Effective dipole moment changes as probe of guest-host interactions

138th Street, New York, New York 10031. Received: May 17, 1993; In Final Form: July 16, 1993®. Utilizing the technique of Stark hole-burning spectros...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1993,97, 9911-9980


Effective Dipole Moment Changes as Probe of Guest-Host Interactions in Amorphous Materials at Low Temperatures Abdullah Cavus and John R. Lombard? Department of Chemistry, The City College of the City University of New York, Convent Avenue at 138th Street, New York,New York 10031 Received: May 17, 1993; In Final Form: July 16, 1993'

Utilizing the technique of Stark hole-burning spectroscopy, we measure the effective dipole moment change in quinazirine (1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone) in various amorphous hosts at 4.2 K. The hosts include a glassy ethanol/methanol mixture as well as polymeric poly(methy1 methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(methacry1ic acid) (PMAA), and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA). The variations observed show a strong correlation with the hole width measured at zero laser fluence. The latter is a measure of the optical dephasing of the molecular excited state caused by interactions with the phonon-induced fluctuations in the host two-level system. We interpret the results to illustrate the sensitivity of the dipole moment change as a direct measure of the guest-host interactions in such systems.

I. Introduction In recent years there have been a number of experiments in which the interaction between an amorphoushost and dilute guest moleculeatlow temperatureshas been explored.' Studiesutilizing the technique of hole-burning spectroscopy have been of considerablevalueto this endeavor.213 For example, a series of careful studieskg have shown that the homogeneous line width (I'd, measured in the limit of zero laser fluence, is a sensitive measure of relaxation processes in the excited state. If T1 represents the population decay time of the excited state and T2 is the pure dephasing time correspondingto thermally induced fluctuations in the spectroscopic transition frequency, then the homogeneous line width can be written

rh= 1/(7rc)[1/2T1+ 1 / T 2 ] Extensive measurements of the dephasing time in varied hosts and at differing temperatureshave yielded a variety of information concerning the nature of the guest-host interaction. Unlike crystals, where low-temperature properties are dominated by phonon interactions, glasses arecharacterized by atoms or atomic groupings which can attain several nearly isoenergetic configurations or two-level systems (TLS). The absorption spectra of molecules embedded in disordered matrices are generally very broad due to site inhomogeneities. A given molecule has an absorption frequency which is quite sensitive to the arrangement of solvent molecules surrounding it. The most interesting results of such studies show that the optical dephasing (Tz) properties of impurities in amorphous solids are quite different from those in crystals. Namely, it is found that the dephasing times at low temperaturesare several ordersof magnitude shorterin amorphous matrices. Furthermore, the temperature dependenceof the hole width is found to be 'P, where the exponent n varies between 1 and 2. For a large number of systems, this parameter is near 1.3. These results have been the subject of a large number of theoretical studies (for a review see ref l), most of which involve phononassisted tunneling in the two-level system. If the density of twolevel system states varies as Eo3 and the impurity-twolevel system interactions are assumed to be dominated by dipole-dipoleterms, a T 1 . 3 dependence may be predicted. Huber et a1.10 have examined the nature of dipole-dipole interactions responsible for such a dependence and indicate that the strain field resulting from the orbit-lattice interaction is considerably larger than that expected from the dipole interaction with the two-level tunneling system. Abstract publiihcd in Advance ACS Abstracts, September 1, 1993.

If the interaction between the guest molecule and the two-level system of the host can indeed be described in terms of dipolar interactions, then it is likely that examinationof molecular dipole moments of the guest molecules in various hosts might also shed some light on this problem. For example, it has been noted that the dipole moment change lApl in chlorin varies between 0.25 D in poly(vinylbutyral)llJZand 0.4 D in poly(styrene).'3 Even more remarkable has been the observation of linear Stark effects in intrinsically nonpolar molecules, such as o~taethylporphyrin~"J5 perylene,'6J7 and (Zn)-tetrabenzoporphin.'* These electric field effects are also attributed to the influence of the two-level system fluctuations on the guest excitation. In this work, we present a systematic study of the effective dipole moment change in quinazirine (1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone)in a series of glassy and polymeric hosts. This molecule was chosen partly because of the vast difference between the effect of host structure on dipolar interaction observed in a nonpolar crystallg in comparison with polymersZoand glasses.21 This suggests that the guest-host interaction will bequite strongand easily measurable. Our results indicate a strong correlation between the effective dipole moment change and the zero-fluence hole width. We utilize the observed relationship to extract several parameters which we believe measure directly the distribution of dipole-dipole interactions between the two-level system and the guest molecule.

