Clipping Frequency upon Chemical Composition of Coastal Bermuda Grass Hay" Fed to lambs ____ Dry matter

Crude protein

Average Comporifion, % Crude Fat fiber



22.22 25.00 25.21 25.75 27.00

42.11 43.32 45.62 50. 79 50.93

5.83 5.05 4.15 3.05 3.98




Coastal Bermuda Grass Hay 1 to 2 3 4 6 8

93.90 93.90 93.90 93.70 93 70

20.63 17.63 16.25 11.81 9.94

3.11 2.90 2.67 2 30




1.85 Annual Lespedeza Hay

Above analyses (conducted according to standard .I\O.I\C methods) of Bermuda hay fed to lambs in the digestibility trial summarized in Table I11 represent all forage produced on plots fertilized with 600 pounds of nitrogen per acre plus adequate phosphorus and potassium during a 24-week period in the summer of 1954. The 1- to 2-week forage was one third 1-week-old and two thirds 2-\veek-old grass. .I\nnual lespedeza hay was included in this digestion trial as a standard check.


Lvould be similar in digestibilit!., regardless of the season of the )-ear in which it \vas produced. There has been considerable research to prove that the digestibility of \\estern range grasses decreases \\-ith advance in season. Patton and Giesker ( J ) reported a n increase of lignin in Rlontana grasses from 5% in M a y to 18Yc in September. They sampled the entire season‘s growth, hovever. making the grass cut in September 4 months older than that cut in 51ay. Striking changes in ph>-siological development of the plants also occurred during their test period. Grass cut in hZay, for example. \vas described as “sno\v disappearance to flo\\-er stalks first in evidence!” Lvhereas that cut in September had “seedheads shattered.’ Thus, it is believed that seasonal differences in digestibility and lignin content prebiously observed have been largely the result of differences in age and stage 0.: development on the grass rather than a result of seasonal changes in temiierature and rainfall. T h e data in Table: I1 show a n interesting and highly significant interaction bet\veen clipping h q u e n c y and nitrogen level as they affect the lignin content of Coastal Bermuda grass. \\’hen the grass \vas clipped a t ’-\trek intervals, increasing ratcs of nitrogen decreased the lignin content of the forage harvested: but a t 6- and 8-1veek intervals. lignin tended to increasc \vith incrrasing increments of nitrogen. \Vhen fertilized with I00 pounds or less of nitrogen per acre, 8Lveek-old grass contained no more lignin than 2- and 3-\vt:ek-old grass. \\’hen fertilized a t the heavier rates. the lignin c o n ~ e n tof the grass increased noticeably tvitli its age.

A partial explanation for these results may be found in the effect of these treatments upon the leafiness of the forage harvested (5). ,4s Coastal Bermuda stems contain more lignin than the leaves (12.88 LT. 10.88% in 8-week-old grass), any treatment that \ \ o d d increase the stem percentage might also be expected to increase the lignin content. \Vhen the grass \vas clipped at 2-iveek intervals, leaf percentages did not changeranging from 84.1 to 83.47, Lvith nitrogen increases from 0 to 900 pounds per acre. Leaf percentages decreased from 64.8 to 49.1 with increased rates of nitrogen \\-hen the grass \vas cut a t 8-week intervals. \\’ith no nitrogen, leaf percentages dropped from 84.1 to 64.8y0 \\.ith increasing age: \1957. Published &ith the approral of the director of Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Sprier Paper .To. 52.


Cystine, Tyrosine, and Essential Amino Acid Content of Selected Foods of Plant and Animal Origin


RECEST Y E - ~ R S .emphasis has been placed on the evaluation of protein qualit).. rather than the total quantity of protein in foods. This is indeed a timely approach. as utilization of the amino acids. tvhich are constituents of protein. is dependent on all of the essential amino acids being present simultaneously and in proper proportions. \

Prt-sent address. Department of Home Economics, Agricultural and Technical College of Sorth Carolina, Greensboro, N. C. Present address. Winston-Salem State Teachers College, Winston-Salem. N. C.

Carver Foundation and School of Home Economics, Tuskegee Institute, Ala.

hlore information on the amino acid composition of foods commonly consumed is necessar). to evaluate these foods as sources of protein in the diet. This approach is also of value in practical nutrition education programs, \\-here it may be possible to recommend foods. individually, which may be lo\v in specific amino acids. but which supplement each other Ivhen eaten a t the same time. Thus. knolving the amino acid composition of ordinary foods in the diet. the nutritionist may be able to raise the ].eve1 of health and well being through assisting the population in specific areas to achieve a good state of protein nutri-

v 0 L.

tion without altering the basic dietary pa iter n. This work represents the second in a series of determinations of the moisture, ash. total nitrogen. and amino acid contents of selected foods. including grain. meat. milk, and vegetable products. Foods reported in the first investigation ( 3 ) \\’ere commonl) consumed in the southeastern section of the United States. Those reported herein are generally consumed throughout the country. Determinations of 10 essential and t\vo other important amino acids. cystine and tyrosine. are reported for 20 foods. N O . 3, M A R C H 1 9 5 8