Effect of overpotential on the electronic tunnel factor in diabatic

Effect of overpotential on the electronic tunnel factor in diabatic electrochemical processes. [Erratum to document cited in CA120:229707]. A. A. Korn...
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6664 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 26, 1994


1993, Volume 97 W. R. Kirk, W. S. Wessels, and F. G. hendergast' : LanthanideDependent Perturbations of Luminescence in Indolylethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid-Lanthanide Chelate Page 10328. The numbers under the column labeled 'BIB" in Table I of our paper were mistaken by us to be listed by Abragam and Bleaney' in units of A2. In fact they are in bohr2. Accordingly, the numbers we computed which are listed under the column labeled "e" of the same table are in error and should have the following values (in A-I): Sm, 9.62; Eu, 9.84; Tb, 10.3; Dy, 10.5; Ho, 10.7; Er, 10.9; Yb, 11.4. This also affects somewhat our values for the rates calculated for the through-space exchange mechanism, although in the direction of an even smaller contribution to the total energy transfer. Consequently, the error does not affect any of the principal conclusionsof our paper. The new corrected values for the rate of transfer from the through-space exchangemechanism are 6.4 X 106/a2 s-1 for Sm, 1.0 X 105/e2s-1 for Tb, and 6.3 X lOS/d s-1 for Dy. (1) Abragam, A,; Bleaney, B. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Zons; Oxford University: Oxford, 1970.

1994. Volume 98 A. A. Kornysbev, A. M. Kuznetsov, and J. Ulstrup': Effect of Overpotential on the Electronic Tunnel Factor in Diabetic Electrochemical Processes Page 3836. The caption for Figure 4A refers to Figure 4B and vice versa.

Additions and Corrections