II. Previous Work in Quinazirine To determine the effect of hydrogen bonding on hole burning in this molecule, a systematic study of various substituted quinazirines was carried out by Tani et aLZ1 They concluded that simultaneousconformationalchanges of two OH groups are involved in hole burning in this molecule. Furthermore, it was confirmed that theconformationalchangewas most likely solventinduced conversion to the rotamer shown in Figure 1. This mechanism had previously been suggested by Drissler et a1.2* It is clear that the photochemical process could involve both intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Experimental results seem to support the idea that the intramolecular hydrogen bond is broken and an intermolecular hydrogen bond is formed in the prescence of a hydrogen acceptor (A) in the host structure.ZZJ3 Stable photoproducts are formed only when two hydrogen bonds in the 1- and 4-position are implicated in the photoreaction. Studies of quinazirinein non-hydrogen-bonding matrices, such as n-alkanes and methyltetrahydrofuran, show no photoinduced net proton transfer with detectable yield (>10-4/photon).23

0022-3 654/93/2091-9911S04.00/0 Q 1993 American Chemical Society

Cavus and Lombardi

9978 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 39, 1993 ,A H"


o... 'H


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0, H. "A

Figure 1. Suggested isomerization for quinazirine immersed in polar hosts. "A" represents an electron acceptor.

Similar effects were discussed in a review by Klopfer." Further experiments in 3-methylpentane strongly corroborate this model. Since 3-methylpentane cannot form hydrogen bonds, it is not suprising that no photochemical transformation occurs.2s Brienl, Freidrich, and Haarer26 studied the temperature dependence of the homogeneous line width in amorphous alcohol glasses from 0.4 to 4 K and showed that the line width obeyed the P (with n varying between 1.0 and 1.3) dependence. This was interpreted as indicating several mechanisms to be operative in this region, but that the two-level system dephasing is likely the dominant mechanism. Tani et a1.20 studied the line width as a function of polymer structure. They systematically varied the polarity of the host using poly(ethy1ene).poly(methacry1ic acid), and poly(ethy1ene-co-methacrylic acid) and found the hole width at 4.5 K to decrease from 1.4 to 0.05 cm-l as the polarity of the polymer decreases. This dramatic decrease of several orders of magnitude illustratesthe sensitivityof this moleculeto interactions with its surroundings. The authors interpret these results to be due to dipoledipole interactions. In this laboratory, we have previously studied the Stark effect in quinazirine in single crystal n-octane hosts.19 Hole burning was not observed, as expected for nonpolar hosts. This is consistent with the above interpretation of the hole burning mechanism in this molecule. However, in crystalline media the spectral lines of the S l S o (0-0) band are sufficiently sharp and narrow, and the fact that the transition is charge transfer in nature allows for a large spectral splitting on application of an external field. We determined 1Ap) = 1.64 f 0.03 D and were also able to infer direction cosines of the orientation of the molecular axes with respect to the crystal axes.

III. Experimental Section Stark hole burning experiments were carried out in a manner previously described.2' Briefly, spectra were obtained with a Molectronnitrogen laser (UV14)Aye laser (DL12) system. The total fluorescence was detected with a Hamamatsu R-818 photomultiplier. At a selected wavelength, the full laser power (20 mW/cm2) was utilized for a measured period of time for burning a hole in the spectrum. Then, with lO-3-lV of the burning power, the excitation spectrum obtained reveals a dip in intensity at the selected wavelength, of which the characteristics may be probed. The width may be measured and plotted against burning time. On extrapolation to zero burning time, we obtain a measure of the zero-fluence hole width at 4.2 K. The sample may be placed in an electric field by fashioning transparent electrodes from quartz plates coated with indium tin oxide (Metavac, Inc.), separated by a 1-mm-thick glass spacer. Laser excitation is brought in by a single fiber-optic cable and directed between the electrodes. Molecular fluorescence is collected through the transparent electrode by a fiber-optic bundle. Stark line widths may then be measured as a function of applied electric field. Quinazirine was obtained from the Aldrich Corp. and used without purification. The following hosts were utilized in the experiments: (1) ethanol/methanol(3/ 1 in volume ratio, EtOH/










Wavelength (nm)

Wavelength (nm)




Wavelength (nm)





Wavelength (nm)

Figure 2. Effect of an external electric field on the spectral hole profile of quinazirine at 4.2 K in (a) EtOH/MeOH and (b) PMAA. Hole depths are 10% of the total emission intensity.

MeOH); (2) poly(methy1 methacrylate) (PMMA); (3) poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA); and (4) poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA). For t,he polymers, the solution blend method was used and the solvent was allowed to evaporate on a flat glass plate to form a thin transparent film which could be cut to fit our Stark cell. The concentration of guest in the EtOH/ MeOH mixture was 10-s-106 M and in polymers was 10-3 mol/ kg.

IV. Results The effects of an applied electric field on the hole burned in the spectrum of quinazirine are shown in Figure 2. The host shown in Figure 2a is EtOH/MeOH; fields up to 60 kV/cm could be applied without electrical breakdown. In Figure 2b, we show typical Stark spectra of quinazirine in PMAA. From the broadened spectra, full widths at half-maxima (Av in cm-1) could be measured, and after subtracting out the zero-field width, the broadeningversus applied field is plotted. Typical plots areshown in Figure 3, where, in each graph, data are collected from several samples in separate experiments. Figure 3a shows results for quinazirine in EtOH/MeOH host while Figure 3b is for PMAA as host. A linear Stark effect is clearly indicated in both cases, and the effective dipole moment change may be determined (in debye) from the slope of the best fit straight line through the data after correction for the Lorentz approximation to the local field as follows: lApl = 59.6Av/(2EL) (2) where E is the applied field (in kV/cm) and L is the Lorentz correction due to the polarizability of the host structure. L is a function of the dielectric constant (c) of the media (L = (e 2)/3).


Effective Dipole Moment Change in Quinazirine

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 39, 1993 9919 1.5














Electric Field (kV/cm) (b)

Electric Field (kV/cm) Figure 3. Plot of the spectral hole broadening as a function of applied electricfield for quinazirineat 4.2 K in (a) EtOH/MeOH and (b) PMAA. Linear least-quares fit to data is indicated by a solid line.

TABLE I: Zero-Fluence Hole Widths (I'M) fpr Pli0tock"d Hole Burning in the Lowest Ophcal Transition in Quinazirine at 4.2 K, Effective and Induced Dipole Moment Changes (IApI and A w l , Respectively) in Various Hosts; t ReDraents the Die ectric Constant of the Host host rblc(cm-9 lA4 (D) I A m l (D) 2.0 1.64 0.03 n-octane e 0.5 0.1 PMMA 3.45' 4.0 0.25 0.38b 0.07 PHEMA 12.1 0.64' 0.30 0.02 0.15 PMAA 1.37d 0.1 1 0.01 0.34 EtOH/MeOH 26.6 a From ref 14. From ref 28. From ref 20. From ref 29. See text.

I ~~

* *

In the EtOH/MeOH host as well as in the polymeric PHEMA and PMAA, it was possible to burn observable holes in a relatively short period of time (in some cases, seconds). This is consistent with the interpretation of Tani et al. given in section I1 that the hole burning is photochemical in nature and involves a hydrogenbonding mechanism. The zero-fluence hole widths measured in these hosts thus represent the effects of photochemical burning. However, in PMMA, which does not involve hydrogen bonding, observable holes were much more difficult to burn, in our case. The resulting low signal-to-noiseratio made it impossibleto obtain a reliable value for the zero-fluence hole width. However, we wereable to measurean effectivedipole moment changealthough the signal-to-noise ratio was such that the data were of considerably lower quality. In Table I, we summarize the dipole moment data for quinazirine obtained in this work along with that mentioned from previous work in n-octane, as well as the dipole moment change in PHEMA obtained by Nishimura et a].** Since they did not report a hole width extrapolated to zero burning fluence, we report our own measurement of that parameter in Table I. Experimentally observed holes are convolutionsof burning and detection steps, and consequently I'holc = 2l3. Additional broadening due to the processes of spectral diffusion has been observed in some cases (see ref 1, pp 43-53). However, at short

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Dipole Moment Change (D) Figure 4. Plot of the dipole moment change in the first excited state of quinazirine as a function of zero-fluencc hole width obtained in several hosts at 4.2 K. The solid line represents a linear best fit to the observed data. The intercept on the abscissa is 0.45 D.


burning times this broadening is often negligible.k9 As a check, we measured zero-field hole width at the end of our experiments, and no broadening was observed due to spectral diffusion. The first thing we notice about the data is the large difference between the measured dipole moment change in the crystalline n-octane and in the amorphous hosts. This is attributable to the fact that n-octane is a nonpolar solvent; thus, we may take the measurement as the dipole moment change for the relatively undisturbed molecule. The rather large value of dipole moment change, too large for a ?F-?F* transition, has been attributed to the intramolecular charge-transfer nature of the optical transition.19 Apparently, immersion in a polar amorphous solvent drastically affects the molecule, most likely producing the rotamer suggested by Drissler et a1.*2 and Tani et al.*O This rotamer might be expected to have a very different electron distribution from the parent compound,possibly destroying the charge-transfer character of the transition. The much smaller dipole moment changes in the amorphous hosts are much more consistent with those normally associated with T-T* transitions. Thus, a large effect on dipole moment change is not so surprising. This effect cannot be attributed to hydrogen bonding alone since it is seen in PMMA in which hydrogen bonding is nonexistent. We must conclude that the polarity of the solvent causes isomerization. Among the polar amorphous hosts, there is still considerable variation of the effective dipole moment change. In Figure 4, we plot the effective dipole moment change against the hole width measured at zero laser fluence for the three hosts in which good values for the hole width could be obtained. (This procedure is only valid to the extent that the thermal exponent, n, does not deviate much from host to host in this study.) Note that the dependenceis nearly linear, and we may infer a strong correlation between the two parameters. We may thus conclude that the variation in dipole moment change is related to the dipolar interactions with the solvent two-level system. Measurements of the temperature dependence of the homogeneous line width for quinazirine in EtOH/MeOH mixtures in the limit of very low temperatures indicate that the line width is dominated by the dephasing time at 4.2 K.18 (Similar results have been obtained in other molecules by Renn et al.30 in which the ratio of homogeneous line width to the natural line width (TI) at 1.7 K is on the order of 1OOO:l.) Thus, if we extrapolate our results to the presumed limit of zero dephasing contribution (effectively I'h = 0), the dipole moment change obtained should represent the intrinsic dipole moment change in the limit in which interactions with the two-level system are minimal. The value for this parameter is ]Ah1 = 0.45 D. Presumably, this would be the value obtained in the limit of zero temperature. The deviations observed from this intrinsic dipole moment change may thus be interpreted as the result of the effects of dephasing on the intrinsic dipole moment change in the (isomerized) molecule.

C a w and Lombardi

9980 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 97, No. 39, 1993

Silbey and Kassner3*have published a valuable review of the various theories of homogeneous line widths in glasses, in wich they interpret the broadening of optical line widths as optical dephasing caused by interaction of the chromophore with the two-level system. Phonons cause transitions between the twolevel system states, which rates are modified by differences in the ground and excited guest states. The line widths are shown to be strongly dependent on the parameter 6, which is proportional to the difference in two-level system splittings when the guest is in each of two separate states. They state that 6 in turn is proportional to the strength of the dipolar coupling and goes as R - 5 (where R is the distance to the two-level system and s is determined by thedetailed natureof the interaction). We suggest that our observed correlation between effective dipole moment change between the two electronic states and the-zero-fluence hole widths for photochemical hole burning is clear evidence that such a mechanism is operative. One interpretation of the results is that there is a pure dephasing contribution to the measured dipole moment change. To account for the distribution of interactionsbetween the two-level systemsand the guest molecule, several authorsl2J4J* have postulated that the Stark line shape is modulated by a Gaussian distribution of effective dipole moments. Resulting line shape convolutions have been invoked to obtain an average value for the induced dipole moment change IApfiI as a measure of the magnitude of dipolar coupling. Meixner et al.l* indicate that the effective dipole moment change can be written IAPJ = ((APOI~ + IAPindI'


(3) where Cl is the angle between the induced dipole moment change and the intrinsic dipole moment change. It is intended that this be averaged over the assumed distribution of two-level systems. Note that our measurements show a decrease in effective dipole moment change with increasing guest-host interaction. This implies that the average value of cos Cl is negative. Rather than carrying out the extensive calculations required by such a model, we choose instead a crude measure of the magnitude of the induced dipole moment change, simply that cos Cl = -1, Le., that all interactions with the two-level system result in the same direction of decrease, which is antiparallel to the intrinsic dipole moment change. Note a similar result was obtained by Johnson and cow o r k e r ~for~ ~isobacteriochlorin where IAped = 1.2 D and IApi,dl = 0.4 D since in n-octane host19 [AMI = 1.64; this leads to a value of cos Q = -1. Although our results probably represent only an upper limit to the induced dipole moment change, they do provide a test of the magnitude of the effect as well as an indication of the trend as a function of host structure. These approximate values for IApindl are listed in the last column of Table I. As seen, these are of the same order of magnitude as those values obtained in other systems. Furthermore, notice that they scale as the dielectric constant, similar to an observation of Meixner et al.14 for octaethylporphyrin. More recently, Renge33 has pointed out a relationship between the Debye-Waller factors and matrix-induced part of the zerophonon line widths and dipole moment changes for a collection Q]'"

of numerous host-guest systems. However, the ability to draw quantitative conclusions was hampered by the difficulty in comparingresults from a wide range of sources of varyingquality. Renge's results in conjunction with ours are highly suggestive of mor systematic experiments which should be carried out.

Acknowledgment. The authors are indebted to Mr. Serdar Ozcelik and Ms. Michelle Wright for assistance in prepaiing samples and taking some data. We also appreciate the valuable help generously provided by Mr. Wei Zhang, Professor Larry Johnson, and Dr. A. A. Gorokhovskii. We also acknowledge financial assistance from the National Institutes of Health MBRS program (RR-08168) and the PSC-BHE award program of the City University of New York (66875). References and Notes (1) Moerner, W. E. Persistent Spectral Hole-Burning Science and

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